Were Poe Dameron and Finn meant to be together? Well, ever since the former complimented the ex-Stormtrooper (while biting his lip) during
Star Wars: The Force Awakens, fans have been adamant that there was something more to their friendship. That wasn't really touched on in
The Last Jedi, but it is something Oscar Isaac was hoping for in
The Rise of Skywalker.
"I think there could’ve been a very interesting, forward-thinking - not even forward-thinking, just, like, current-thinking - love story there, something that hadn’t quite been explored yet; particularly the dynamic between these two men in war that could’ve fallen in love with each other," he revealed during an interview with
IGN to promote the final chapter in the Skywalker Saga.
"I would try to push it a bit in that direction, but the Disney overlords were not ready to do that."
Looking at Isaac's face as he recalls this points to him being unhappy with the studio's decision, and it will be interesting as we move forward to find out exactly how much these actors enjoyed their time in a Galaxy Far, Far Away (it doesn't seem like much based on a lot of recent comments).
Were you disappointed that things remained platonic between Finn and Poe during
Episode IX?
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