Babylon 5 is an American science fiction television series created, produced and largely written by J. Michael Straczynski. The show centers on a space station named Babylon 5: a focal point for politics, diplomacy, and conflict during the years 2257–2262. With its prominent use of planned story arcs, the series was often described as a "novel for television" - wikipedia
Walter Koening: He told me that he is in negotiations to re-acquire the rights to Babylon 5 and it looks pretty good. Now what that portends I am not entirely sure. It could be a new series or it could be a feature film, but he was quite animated about it. He seemed very excited and Warner Brothers is dealing with him in good faith. So you might see another Babylon 5 in the not too distant future.
Koenig providing some ray of hope for all the
Babylon 5 fans. The show went off the air in 1998. There has been some disappointing spin-offs like the 2007 direct-to-DVD "Babylon 5: The Lost Tales." Straczynski put the kibosh on the "The Lost Tales" and has boasted several times that he'd bring the series back as a featured film.
Since those statements he has buried himself into comic book projects, graphic novels and other movie scripts. One such script was for this summer's
Thor. Which most of us in the community found rather good.
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