Comic book movies are popular. So popular, in fact, that they now impact how to view many more of the films that are released every year. Here are some examples of some films that can be interpreted in an entirely different light next to the comic book movie phenomenon.
Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace
Snake Eyes proves the only man capable of taking out Ra’s Al Ghul
(Yes, I know he also played Toad, but come on, that sounds way cooler!)
Jane Foster also appears, claims that Ra’s Al Ghul assumes too much.
In Good Company (2004)
General Hawk is distraught upon learning that the Black Widow is dating Venom.
Les Miserables (2012)
Jor El is a total jerk to Wolverine. He won’t even let him help Catwoman out.
American Hustle (2013)
Batman, Lois Lane, Mystique, and Rocket Racoon team up to take down a corrupted Hawkeye.
The Imitation Game (2014)
Doctor Strange and Ozymandias decrypt Nazi codes under pressure from Sinestro.
Jurassic World (2015)
Star Lord trains velociprators with Bishop, romances Gwen Stacy, and punches out Kingpin. Also: Kingpin eaten by a velociraptor.
(Tell me you wouldn’t pay to see that movie!!! And it's all Marvel characters, so that comic could TOTALLY happen!)
This sort of exercise serves to remind me just how many actors in Hollywood have taken part in superhero films. It’s practically half of them!
Know of any other humorous examples? Feel free to post them down below!!!