Take A Look At Some Of The Other Dinosaurs That Will Appear In JURASSIC WORLD
Besides the Indominus Rex and the Tyrannosaurus Rex, what other dinosaurs will appear in the Jurassic World film? The Jurassic World Viral site has released some HD images of these Dinos plus some descriptions. Hit the jump to check it out!
Triceratops is the largest of the horned dinosaurs. As babies, Triceratops hatch out of eggs about the size of a cantaloupe and have to grow into their horns. The short horn on its nose, long horns over its eyes, and solid frill are formidable defense against predators. But don’t worry, these “gentle giants” dine mostly on shoots and leaves.
At first glance, Gallimimus might look like a big ostrich with claws and a tail. These Cretaceous dinosaurs do share some similarities with their modern day cousins. Gallimimus can run at up to speeds of 30 mph but mostly they like to hang out in flocks and dine on the soft vegetation throughout Gallimimus Valley.
Apatosaurus is one of the largest animals to ever walk the Earth. An average adult is longer than two school buses parked bumper to bumper and weighs as much as four adult male African elephants.
Paleontologists have called Ankylosaurus a “living tank.” It’s easy to see why. This herbivorous dinosaur is well protected with spiky armor from the fused bones of its skull down to the rounded club at the end of its tail.
Stegosaurus is one of the most elaborately-ornamented dinosaurs. This Jurassic herbivore is decked with 17 broad bony plates from its neck down its back, with the tip of its tail bearing four long spikes. When threatened, Stegosaurus will turn its head back to look over its shoulder, to better aim the swing of its dangerous tail.
Mosasaurus once ruled the Cretaceous seas. An immense seagoing lizard—and not an actual dinosaur—Mosasaurus can use its fearsome array of teeth to catch fish, birds, and other marine reptiles—even great white sharks. In fact, Mosasaurus has a second set of teeth in its upper palate that ensures any prey sliding down its throat will not be able to escape.