Is This How Daisy Ridley's Character Will Look In STAR WARS: EPISODE VII?
Daisy Ridley is rumoured to be playing the daughter of Han Solo and Princess Leia in J.J. Abrams' currently shooting Star Wars flick, and after the jump we have a detailed description of her character's outfit from some official concept art.
Although we don't have the actual artwork to show you unfortunately, below are drawings done by Jason Ward from Making Star Wars, who has seen the official concept designs and provided the following sketches and description:
"I had trouble with the loose free-flowing scarf, so I didn’t depict it. She has a ton of detail and gadgets on the costume, so please forgive me for any ambiguities. The pants reminded me of Boba Fett’s pants (they’re not). The knee pads, chest and scarf are a dark blue. The pants are grey. Her arms are a white “bone” looking padding, tied off with brown straps. My sketch looks like she has a hat brim but that is supposed to be a transparent visor. It’s like a solid piece of glass or plastic and you can see her eyes through it. The stances below are nearly identical to the art I was shown.
I believe when we are introduced to the character, she has all the gear on. When she returns from finding what she finds, she is dressed in the “gear off” costume. I also have heard the concept art depicted are the costumes used in the film, but they’re a little less complex and busy in reality. It sounds like they needed to make them more practical for filming and movement, but that’s just a guess."
To me these sketches look like a combination of Luke's Dagobah/Cloud City garb from Empire Strikes Back, and the gear worn by the rebels on Endor in Return Of The Jedi. The Lightsaber she's holding would fit with the rumours we heard of her and John Boyega's character coming across Luke's Jedi Weapon and setting out to return it to him. Of course until we see the actual concept art in colour it's difficult to know exactly what to expect, but it's pretty cool to have such a detailed description nonetheless.