J.J. Abrams Hints At An Imperial Presence In STAR WARS: EPISODE VII
As he has done several times in the past, director J.J. Abrams has posted a note from a new Star Wars: Episode VII set location. The note itself is just some Apple Watch bollocks, but check out the reflection on the surface it's lying on!
Den den den dendeden den deden! J.J. Abrams is a big Apple products fan, and after last night's iPhone 6/watch announcement, he took to Twitter to show his appreciation with a little note. But obviously that's not the story, as it's very clear that the placement of said note is no coincidence:
I'm sure no Star Wars fan will fail to recognize that reflection..
So it would seem that Abrams and his crew have moved to shoot on an Imperial set of some kind. We already had a pretty good idea that the Empire would play a part in Episode VII (after all we've actually seen some of the new Stormtrooper designs for ourselves), but the lights reflected in that table are very similar to those seen on the Death Star(s) in earlier films -- so the question is, will we see a new one? It's not a given, as those displays could just as easily feature on a Star Destroyer or something, but it is worth considering. Hell, maybe we'll even get to see the canteen this time.