Mark Hamill Says He Was Moved By The STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS Trailer Reactions
Mark Hamill's Jedi Knight, Luke Skywalker, wasn't a part of the first teaser for J.J. Abrams' Star Wars: The Force Awakens, but the actor is no less excited by the enthusiasm it generated. Find out what he had to say about that & his young cast-mates after the jump.
For such a brief, relatively unrevealing teaser, our first look at Star Wars: The Force Awakens generated a serious amount of buzz. The 88-second trailer is fast approaching 100 million views, and it's been pretty much all anyone can talk about since it was released. One thing fans didn't get to see was the returning cast members from the original trilogy, but one of them (at least) is still very excited about how the teaser was much so that he actually got emotional when he saw a video of people's reactions to watching it. Here's what Mark Hamill had to say to IGN.
"Oh my gosh. You know, I’ll tell you, the most moving aspect of them releasing that trailer was watching a [video] of other people watching it. My daughter put it on for me. It was all these people watching the trailer. Sometimes you get sort of isolated and disconnected because I don’t really follow it as closely as, say, [my son] Nathan does, but to see those people that thrilled, it was moving to me. I actually got a lump in my throat watching that. To see so many people that happy was a thrill. And it’s hard to believe it’s a whole year away that we have to wait but I’m practicing my phrase, “You have to wait and see.” They asked me not to talk about it and I agreed but it’s hard. People want to know!"
They do indeed, but of course Hamill and the rest of the cast are sworn to secrecy. Speaking of the other actors involved, Hamill is quick to praise the new faces we did get to see in the trailer. "John Boyega is just wonderful and Daisy, I just think the world of and Adam Driver and Oscar Isaac and Andy Serkis. They’re just… Like I say, this is in very, very good hands." Be sure to click the link below for the interview in full.