After news broke this week that Disney had purchased LucasFilm and was planning to make
Star Wars: Episodes VII, VIII, and IV many fans assumed, or were just plain hopeful that the sequels would follow the path that Timothy Zahn's novels had taken. Since then most of the rumors about the sequels have stressed that the stories would original, not using anything from Zahn's "Thrawn Trilogy," nor Dark Horse's comic books. Today, EW was able to chat with the New York Times' best-selling author about the news and here is what he had to say.
“The books were always just the books. The original idea as I understood it— and Lucas changes his mind off and on, so it may not be what he’s thinking right now – but it was going to be three generations. You’d have the original trilogy, then go back to Luke’s father and find out what happened to him [in the prequels], and if there was another 7th, 8th, or 9th film, it would be Luke’s children. The Thrawn Trilogy really would have fit into the gap.”
“It could be an entirely new storyline, but if he picks and chooses bits and pieces from the expanded universe, we’d all be thrilled to death.”
Click Here To See What Zahn Had To Say About His Next Star Wars Novel