STAR WARS: Rey Movie Rumored To Introduce "A Lot Of New Young Adult Leads"

STAR WARS: Rey Movie Rumored To Introduce "A Lot Of New Young Adult Leads"

Lucasfilm's Rey-focused Star Wars movie is expected to commence production later this year, and a new rumor is claiming that the film will introduce several "young adult" leads...

By MarkCassidy - Jun 27, 2024 12:06 PM EST
Filed Under: Star Wars
Source: Via SFF Gazette

Official updates on Lucasfilm and director Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy's plans for the Rey-focused Star Wars movie have been few and far between since the project was first announced during last year's Celebration event, but rumors continue to swirl, and we now have word on when cameras are expected to start rolling.

According to insider Daniel Richtman, filming is currently scheduled to begin this September. Previous rumors have claimed that Lucasfilm is casting for actors to play Rey's two Jedi apprentices and the villain, and Richtman notes that the movie will feature "a lot of new young adult leads."

These could turn out to be the students of Rey's Jedi academy, but we've heard that the movie will also feature Dark-side Force-wielders, so perhaps someone else is training a new generation of Sith?

We had heard that the film was going to be titled "A New Beginning," and while this appeared to be debunked shortly after - the project has been referred to as "New Jedi Order" ever since - it seems the initial report may have been accurate after all.

According to Production List, the movie is currently titled Star Wars: Episode X – A New Beginning.

"The production of A New Beginning is set to be a monumental effort, aiming to capture the expansive universe that fans have come to love. Filming is scheduled to begin later this year, with pre-production activities already underway. The production will span multiple locations worldwide, utilizing a mix of real-world settings and advanced studio environments to bring the galaxy far, far away to life. Cutting-edge technology, including the latest in CGI and practical effects, will be employed to maintain the high visual standards of the franchise."

There is always a chance this is another working title, but with shooting scheduled to commence just a few months from now, we wouldn't be at all surprised if this turned out to be the final title.

Plot details are still under wraps, but we know that the film will be set a whole fifteen years after the events of The Rise of Skywalker, and that that Rey will be a "powerful Jedi master" when we catch up with her.

Ridley addressed her return as the powerful Force-wielder for the first time since Celebration during a 2023 interview with Collider.

"I was shitting myself before I went on stage, because no one knew I was going to that," she said of her surprise appearance at the Celebration panel. "No one knew I was going to Celebration, bar like Kathy [Kennedy] and there were a couple of people. I was so nervous. Oh my God. It was such a wonderful reception. I'm very excited. The story is really cool. I'm waiting to read a script because, obviously, I don't have any other updates. It's not what I expected, but I'm very excited."

Ridley remained tight-lipped about specific plot details, but she did reveal that she did appear to confirm that the movie will be the next big-screen Star Wars project to enter production.

"I know the storyline for one film. That's not to say that that's all it is, but that's what I was told about. And I imagine it will be the next film, I think. I mean, again, I don't know, post strikes and everything, how quickly everything will start up again. But yes, so far, I know the story of one film and I think people will be very excited."

Are you looking forward to Rey's return? What do you make of the rumored title? Drop us a comment down below.

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ItsNotForMeWahh - 6/27/2024, 12:11 PM
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Origame - 6/27/2024, 12:16 PM
Yes, keep the sith going and give rey the arc of building the jedi academy that was supposed to be Luke's. Truly nothing of the past of this franchise has been destroyed.
HermanM - 6/27/2024, 12:16 PM
Star Wars is dead
TheLight - 6/27/2024, 8:14 PM
@HermanM - Sadly since 2012.
HermanM - 6/27/2024, 8:26 PM
@TheLight - facts
AnthonyVonGeek - 6/27/2024, 12:17 PM
Disney is agist they kill off the older original cast for a new younger cast
Richard2022 - 6/27/2024, 1:20 PM
@AnthonyVonGeek -
Do you really want to see a 82 & 72 year old Han & Luke not to mention Carrie would have been 68 and she is dead. Bond reboots the character all the time,pretty sure SW is sturdy enough to introduce new cast members every 20 years or so.
AnthonyVonGeek - 6/27/2024, 2:27 PM
@Richard2022 - it would have been cool to keep them around as the older leaders who randomly pop up giving orders to Poe Finn and Rey ect. 🤷‍♂️
Th3Batman - 6/27/2024, 12:21 PM
I don't know why Disney is so afraid to move away from this part of the Star Wars canon. Why not jump ahead 200 years or something and give yourself a fresh start ? Everything in the ep1 to ep9 timeline has been explored to death already, why not move on and give us something new ?
EZBeast - 6/27/2024, 12:34 PM
@Th3Batman - that would require original ideas and disney doesn't specialize in that much anymore. Then the problem is will they implement good new original ideas people will enjoy?
Itwasme - 6/27/2024, 12:54 PM
@Th3Batman - agreed. I think it would be good for them to distance themselves from fan expectations. You can't ever satisfy headcannon and that's been a curse of Star Wars since Empire.
Th3Batman - 6/27/2024, 1:10 PM
@EZBeast - I think fans will just appreciate the fact that they will get something truly new. Modern Star Wars, like modern Dragon Ball, are both stuck in a specific period of time that's limiting creativity.
Th3Batman - 6/27/2024, 1:12 PM
@Itwasme - They're setting themselves up for failure by setting their stories in a known time period. This period and its characters have already been explored countless times, there's no reason to not move on and try something new.
EZBeast - 6/27/2024, 1:22 PM
@Th3Batman - I definitely agree and would actually br down for something totally original and unconnected to the classic Skywalker saga (and by extension the empire, sith, and rebels)
Richard2022 - 6/27/2024, 1:32 PM
@Itwasme -

But you do see the response of some people who still want the original cast. At this point you can’t meet everyone’s expectations. Do you want them to follow the original trilogy, the prequels, the sequels, the comic books, the cartoons, the novels… how is any movie going to be a big enough tent to accommodate all fans, especially in this toxic fan culture. And remember these movies are made for a huge general audience, they can’t exist catering to fan boys who follow canon like a cult and cry heresy at any deviation.
Itwasme - 6/27/2024, 1:45 PM
@Richard2022 - exactly. Don't get me wrong I am not a fan of that attitude at all, but it exists and so finding a new space to play in might be for the best. Then, when the fans ruin that, they can do another jump.
TheLight - 6/27/2024, 8:14 PM
@Th3Batman - Because Disney believes that if they brainwash people politely to like their content, people will buy into it because it's the House of Mouse.
valmic - 6/27/2024, 12:22 PM
What a mess. I was rooting for Rey up until that last movie. It felt like she and the filmmakers just checked out by that point. Making her a Skywalker at the end was so dumb and now theyre gonna double down on it.
bkmeijer1 - 6/27/2024, 5:55 PM
@valmic - they could turn it into an interesting arc with her struggling to live up to the name and expectations, but knowing the sequels there isn't gonna much of an arc
TheLight - 6/27/2024, 8:17 PM
@valmic - Adding further insult to that, they are giving her basically Luke's arc in the "Legends" canon where it's HE that begins a new and more successful Jedi order. Disney's ultimate F*CK YOU to both the Skywalker name and the fans.
TheVisionary25 - 6/27/2024, 12:23 PM
That makes sense considering we’ll likely see her training a new generation of Jedi but I also like the idea of someone abandoning the rule of 2 from the Sith and possibly training their own students in the way of the dark side aswell.

I remember there being a rumor that they were looking at Idris Elba for the villain which would be sweet!!.

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PaKent - 6/27/2024, 12:27 PM
We need more nonbinary young actors in Star Wars
S8R8M - 6/27/2024, 12:29 PM
The same with the superman movie.
I am going to keep calm and move along.
TheShellyMan - 6/27/2024, 12:37 PM
Finn was done dirty.
DocSpock - 6/27/2024, 2:18 PM
@TheShellyMan -

He was a terribly written character portrayed by an average at best actor. Nothing good was coming from that.

Itwasme - 6/27/2024, 12:52 PM
The Breakfast Club in Space.... lol

Looking forward to it. Build something new.
TheVisionary25 - 6/27/2024, 12:56 PM
@Itwasme - yeah , it’s completely uncharted territory which is exciting

Even something like The High Republic has a set destination which is The Phantom Menace
Super12 - 6/27/2024, 12:56 PM
This would've been fine if they had saved this for Ep X all along and used the ONCE IN A LIFETIME OPPORTUNITY to reunite Luke, Han, and Leia on screen and made them the focus of Ep 7-9 LIKE EVERYBODY WANTED. You could still have introduced Rey and built her up as the future of the franchise - totally fine. But to take everything away from Luke for no reason, and then expect us to be happy to see it given to someone else? GTFO.
DarthAlgar - 6/27/2024, 1:01 PM
Matchesz - 6/27/2024, 1:06 PM
Gen Z is officially in the workforce and out there in the wild
Ikusa - 6/27/2024, 3:40 PM
@Matchesz - Mother of God.
TheLight - 6/27/2024, 8:19 PM
@Matchesz - Good grief.
DarthNihilus - 6/27/2024, 1:17 PM
This will be the next ''The Marvels'' flop for Disney...

SheepishOne - 6/27/2024, 1:24 PM
How long before George Lucas is able to buy back the film rights to Star Wars for pennies on the dollar he paid?

Seems unlikely considering all Disney has produced, but it would just be the funniest thing.
thespiderkat - 6/27/2024, 2:15 PM
But are they going to be “the gayest ever young adult leads in Star Wars “?
BobbyDrake - 6/27/2024, 2:19 PM
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TheLight - 6/27/2024, 8:22 PM
@BobbyDrake - Either him or Graham Hamilton would be awesome to see as Luke.
ModHaterSLADE - 6/27/2024, 2:20 PM
Just hope they're given remotely decent writing.
jumpingtheshark - 6/27/2024, 2:26 PM
Just die already.
Order66 - 6/27/2024, 2:33 PM
I want an Endgame portal type scene in this movie where Rey is fighting the big bad and she needs help and her entire Jedi Academy are behind her ready to help her out and they all ignite lightsabers at the same time and then rush at the villain(s).
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