STAR WARS: Samuel L. Jackson Shares Hopes To Return As Mace Windu In THE MANDALORIAN

STAR WARS: Samuel L. Jackson Shares Hopes To Return As Mace Windu In THE MANDALORIAN STAR WARS: Samuel L. Jackson Shares Hopes To Return As Mace Windu In THE MANDALORIAN

Mace Windu's story appeared to reach its end in Revenge of the Sith, but Samuel L. Jackson has asked director Bryce Dallas Howard to bring the Jedi Master back in a future episode of The Mandalorian...

By JoshWilding - Mar 17, 2022 06:03 AM EST
Filed Under: Star Wars

Legendary actor Samuel L. Jackson has never shied away from making his interest in reprising the role of Mace Windu known. He first played the Jedi Master in 1999's The Phantom Menace, though the hero later met his maker at the hands of Darth Sidious (and Anakin Skywalker, to a lesser extent) in Revenge of the Sith...or did he?

Fans have continued to speculate that he could have found a way to survive that fall. Given the ability of Jedi, it's certainly not outside the realm of possibility that an injured Windu recovered from having his hand cut off, being blasted by Force Lightning, and the subsequent fall. Okay, so it's a lot, but if Emperor Palpatine survived Return of the Jedi, there's definitely hope for the Windu. 

Jackson certainly seems to think so, anyway, as he revealed during a recent interview that he's asked The Mandalorian director Bryce Dallas Howard to include his character in the Disney+ series.

"There's a huge history of people with one hand returning in Star Wars," Jackson says in the video below. "The only person I've ever said that to about coming back was Bryce Dallas Howard, 'cause I just did a movie with her. And she directs episodes of The Mandalorian, so, 'You think you might be able to hook a brother up? I mean you like me, right?'"

"She's like, 'I love you, you’re amazing!' So, 'Put me back in there. Put me in coach, I’m ready!'" he continued. "You know, I'll learn to lightsaber left-handed. Come on, hook me up."

There are still plenty of stories that could be told with Windu. He was among the Jedi Masters who couldn't see past their own arrogance during the prequel trilogy, and his actions definitely played a part in Anakin's fall to the Dark Side. With that in mind, a redemption arc has heaps of potential...

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KWilly - 3/17/2022, 6:34 AM
I'm not even into Star Wars, and even I think this would be a dope return lol
Mugens - 3/17/2022, 6:38 AM
Way to put the guilt pressure on Bryce Sam. lol...
Origame - 3/17/2022, 6:50 AM
Ok, look. Rise of Skywalker was awful and bringing back Palpatine is completely idiotic. But by this point it's clear he did die in return of the jedi and was brought back with a clone body (thanks to extended media of course).

On top of that, retconning windu offers the same kind of problems as bringing back Palpatine. Whereas bringing back Palpatine undermined anakins sacrifice, having a jedi of windu's level could potentially undermine Luke's role in the series, being the only one with the force sensitivity to face them both. This by extention also renders the entire original trilogy pointless.

Star wars was always struggling when they established there were jedi that survived order 66 but none of those jedi were established on the same level as either Vader or Palpatine. Windu beat Palpatine, and probably could've killed him had anakin not backstabbed him.

What's wrong with just making a revenge of the sith prequel project?
Nightwing1015 - 3/18/2022, 12:03 PM
@Origame - They could bring him back to do some stories and then kill him before Luke is 19??
bobevanz - 3/17/2022, 6:50 AM
Give him his own show, don't act like he's survived since ROTS he'd be like 80. It has to pick up right after Palpy and Anakin. Don't fast forward just to show flashbacks
The1st - 3/17/2022, 8:49 AM
@bobevanz - Well I mean Sam is like 80.
RegularPoochie - 3/19/2022, 6:41 AM
@The1st - don't mind him, he's always just yapping some bs out of his ass when he doesn't even have a clue what he's talking about.
bkmeijer2 - 3/17/2022, 6:59 AM
Mace is one the few characters I don't wanna see brought back. Unless it's for something set very shortly after Revenge of the Sith where Vader tracks down Windu to finish the job, after he finds out Windu survived the fall. Nothing long-term though
WowMuchComicBoo - 3/17/2022, 7:12 AM
Bring him back as a villain. Someone who is so scarred and brutal. Mace warned everyone about Anakin I believe this would have made him bitter andNd drawn down a dark path.
WowMuchComicBoo - 3/17/2022, 7:14 AM
And if they did I think it would work better in Ahsoka. Someone she crosses paths with who is broken and almost sinister. Maybe she can bring him to her side and give him a heroic definitive death.
Fogs - 3/17/2022, 7:25 AM
"Nobody is really ever gone"

DudeGuy - 3/17/2022, 7:38 AM
At that point why even take any Jedi who died during Order 66 seriously? Maybe they all survived. Leave it alone Sammy.
tb86 - 3/17/2022, 7:47 AM
I don’t think they should bring him back in The Mandalorian. Have him come back in The Book of Boba Fett (if there is gonna be a second season but no news yet), Ahsoka or The Bad Batch. Also while I would like to see an older Sam Jackson reprise his role I’m kinda mixed about that because a lot of deceased Star Wars characters seem to either be coming back from the dead or have shown to cheat death - Darth Maul, Boba Fett, Emperor Palpatine. It seems to be happening a lot and while there are some characters I would like to see get second chances e.g. Captain Phasma I am wondering if people are getting as tired of this as seeing Tatooine.
Arthorious - 3/17/2022, 8:03 AM
I like Mace and after Genndys animated version of him, I really liked him, but this too much. If they bring him back I’m going to assume that the dbz universe is established in Star Wars because some dragon is bringing back these deceased characters
MrDandy - 3/17/2022, 8:21 AM
Some dead characters need to stay dead.
Mansuper - 3/17/2022, 8:26 AM
Do it. Do it. Do it. Do it. Do it. Do it.
Vigor - 3/17/2022, 8:32 AM
This could work if we get an old grizzled WIndu stuck in the past. Who due to his old beliefs actually is put at odds with the mandalorian. Lets say he sees grogu as potentially bad for the world (senses Palpatine connections?) And tries to kill grogu with his one armed purple lightsaber self. Even as a brief action packed tragic mid season villain, it could be cool. Gives the mandalorian someone to fight against with the dark Saber. Someone who is disadvantaged due to not having his dominant hand. But still a huge threat because he's a jedi.

Boo.. Great season 4 idea there. Go
CinemaJackXCI - 3/17/2022, 8:33 AM
Maybe as a force ghost lol
DipperPines - 3/17/2022, 8:36 AM
Bad batch, something set after rots in the rise of the empire era, or even Obi Wan Kenobi season 2 would make more sense. Seeing Vader and him fight would be something.
Winston19 - 3/17/2022, 8:39 AM
I’m not familiar with all the cannon but didn’t Darth Sidious kill him?
Vigor - 3/17/2022, 8:56 AM
@Winston19 - his body wasn't shown
TheManWithoutFear - 3/17/2022, 8:46 AM
I love his attitude. This is the way to be successful.
Vigor - 3/17/2022, 8:56 AM
@TheManWithoutFear - right on
hazapez - 3/17/2022, 8:57 AM
"I mean you like me, right?" lol, i appreciate how he still does these movies for us.
slickrickdesigns - 3/17/2022, 9:03 AM
Bringing back Mace Windu would be awesome. Been waiting for that ever since Boba Fett was announced to be in the Mandolorian.
dragon316 - 3/17/2022, 9:08 AM
That’s fantastic mace was favorite Jedi in series they don’t explain his return it be pointless and bad
grif - 3/17/2022, 9:39 AM
it would just be something fun to do for him. he does not need work or money.

that being said. it will just be more force wielding and light sabers on the show that it does not need. but go ahead. im done with this and boba fett.
Fogs - 3/18/2022, 4:09 PM
@grif - YES.

They need to carefully balance the astonish Force/sabers in SW. Mando S1 was perfect, S2 almost. That says something.
WackyBantha - 3/17/2022, 9:56 AM
If Mace survived the fall, he probably would have gotten a mechanical hand replacement.

If he was alive during the OT, I assume he didn't participate for a similar reason for Ahsoka sitting it out as well.

Mace could easily be in Obi-Wan or Andor series in flashback or otherwise (if he did indeed survive his apparent death). It may be less likely in post-OT shows like Mando s3, Boba s2, Ahsoka s1... unless it is all in flashbacks.
McMurdo - 3/17/2022, 10:37 AM
do it
TheSuperMex - 3/17/2022, 10:47 AM
Please don’t bring him back. We have all these Jedi that were around Return of the Jedi now. Why didn’t they help Luke? Luke is supposed to be last one. All of this is just taking a shit on the original trilogy and Luke’s legacy.
theFUZZ008 - 3/17/2022, 11:54 AM

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