STAR WARS CCO Dave Filoni Talks AHSOKA Season 2, His Planned Movie, And A Possible R-Rated Feature

STAR WARS CCO Dave Filoni Talks AHSOKA Season 2, His Planned Movie, And A Possible R-Rated Feature

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STAR WARS: EPISODE X - A NEW BEGINNING May Be The Title Of Rey-Focused Movie After All

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Blergh - 12/14/2020, 4:13 AM
Looks really interesting.
However like with everything from the Disney era I'll remain skeptical until I see the full project. So far I only enjoyed The Mandalorian, Rogue One and Episode 7 out of the new era while most of their other projects fell flat (in my opinion).
Granted, Solo was fun but not so much fun I'd forget it's flaws.

Hoping for the best though, the KotoR games are my favourite piece of SW lore
DevilsDreams - 12/14/2020, 7:03 AM
@Blergh - I know what you mean, my hope is that they are going to allow people who actually seem to be fans and understand the source material (i.e. Favreau) to take the lead on some of this, maybe even putting them into a position to oversee the lager picture of what's being produced.

I don't want to see directors hands tied, but the formula for the MCU with Feige overseeing the overall direction and plan for the universe helped keep things on track rather than just leaving individual directors to go at it without any guidence.
InfinitePunches - 12/14/2020, 4:14 AM
They got some of my favorite Star Wars writers to come together to breathe new life into the franchise. Claudia Gray and Charles Soule especially have made some of the best books and comics in canon. New villains. Different dynamic. I honestly think the High Republic stuff is going to be amazing.
patgreyc - 12/14/2020, 4:48 AM
@InfinitePunches - Have to disagree, I’ve found most of their Star Wars work boring and derivative. I’m not 100% sure if it’s because of the confines Disney established, but having them attached is not piquing my interest.
InfinitePunches - 12/14/2020, 5:01 AM
@patgreyc - Did you not like Master and Apprentice? Rael Aveross is probably one of my favorite new-Canon characters.
patgreyc - 12/14/2020, 12:18 PM
@InfinitePunches - Not really. Maybe it’s because I’ve consumed too much Star Wars media over the years.
Nightwing1015 - 12/14/2020, 4:34 AM
It occurred to me recently that the Jedi Order itself probably wouldn't be very large if anything like that really existed.

I can't imagine that so many parents would be willing to just hand their children over to these random monks that show up and never see them again. In reality that'd be most parents worst nightmare.

I guess the only situation where that would happen is it the kid could't control their powers and was somewhat dangerous. But still, I'd imagine even then most parents would never send them away forever. What's in it for them??
Dredd97 - 12/14/2020, 9:45 AM
Seeing this made me sad that we'll probably never see a Satellite era JLA movie...
bkmeijer2 - 12/14/2020, 12:00 PM
I haven't really read into the whole High Republic stuff yet, but isn't the Starlight Beacon going to be the central point of the story? Also, those new ships look sweet
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