Talkbacker are citing several "trusted sources" that have confirmed to them that one POSSIBLE title for the new
Star Wars movie could be:
Star Wars Episode VII: A New Dawn.
There are obvious parallels with "A New Hope", but after those much maligned prequel subtitles, it's not hard to believe that Disney and co. would go for something a bit simpler this time. Also, one of their sources confirms that Han Solo's infamous space-freighter The Millennium Falcon will be back, and that Tatooine will be featured in the story too.
“… yes the falcon will make a big appearance, 1.1 scale size cross section is being constructed over at Pinewood, along with a power plant set and the famous cantina.” We aren't familiar with TalkBacker, but a couple of sites we do know and trust have run with this and seem to think it might be on the level, so we're running it as a rumor only. If "A New Dawn" does turn out to be the title though, how would that go down with you guys?