Recently, there were rumors surrounding Spider-Mans film rights that were shot down by Sony themselves. Now weather your a comic nerd over there in a corner drooling over the prospects of Spider-Man exchanging quips with Tony Stark, like me, or if your dream Spidey remains a solo act for now, most can agree that Marvel characters belong home at Marvel Studios. But in an imperfect world that we live in, we don't always get what we want. Now that we can rule out Peter Parker's appearance in Avengers 2, we are still left to wonder, will his complicated rights issues prevent him from showing up in other forms of media, namely Marvel's Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D?

The rights to motion picture films based on Spider-Man were purchased in 1985 and moved through various production companies and studios before being secured by Sony Pictures Entertainment. As we know Sony released the first trilogy with director Sam Raimi at the helm, and Tobey Maguire playing the title character. We are all familiar with the movies, but what is interesting, is that Marvel actually has the television rights to, ALL their characters. I guess technically then, Wolverine and Spider-Man could appear in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Of course though, Marvel would have to recast the characters as Fox/Sony do own the rights to the characters from their movies, but it is possible. However, it could potentially be dangerous. First off, what really would Marvel have to gain?
Marvel clearly isn’t ready to make a Spider-Man or X-Men TV series, and by adding them into Marvels S.H.I.E.L.D, and bringing them into the Marvel movie-verse as minor characters, they’d only be limiting their later options for their movies. Remember, they can get the rights back eventually. You cast Peter Parker, have something happen to him, have him meet Agent Coulson, then it’s pretty much is canon for the Movie-verse, and may very well be something that contradicts what Marvel would later want to do in their own actual Spider-Man movie, if they ever get a chance.
So, what do you think? Would you rather see Spiderman recast for a television role? Or wait and see what Marvel could do given the movie rights? Leave your answers and comments bellow and thanks for reading.