What was your reaction when the ideal of the cancellation of a 'Sinister Six' film came in light of the preponderant waterpool of one's rumors? Compare it towards the recent announcement of stealing the Amazing Spider-Man 3's release date in order to unveil a Sinister Six film and you can see a vast comparison of one's perspective in the future of Sony's Spider-Man franchise. Many may perceive the notion of a 'Sinister Six' film as a totally unnecessary prospect that should not be delved to begin with, but what if there are a variety of reasons in which rebukes that a 'Sinister Six' film may mold a universe with more quality than the sheer calamity that was the Amazng Spider-Man 2 (in respect towards those whom enjoyed the film). What if the 'Sinister Six' may not only expand the universe Sony is so desperate to conceive, but an ideal in which can SAVE the Spider-Man Franchise? If this editorial has caught your attention - or if it has made you nod in dismay and compel your very worst of abundant outbursts - then perhaps it will convince you that the Sinister Six film may not be as much of a sinister idea to begin with.

"There are villains by virtue of choices that people make but they always begin as humans, as characters. As flawed people; as tragic people. You know great movies have been made about a bunch of bad guys who get together to do something."
-Matthew Tolmach
I concur with the sentiment that Spider-Man has transcended into Marvel's very own 'Batman' conveyance in according to film, but it is agreed with all fanatics of Raimi's Spider-Man Trilogy and Marc Webb's 'Amazing' Franchise that each one has constituted a barrier in which perceives Spider-Man fatigue that has deprived Spider-Man from the phenomena it rightfully deserves. While 'The Amazing Spider-Man' has wielded an ignition of hope in order to break the barrier and its sequel alas has re-constituted the barrier again, the Sinister Six film may diminish these barriers in which has propelled the Spider-Man franchise into the sheer example of intriguing a 'quantity over quality' ideology. And by establishing a film in which stars the character's VILLAINS instead of the character himself, it can give us a nice break from the Spider-Man character while - at the same time - expanding a universe through the presentation of a decent story.
So, how can a franchise in which revolves around the inclusion of the Spider-Man character render itself as an omnipotent dominion without the Spider-Man character making any appearances in that film?
Well, about twenty years ago, there was this film called 'THE RESERVOIR DOGS'. Basically, the film has depicted a bundle of naive sycophants in which its primary intent was to escape from the clutches of being discovered by the police after executing a heist upon the commonwealth of a common bank composed of common people. Such notion would automatically be viewed as a brash immoral sense of one's lust for money and power, but the story has not portrayed these scoundrels as a group of imbeciles in which exudes malevolence, but the story has instead portrayed them as normal human beings. I am not suggesting to transcend the Sinister Six towards a deep, emotional film in which concedes redemption as the primary intent of these characters, but better yet, this film can be the very first comic book film to portray a film in which introduces the story in the perspective of the antagonist instead of the hero himself. If the Sinister Six film is utilized properly, THIS is the method they can go by in order to indulge a critical and commercial success.
Rehash the formula of the cliche 'good guy vs. bad guy' ordeal in a comic book movie, and instead show the audience the reason WHY they are committing such contrivances before the public in a pulp manner. Not the vague excuse of bringing down the protagonist because they're perception of life is indeed the 'correct' perception, but perhaps convey the NECESSITY of them reigning anarchy towards the omnipotence of one's society because that is how sane people remain sane and differentiates them from those whom are INSANE, but alas, each one of them are just as insane as the other since the causes of the antagonists are the same for the causes of society itself and that is the will to survive for the sake of one's purpose of existence. Through a decent balance of storytelling and characterization, this proposition can be carried effectively in which also wields another issue in crafting a 'Sinister Six' film ...

Two villains have been introduced towards the Spider-Man Franchise discounting Electro (Goblin, Rhino), another two have been teased (Doctor Octopus, Vulture), and there are yet two more to introduce towards this universe before the Sinister Six could call themselves the 'Sinister Six'. So, if two antagonists are in the vein of concluding an introductory in which induces them to become a member of the Sinister Six, how are these characters going to come about? What is the tone of the film going to be set? How many characters are to be unveiled?
“I had to talk to Drew Goddard and make sure these things were going to be played out in the future universe. There are some very specific plans, for example, for [Doc] Ock and for Vulture. Or the man in the hat at the end of the first movie. All those things emerge with varying degrees of emphasis."
-Marc Webb
From the lectures in which Sony needs to partake as a hindrance in which needs not to be re(re)-visited once more, it is prominent that this role balances the characteristics each member of the Sinister Six eclipses instead of prioritizing the expansion of a universe.
In short, let the story be the mere road map towards prosperity when constructing a cinematic universe.
And what will the story be compromised if the film is to star antagonists instead of protagonists as it always has remained since the genesis of the cinematic comic book lore?

Despite corroborated reports that a central figure has risen to claim greater control over the Russian organized crime families, the NYPD continues to deny the existence of the lazily nicknamed "Big Man." (Was "Scary Crime Boss" already taken?) Can't we come up with a more pointedly clever nickname for this hard-nosed criminal?
In the four months since the terrorist attack on OsCorp Tower, violent crime is way up. Everyone's afraid of everyone. The nuns are wearing bulletproof habits. Cabbies are afraid to HONK. Hot dog vendors are staying INSIDE their carts. I even overheard someone use the word SORRY.
Is this climate of fear a result of the NYPD shifting its focus towards the potential threat of super-human activity?
I don't know about you, but Spider-Man doesn't scare me. Nothing in red spandex scares me. It's time for the mayor's office to address the real question at hand: Which is a bigger police priority - organized crime or super-humans?
A source who requested anonymity said, "They just want to do real police work, not chase after unicorns, wall-crawlers and giant mutated reptile-men."
-Daily Bugle Viral
In a city where crime hides at day and blooms at night, a fascade of eloquence is conveyed by the sheer preponderance of an endless civil war among two criminal empires: The Big Man's 'Enforcers' and Silvermane/Hammerhead's 'The Maggio'. A bloodbath has been conceived by the ideology of deeming New York as a sovereignity in which deserves to transcend beneath the scourge of ONE criminal empire. A stalemate has been attained for two years, but that is until Tombstone murders Silvermane in order to merge the Maggio with the Big Man's Enforcers in order to perceive a higher-ranking official of a young, hungry, and ascendant criminal empire and abandon an empire that is of the decrepit. Everyone has thought of the Gang War as a diminished cataclysm ... that is until the ascendance of the of a gang organization in which titles itself as the 'Goblin Gang.'
Now that another empire has risen, the Gang War has emerged from a hiatus, and resumed from the reticence of amnesia ... towards the incessant culpability of the austere streets of New York.
Traitors are killed. Technology is stolen. Plans are sold. Politicians are bribed. The media transcends into a beguile source of mendacity (enter J. Jonah Jameson and the Daily Bugle). Banks are a criminal's syndicate. Both empires hire/duresses common sycophants in order to escalate the war towards something bigger (enter Dock Ock, Vulture, Shocker, Shriek, etc.).
The Goblin Gang
Led by Harry Osbourne - as many of the company's top-ranked operatives would recognize - unveils a personal vendetta against anyone who dares render his use of authority as an egocentrical fantasy while the 'Gentleman' serves as his secretive right-hand man. Conducting to indulge the underworld business by selling (read: forging) the green formula at such a high price among empires, a wealthy profit is attained. Such profit - along with the shares invested in OsCorp - manifests into an investment of a vast library of illegal drugs and hired mercenaries. Customers of the Goblin Gang's green formula discovers the liquid as a hoax and declares war against them.
Key Members Are Consisted Of:
Rhyno: Former member of the Maggio. Approached by the Gentleman when asked to wreak havoc among New York City and become a volunteer of an experiment in constructing a metallic body armor when imprisoned.
Doctor Octopus: Former scientist of OsCorp. Was approaced by Rhyno to conduct an estabishment of technological gadgets, including the creation of a machine that eclipses the resemblance of an octopuses' tentacles. Since the Gentleman did not want to afford losing any more money, he has assigned Doctor Otto Octavius to present himself as the mere volunteer of experimenting the new subsidized weaponry.
Vulture: Former scientist of OsCorp. Worked side by side with Doctor Otto Octavius as the Chief Director of Weapons Manufacter. Was approaced by Rhyno to conduct an estabishment of technological gadgets, including the creation of a machine in which grants flight and combat towards an average soldier.
Black Cat: Naive cat burglar in which assisted the Goblin Gang in retrieving intelligience from the opposing empire after leaving OsCorp for reasons unknown as Felicia Hardy. Constantly changes identification.
The Enforcers
Led by the Big Man/Hammerhead. Arisen into the landscape of the criminal underworld when the Age of the Maggio has glistened over the malevolent syndicates of New York City. War has been conceived by the two, but was exalted into an abrupt halt when former Maggio member Hammerhead has murdered Silvermane and merged the Maggio criminal empire into the Big Man's Enforcers. The Gang War was thought of over until the Goblin Gang has emerged and has posed a vile threat towards the dominion of the Enforcers'.
Key Members Are Consisted Of:
Chameleon: Bounty Hunter. Half-brother and close companion of Kraven. Extended bounty hunting business towards Hammerhead at a local cantina in order to attain a customer in which is intrigued to diminish of any opponents that is against the Enforcers. Was informed there were three metahumans he wanted dead, regressed his services, but Kraven has accepted the offer in order to become the 'greatest hunter in the world'. Sardonically teases that the tables will one day turn and that he (the Hammerhead) will become the bounty eventually. Has the ability to manifest into any character desired a la Ethan Hunt (Mission Impossible Style)
Kraven: Bounty Hunter. Half-brother and close companion of the Chameleon. Hunter in which is obsessed over the game of hunting. Provides super strength, super agility, etc. by the consumption of a mere natural potion. Was given orders to diminish any metahumans in which pertained towards the Goblin Gang.
Shocker: Poor immigrant with a family in desperation for money. Hammerhead agrees to pay ten thousand dollars towards the poor immigrant if he agrees to volunteer towards an experiment in which is consisted of a suit that propels sonic booms and shock waves in order to retaliate against any superficial force.
Shriek: Drug addict in which inhales and exhales desperation. Primarily plotted a bank robbery in which was a near success, but was shot in the head by a policeman thus inducing her into a comma. Was broken out of jail from an enigmatic entity. Was approached by Hammerhead couple of days later, guaranteeing her memory back and a swarm of cash. Agreed, was dosed with the formula green. Transcended into the insane character known as Shriek.

And alas, the conclusion is going to resolute with one of the criminal empires rising above and embarking the other into a cesspool of relinquishment thus electing the surviving antagonists into the 'Sinister Six' referendum. The propositon of the story may not be the best, but it is a vague essense in which conveys the potential of the Sinister Six film. If there are any regards towards the topic at hand, whether it is a concur or a strong disagreement - please unleash all the exuberances/turbulences towards the comment section since I believe that an argumentive perspective is an interesting aspect rather than a burden among those who (dis)agree with the sentiments I unveil before you all today. Thank you all.