Venom is the most popular Spider-Man villain of all time, no question. When fans heard that the iconic supervillain/anti-hero was gonna be in Spider-Man 3, all the fans including me and my dad (My dad's favorite supervillain of all time is Venom) we were all excited to finally see arguablly Spider-Man's biggest foil on the big screen. The question was who and how would he be portrayed.
The decision: The dvd never made it clear on who wanted Venom in the film, they just explained how the decided on bringing him in. But Sam Raimi even stated that he DID NOT WANT Venom in the film, he wasn't familiar with the character and was not really a fan of him. Avi Arad has stated that he brought it up to Sam also because of his (Venom's) fanbase.
Actor: This is where alot of complaints are gonna be, Topher Grace. Topher Grace is a damn good actor (In Good Company and Predators to name a couple) but yes it was an odd choice to cast him as Eddie Brock/Venom in the film. As Eddie Brock he was what the character was spiritually, the complete opposite of Peter Parker. Now alot of people are gonna say "He was a bodybuilder, not some skinny ass!!" Yes, we all know that Eddie Brock in the comics is fricking ripped. But with a character like Venom, it's easy to get away with not picking a ripped actor to play him. I feel the suit (in the movie) gained alot of power from Peter but multiplied it by 10 once seperated and on Eddie Brock and that's how Eddie would've been stronger than Peter. People need to accept that it's not gonna be EXACTLY like the comics. There are gonna be some changes, yes Venom was rushed in but Topher Grace did what he could with how the character was written and as Eddie Brock I think he did one of his better performances, and as Venom he played very well a very sinister villain. Other than him not being ripped, they didn't really change much to the character.

Overall I am tired of hearing people complain about something that was almost 5 years ago. He was and wasn't portrayed right, he wasn't because he wasn't ripped in the film but overall he was portrayed how the character always has been. Yes he was rushed BUT he was 99% portrayed right. Spiritually he had been casted and acted correct as well as his costume but the addition of the webbing on the suit made it a bit more real and cooler. They did not mess up the character like thought, you guys have just been over reacting because he was rushed (which I understand) and because he was skinny (not everything is gonna come from the page to life exactly how it is.) So please, I know haters are gonna hate but learn to accept the truth.

I post this with respect and I thank you for taking the time to read and understand the article and it's purpose. Also I know a person or two might consider this to be hypocritical because of my original and initial reactions to The Lizard in the upcoming film. But the difference is that I grew to accept the change.