Spider-Man: Far From Home officially wraps up what has become known as "The Infinity Saga," a journey which started way back in 2008 with Iron Man. Since then, the Marvel Cinematic Universe has changed massively and after the jaw-dropping events of Avengers: Endgame, it's fair to say that Spidey's latest adventure is the perfect epilogue to Phase 3.
But where exactly does the spectacular sequel fit into the overall ranking of the MCU? For that matter, which movie is their worst and which one stands out as being by far the best?
What you'll find here is a look at the pros and cons of each and every Marvel Studios movie as we rank them from worst to best. In fairness, the studio hasn't been responsible for making any truly terrible films, but some are still a lot better than others, and we're sure you'll find this breakdown particularly interesting. After all, everyone has their favourites and you can see where yours land here.
So, to check out this list, all you guys have to do is click on the "View List" button down below.
23. The Incredible Hulk (2008)
Pros: The Hulk Vs. The Abomination, "Hulk Smash!", Iron Man's Cameo
Cons: Sex Makes Bruce Banner Transform Into The Hulk, The Abomination's Story Arc, The Leader
Final Verdict: The Incredible Hulk definitely redeemed the Jade Giant following Ang Lee's disappointing Hulk movie and finally delivered the sort of intense action scenes fans had been hoping for. However, it also made a lot of mistakes and wasted some important characters from the comics.