MORBIUS Star Tyrese Shares Disappointment With Reduced Role And Confirms Major Fight Scenes Were Cut

MORBIUS Star Tyrese Shares Disappointment With Reduced Role And Confirms Major Fight Scenes Were Cut

MORBIUS: Michael Keaton On His Vulture Cameo: I’m Nodding Like I Know What The F*** They’re Talking About
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MORBIUS: Michael Keaton On His Vulture Cameo: "I’m Nodding Like I Know What The F*** They’re Talking About"

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bobevanz - 2/11/2020, 7:16 AM
Those weren't that spoilery, hopefully this doesn't suck lol
DillonEnnis - 2/11/2020, 7:16 AM
I’ve never complained about the next button but on a phone it is a completely untenable way to read an article, just can’t do it haha
NateBest - 2/11/2020, 11:18 AM
@DillonEnnis - it's actually the high resolution images that are in the list that bogs it down. If they were displayed all at one time it would be even slower because they would ALL be loading at the same time 😬
HAILHYDRA - 2/11/2020, 7:17 AM
This kind of feels like Sony is the guy who's not invited to the party so he starts promoting the party and offering to buy beer for everyone hoping to earn an invite.
Matador - 2/11/2020, 7:50 AM
@HAILHYDRA - Sony trying hard to be the cool kid

Goldboink - 2/11/2020, 8:27 AM
@Matador -
McLovin is the coolest kid in that movie.
Lostcause - 2/11/2020, 7:20 AM
L0RDbuckethead - 2/11/2020, 7:22 AM
I'm surprised I didn't have to click 'next' to read the spoilers.

Well done, small improvement.
regularmovieguy - 2/11/2020, 7:25 AM
“It’s not MCU”

Famous last words
regularmovieguy - 2/11/2020, 7:41 AM

Every Morbius thread since the trailer
Orphix - 2/11/2020, 7:28 AM
If there is no Mysterio none of this counts!!!!

....well, not in my head cannon anyway.

On a serious, fan based note, I do kind of make sure I watch all the MCU films at the cinema. I've caught all of them so far. But if Venom is retroactively added to the MCU I'm going to be gutted!
Origame - 2/11/2020, 9:16 AM
@Orphix - ...why specifically mysterio? Especially since, as is known in that world, he's dead.
GhostDog - 2/11/2020, 7:30 AM
Sony finally getting to use those MCU connections

Nightwing1015 - 2/11/2020, 7:36 AM
Gotta hand it to Amy Pascal. She said she'd get sony films in the MCU and she delivered. It takes a lot to break Feigie's balls.

Some will say it's not official MCU, and that's sorta true. But to the general audience, this will be a MCU film.
GhostDog - 2/11/2020, 7:40 AM
@Nightwing1015 - it has to have the Marvel Studios tag I think for the GA to really consider it as such, right
EskimoJ - 2/11/2020, 7:53 AM
@Nightwing1015 - I think the general audience is a bit more aware than given credit for.

And please don't bring in anecdotal evidence
Matador - 2/11/2020, 7:58 AM
@Nightwing1015 - She just new how to handle them

Nightwing1015 - 2/11/2020, 10:18 AM
@EskimoJ - IDK. I think they'll certainly know it's a Sony film instead of a Marvel film. But they'll still probably see it as an MCU film because they don't know all of the controversies behind the scenes.
Chewtoy - 2/11/2020, 10:34 AM
@BlackBeltJones - yeah... You can't do this joke unless people are getting wise to the differences.

Super12 - 2/11/2020, 7:37 AM
So Sony will reference MCU but MCU won't reference that how this is going to work?
GhostDog - 2/11/2020, 7:39 AM
@Super12 - basically how the MCU treated Netflix.

Looks like that was an unintentional test for all this lol
dancingmonkey08 - 2/11/2020, 7:55 AM
@BlackBeltJones - this. this. and this! Netflix Marvel is the perfect model for it, references the hell out of the events of the MCU. But wont be referenced in the MCU movies, which is fine if the events of the Sony Marvel movies arent worldchanging
regularmovieguy - 2/11/2020, 10:14 AM
@BlackBeltJones @dancingmonkey08

Depends if you consider Homecoming and FFH MCU films or not. They're going to have to reference certain events in the new Spider-Man in 2021 or the Sinister 6 movie they seem to be leading to.
rabid - 2/11/2020, 10:33 AM
@Super12 - They reference Sony every time Spider-Man shows up. And rumor has it that their recent agreement will be putting Venom into an MCU film. Wouldn't be shocked if he's the Spidey analog in Dark Avengers
comicfan100 - 2/11/2020, 7:42 AM
I'm pretty sure they had to get Feige's approval before being allowed to make these pretty big MCU connections. I know we live for drama on this site, but I don't think it was anything underhanded
Goldboink - 2/11/2020, 9:07 AM
@comicfan100 -
Totally not underhanded. Once they started working together I think Marvel saw the benefit in having another studio working on Marvel characters provided the movies stick to cannon and not suck too much. Spidey is kind of a loner by nature anyway. They ran story and script past King Kevin prior to committing it to film.
Origame - 2/11/2020, 9:21 AM
@comicfan100 - yeah. The thing about rights is that its a lot more complex than people give it credit for. You see, sony owns the movie rights to spiderman. However, since they made a deal with disney to make their mcu connected spiderman movies, the tom holland version is specifically co owned by the two companies. So sony literally cant use that version of spiderman at all without Marvel's permission.
rabid - 2/11/2020, 10:36 AM
@comicfan100 - Disney likes the Sony arrangement. They own the merch rights to all Sony's characters, so they're raking in the merch dough without putting their own money into the films. Meanwhile they're using Spidey without having to waste a valuable slot on their to-do list. It's a win-win scenario for them.
rabid - 2/11/2020, 10:39 AM
@Origame - That isn't true. Sony outright owns all live action interpretations of Spidey. Their only limitation is that he can't go unused for more than 5 years or star in or crossover with a rated R property. They also can't feature any disney owned characters without permission. But Holland is a Sony employee. They can put him to work however they want.
Origame - 2/11/2020, 12:51 PM
@rabid - yes it is. Tom Holland's spiderman appeared in a disney movie first. Marvel owns that version of the character. What the rights to spiderman give sony is that they can make a live action spiderman without permission from anyone. However they cant make THIS spiderman without permission from disney and vice versa. This is why we have that weird reboot of childs play. Its because the studio made the original film, giving them the rights to that first movie, but they don't have the rights to the concept of chucky. So we got a chucky who is a robot instead of a serial killer.
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