The Amazing Spider-Man: Will Anyone Care?

The Amazing Spider-Man: Will Anyone Care?

Ten years ago, the Spider-Man movie was one of the most hotly anticipated CBM's of all time. Next summer, a reboot will hit theaters, but will lack of interest kill it?

Editorial Opinion
By jamedog - May 21, 2011 10:05 AM EST
Filed Under: Spider-Man

In the year 2002, arguably one of the biggest and most successful comic book movies of all time hit theaters with Sam Raimi's classic Spider-Man. Growing up, I wasn't that big of a Spider-Man fan, but even as a kid I knew that if any super hero deserved a movie, it was Spidey. Spider-Man was a great, relatable, fun character with a great origin and motivation, had a great supporting cast, and a great rogues gallery of villains (second only to Batman). I spent many years wondering what the Spidey movie would be like, who would play him, and which villain he would face.

Well, apparently I wasn't alone, because when the movie hit, it hit big. $400 million later and the Spider-Man movie showed everyone that comic book movies were here to stay and talk of sequels had already begun.

Sadly, the fun couldn't keep up forever, as Spider-Man 3 hit to massive numbers but was torn apart by critics and audiences alike. Director Sam Raimi promised that the next movie would make up for it and we almost got a fourth Spider-Man movie before it all fell apart thanks to behind the scenes drama. In panic mode, the studio decided to hit the reset button and start a new franchise with a whole new cast and a new director that would hopefully wipe the taste of Spider-Man 3 from our mouths.

But will it help?

The reboot, entitled The Amazing Spider-Man is set to hit sometime next summer and is said to be much smaller in scale than the past three movies and be more character driven. But are fans and audiences willing to accept a new Spider-Man already? When I talk to most people about upcoming comic book movies, most fans forget that a new Spidey movie is coming out next year. We've had little tidbits of news here and there, but nothing that has really caused fanboys to take notice (except the costume, which I'll get to). For whatever reason, fans seem to be apathetic towards this new Spidey movie, and I'm sure there's a couple reasons why.

The most common complain about this movie is that it's too early to reboot the franchise, and I have to agree. Say what you will about the last Spider-Man movie, but the first two are, in my opinion two of the best comic book movies of all time. It's hard to believe the first Spider-Man movie came out about a decade ago because it still seems so fresh in everyone's mind and we still have fond memories of it. Some people are using the Batman films as examples of a stale franchise getting the reboot treatment, but just look at the gap between movies. Batman and Robin came out in 1997 and Batman Begins came out in 2005, that's an eight year gap between movies. With Spider-man, Spider-man 3 came out in 2007 and Amazing Spider-Man is coming out in 2012, that's only five years between movies, and say what you will but Spider-Man 3 is nowhere near as bad as Batman and Robin. The studio could have easily rebounded from Spidey 3 with a good follow up, but with rebooting the series so soon, it just seems strange.

Another factor is casting, especially with Spider-Man himself. While Tobey Maguire didn't bring the smart alect charm to Spider-Man that I wanted, he did give Peter Parker a sort of everyman charm that made audiences instantly connect with him. One thing a lot of people have said to me is that they can't picture anyone else other than Tobey Maguire as Spider-Man, and audiences could have a hard time embracing a new face under the mask.

But another reason I think that the excitement level for The Amazing Spider-Man is so low is the lack of news coming from it. The movie has been filming for several months now and all we have is a couple still shots of the new Spidey costume. Most people reacted negatively to the redesigned suit but my reaction was about the same as my attitude towards this movie: boredom. The suit works for me, I guess, but I wanted to know more about the movie itself. Set pics have leaked over the internet like crazy showing Spidey in action against thugs and stuff, but it's all stuff we've seen before. I guess that about sums up what we've seen from this new movie: We've all seen it before. We've seen Spidey fighting petty thugs in the street, and we've seen the Spider-Man suit before, and one reason we look forward to new superhero movies is to see something we haven't seen before. The Amazing Spider-Man has a really unique villain with The Lizard, but haven't seen much of anything with him except for a leaked pic of a hooded actor in green makeup. We probably won't get a trailer until later this year, and that could help raise some interest in the movie, maybe.

Just look at The Dark Knight Rises, the first picture released from it wasn't of Batman, but it was a picture of one of the villains: Bane. Warner Brothers knows that we've all seen Batman before and wanted to give us something new to get us excited, and it worked. Yes, Spider-man does have a new suit, but it really isn't much different when you look at it. The set pics look like stuff from previous Spider-Man movies, and fans aren't getting excited because they've all seen this stuff before. We've been told that this movie will be a smaller scale than the previous movies, and that could hurt it even more. The last Spider-Man trilogy was epic to say the least, with bridge fights, train fights, mid-air fight, etc. Scaling back the series could just seem cheap and uninspired if done wrong, especially since Spider-Man is such an exciting hero.

The final reason I think most people aren't caring about the new Spider-Man movie is quite simply, the competion. As much as I talk about this summer being packed with superhero movies, next year has two of the biggest superhero movies in years coming out with The Avengers and The Dark Knight Rises coming out. The Avengers will be truly unique because it's the first ever superhero team up movie and fans will come out in droves to see their favorite heroes team up and duke it out with some super-powered menace (and each other). As for TDKR, well it's the epic conclusion to one of the best superhero trilogies ever as well as the follow up to The Dark Knight, a movie many consider to be the best comic book movie ever made. Then there's a Spider-Man reboot between those movies. I've already said that most people don't think the series needed a reboot so soon, and combine that with the fact that the movie looks like nothing new, then it could be hurting next year.

Do I think it will tank? Not at all. Spider-Man has one of the biggest fan bases out of any superhero and I'm sure they'll turn out to see it. I'm just curious to see how big of a haul it will bring in at the box office, because I'm sure it will be considerably smaller than the previous Spidey movies. Unless this movie turns out to be extremely exceptional, the apathy fans feel now could could hurt it at the box office and it could be a while before we see Spidey swing another web on the big screen.

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Dynamo - 5/21/2011, 10:32 AM
I think it will be succesful, and top the box office. That is until The Dark Knight Rises comes out. That's going to be a box office machine!
Ichaos - 5/21/2011, 10:52 AM
I think it will do good at the box office but if it will match pat success hard to say but I have my doubts for some reason. I just hope the executives stay out of it this time and not ruin it like they did on 3 by forcing another Venom in as an sfter thought to sell more toys
UltSpideySonic - 5/21/2011, 10:52 AM
I'm in favour of the Amazing Spider-Man
At the same time however, I do see our points, and I feel they are true, even if I don't like them

Here's to hope that the Amazing Spider-Man will be exceptional
ironpool007 - 5/21/2011, 11:21 AM
I'm sorry to say this because I hope Spidey does well in the next flick and I will go see it. But I think the consensus is "another Spider-Man movie, who cares?" That is honestly how i feel. The Batman reboot changed things forever in terms of CBMs are accepted, and people really seem to be latching onto movies like Iron Man that are made by Marvel Studios, and not other Marvel characters that are owned by other studios. Spidey had his time in the sun, now it's time for other characters to have their time too.
daredevilfan - 5/21/2011, 11:45 AM
does anybody think if thiss bombs we will get spider man 4
ThreeBigTacos - 5/21/2011, 12:25 PM
Lack of interest? It comes out next year... why put out all this information to interest people now only to let people forget it by next year.
AC1 - 5/21/2011, 3:59 PM
I think people arent excited because it's not getting much media coverage. Back in 2001 Spidey had a lot of coverage cos superhero movies were relatively new back then, and it was groundbreaking, but now (I dont know about in the US but certainly in the UK) it's barely even known that a new movie is coming out next year, let alone that it's a reboot. In fact, it's shocking just to realise how many people don't know what a reboot is.

@daredevilfan simply put, no. The concept was utter shit, Raimi walked out and his cast followed, why make a Spidey 4 with a new cast and director when you can start fresh? If the reboot is good, then we get an awesome flick, and if it sucks, then the original Raimi movies are preserved as being good films and not tainted by the reboot.
jjmeylar - 5/21/2011, 4:01 PM
Honestly: I'm not sure if I care or not. It's too early to tell.
Jefferys - 5/21/2011, 4:31 PM
Yeah, ah. Whens the date this is coming out?
Frogman - 5/21/2011, 5:27 PM
when they release trailers and pictures and actually give us something to go by then yeah I think people will care. We cant judge now, because we've not really seen anything.
daredevilfan - 5/21/2011, 7:05 PM
@ACira i mean without a new cast or director
I think it's possible raimi and the others could return
SpideyPeterParker - 5/21/2011, 8:58 PM
@daredevilfan I was actually hoping for the same thing. When this so called "Amazing Spider-Man" which is more like Ultimate Spider-Man fails at the box office, they should continue Spider-Man 4 which is in fact the real Amazing Spider-Man.
JorEl77 - 5/21/2011, 9:28 PM
After already watching 3 Spider-Man movies,I'm just not excited for this at all.Now if they would have done a movie based on Spider-Man 2099,I would be super hyped.But this movie just sounds like the first Raimi Spider-Man,pretty much the same stuff happening again.I would honestly rather watch the Amazing Spider-Man TV series from the late 70's.But that's just how I feel.I already seen Thor & loved it,now I'm more excited for Captain America,The Avengers,and whatever other movies that Marvel themselves have planned.Plus all the DC movies coming out,but Marvel is more the subject here in this article.
JackDexx - 5/21/2011, 10:09 PM
??? this was just dumb i feel like i wasted time. this was just a gathering of all the hate the movies gotten. a lot of people are pumped like my self. spiderman is the most popular hero ever he won't fail. al we have is pre editing pics and vids from bad angles. it is way to early to judge. this is the amazing spiderman for good reason so far every thing we confirmed is shaping this film to be great. when this comes out it will be a huge deal. it seams it will top the rest and be better than than the last 3. i can't wait to get the deluxe lunch box for this movie.
JackDexx - 5/21/2011, 10:35 PM
and not that many people are as connected to toby M as peter parker as you think.
luckylu - 5/22/2011, 12:23 AM
movie will blow chunks and i will lmao through the whole thing
pjb47 - 5/22/2011, 12:56 AM
i think there are many more CBM fans now than there were ten years ago. though some of your points RE time since the first movie are valid, I can see the buzz for this movie going off the scale. don't forget there hasn't even been a teaser trailer yet. and how many movies have had so much attention on the on-location filming as ASM?

And I don't think it is right to compare to Nolan's Batman films. These movies are targeting a whole different crowd, you know, the ones who would be ashamed to say they liked Spider-man, but Batman is ok since it is dark and's just cooler and more acceptable to look forward to the oscar-associated Batman films..unfair comparison.

ASM will also be breaking new ground for CBMs, being filmed entirely in 3D with new technology... it might crap, but there's also potential for it to be mind-blowing. And Sony will not miss the opportunity to get this right. right or wrong, they will want to make as much money form this as possible. when they start promoting this, the buzz will be enormous..
epiccomicfan99 - 5/22/2011, 1:34 AM
I will Care
RadicalDuck - 5/22/2011, 1:31 PM
@daredevilfan - I don't think there's any chance at all. The way it ended between Raimi and Sony, with the cast following after he left, it really puts a massive negative on Raimi ever wanting to go back to work with them. Besides Maguire is getting on a bit, and I doubt he'd want to slip back into the spandex again with his back problems almost stopping '2'.

And yes. I will care. I'm looking forward to this.
Sturmpionier - 5/22/2011, 3:18 PM
I liked the article. I can see a Spider-man reboot getting lost in the shuffle next year. I would be surprised if it bombs though. It does feature Marvel's top character, and as long as it is a reasonably well-done movie, it should do good business at the box office. However, you can never really go back to it being the first time your favorite character hits the big screen. I've just had that moment when Thor came out. It'll be impossible to totally recapture that moment for Spidey fans. He had his 'first' moment. While that in no way means failure (Batman Begins didn't have that problem) but it does deflate the balloon some (Begins also only grossed $372M while its sequel, you know the one where everyone had already decided they liked the new Bats, grossed over $1B.)
golden123 - 5/22/2011, 8:31 PM
I can't see why they had to do anything to the franchise after Spider-Man 3. i say they woulld of been better off left alone. Who cares if Spider-Man wasn't a smack talker, the villain you wanted didn't get a shot, Peter Parker wasn't portrayed correctly, or you didn't get to see the third film you wanted. There will always be dissapointments.
Oh and when you say "[Spider-Man 3] was torn apart by critics and audiences alike." are you basing that off of this website? I know the movie didn't do as well as the first two, but it wasn't a critical failure that was "torn apart". It's much like Superman Returns in which the fanboys are it's enemy.
usclerkguy - 5/23/2011, 8:48 AM
If it's good regardless of the scale of will make a ton of $. If it's so so, it will make a lot of cash due to it's built in audience(and it is a popular series worldwide) but probably not as much as previous installments. I like the director and the cast is very talented so keeping my fingers crossed!
TMNTDude - 5/23/2011, 2:04 PM
I think this could play out like the batman reboot. Its not that differnt timing wise. Waiting 5 years oppose to 8 reboot. Batman Begins did good at the box office, but not great by todays standards. If its a good movie, it will do good, but I think the sequel will be where the money is at.
skullboy - 5/23/2011, 4:18 PM
I have no faith in this movie. I think Spidey has been greatly miscasted and the new costume is ugly. Emma Stone woulda been an awesome Mary Jane, but Marc Webb cast her as Gwen Stacy instead (IDIOT!). Plus no J. Jonah Jameson is like Batman without Alfred. They shoulda backed off from a reboot and let the franchise hibernate for a several years.
JackDexx - 5/24/2011, 2:53 PM
the casting is great toby maguire didn't look like peter parker at all, his face was too short and wide. andrew looks like peter and his acting consist of more then screaming at stuff. no really im watching spiderman 2 cause its on channel 880. toby is screaming every other scene.
DCwanabe - 5/24/2011, 7:04 PM
I really feel the spiderman story was already told well so I am not too interested in this reboot it does feel too soon.
mcskunky - 6/2/2011, 9:26 AM
@jamedog. This blog is pointless. It has no relevance seeing as nobody has seen a trailer and only a couple of photos and videos from set. Nobody was hyped to much about batman reboot at first, and it turned out to be one of the greatest(not just comic book)movie of all time. And with heath ledger. Eveyone bad mouthed him to shit when he was cast, and guess what, fan boys were wrong again.
The fact that they are filming this in 3D is awesome. I cant imagine not wanting to see spidey, in my face, swing through NY. Awesome! 1st Spidey film was awesome and I was blown away big time being a huge spidey fan, but you need to get over it. Its a movie!
Let all join hands, and sing with me true believers "Spiderman! Spiderman! Does what ever a spider can! Spins a web! Anytime! Catches theives! Just like flies! Look out! There goes the spiderman!" LOL
mcskunky - 6/2/2011, 9:34 AM
Also. There are a shit load of CBM's out this year, and nobody though X-men first class would have no chance, and it is quality and could be be the best CBM this summer(still got Green Lantern and Cap to go thou). As a comic book fan, I will be watching everyone of them. If they are shit after I watched it, then I will slate the shit out of it. I f**king hate you fan boy f**ks!
mcskunky - 6/2/2011, 9:39 AM
@AaronHubbardofEarth You got your head screwed on. You know the score, dude
CHAS65 - 6/18/2011, 2:52 AM
Thanks for that. I completely forgot that TAS was being filmed entirely in 3d, because from what I've read elsewhere on the net, the filmed footage that has been shown from the set has been mind blowing, in terms of the film quality. Never been seen before stuff. So we shall see.
WalkingBoffHead - 6/19/2011, 10:13 AM
Spider-Man 1-3 i thought were good, everyone hated on number 3 but i enjoyed it, i haven't ever read the comics or watched the animated series so my involvement in the argument would have been pointless.. i'm glad i hardly knew anything, i wasn't disappointed that way.
The fact that they're remaking it so soon annoyed me but i'm glad now, i need my Spidey fix.. just have to forget the other films when watching it.

Thor was good, haven't seen X-Men.. Green Lantern was okay, bit of a disappointment.. but it was still a good film, we expect too much i think that's the problem but then again you see Batman and why should we expect less, let's give Christopher Nolan all comic book turn movies!!!
annacrasto - 12/4/2011, 9:57 PM
i am a hardcore spiderman fan.
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