LONG OVERDUE REVIEW: The Amazing Spider-Man

Yeah, yeah I realize it's been two summers since TASM came out. But it is a center of controversy on this site, and I've finally come up with my overdue review of the film to make my opinion clear on the matter.

Editorial Opinion
By GuardianDevil - Oct 27, 2013 03:10 PM EST
Filed Under: The Amazing Spider-Man
Source: JJ63

Greetings, yes I know this movie came out like two summers ago but after multiple re-watches I've finally come up with my long overdue review for The Amazing Spider-Man. Now, I've always outspokenly supported Raimi's first two films over The Amazing Spider-Man. But with that said, I liked TASM although it does have it's share of flaws. Read on to hear more...

I am truly torn with The Amazing Spider-Man I feel stuck between a rock and a hard place. It really boils down to the fact that I really want to LOVE this movie. Because I pretty much love everything Spider-Man related. But on the other hand the film has so many inherent problems and it brings me to my knees debating it all with myself. Yeah the film seems to work overall and it feels good while you are watching it, but there are just so many errancies and so much sloppiness in the storytelling I just find it really, really hard to judge this movie as good or bad. But I suppose I'll try my best to keep a balance between general objectivity as well as my personal opinion. But before I am accused of being a hater or a Sam Raimi fanboy, I have to say I feel incredibly biased TOWARDS this movie and I often overrate it due to my fondness of the title character. I will try not to, although I really want to.

To start with I'll talk about the villain, The Lizard is Spidey's 3rd best villain behind Venom and Green Goblin. However I feel he was handled rather sloppily. First of all his motives are not clearly conveyed within the film. I understood his motives perfectly, because I am a fan of his from the comics and cartoons. But lots of people who I know, that don't read the comics have told me that they get wildly confused and don't have a clue what the {frick} Lizard is exactly up to or why he's doing it. (they, and I have a tendency to forgive it because Lizard and Spider-Man were both really cool but I still have to bring up the issue) In the film his motives are never really conveyed, sure early in the film he talks about the cross species genetics and how it can cure people from sickness. But then after he is fully transformed into Lizard, he attacks Dr. Ratha and then runs into the sewers. After he realizes Peter Parker has been trying to get photos of him he goes after him and it turns into an all out grudge match against Spider-Man in his high school. (great scene by the way) It is during this scene, (which is nearing the end of the film) where we first hear of any type of plot or motive of the villain. Even then it's just mentioned and his motives are never made totally clear until Spidey unveils a video of Conners explaining for the VERY FIRST TIME why he is even a bad guy in the first time. I personally feel the character development of Lizard was handled poorly because his motives are never even conveyed until right before he makes his first move which is right before the end of the movie. That being said, the CGI on Lizard was outstanding and I'd say it was good as the CGI used on Hulk in The Avengers. Though I would've preferred the McFarlane style snouted Lizard this one looked fine. Rhys gave a decent enough performance though to keep it from being terrible.

Now, one particular area where The Amazing Spider-Man excels and honestly beats the Sam Raimi films is the area of casting & performances. The singular problem which plagued Spider-Man 1 & 2 was poor casting. Tobey Maguire is a great actor, but a great Spider-Man...eh not as much. Andrew Garfield was way better suited for the role. Kirsten Dunst has the same problem, she's actually not a bad actress she was just poorly suited for the role. Whereas Emma Stone was dang near perfect for Gwen Stacy. The supporting cast also is very strong and better than the one in the old Spider-Man films. (I'm excluding all the villains of course, that's a no brainier any of the Raimi villains save for Venom mop the floor with Lizard) The Amazing Spider-Man had strong casting all around as well as strong performances from pretty much everyone. The acting gave the film a lot of emotion which leads me to another point. The Score, which was composed by James Horner was actually very good and very underrated in my opinion. I will say that in some (or many) places it doesn't make a lot of sense and is somewhat forgettable. But the score overall, and particularly the climax were very, very strong and added a lot of emotion which was needed to keep this movie from falling apart at the core.

Next, I plan to examine all the major complaints about The Amazing Spider-Man and speak of their validity or invalidity. The first of which is general sloppiness of the story writing which results in gaping plot holes. One such example is the scene where Lizard throws multiple cars off the bridge and then Spider-Man goes to save the little boy named Jack who's trapped in a car. Spidey goes down to try and help him, he unbuckles the boy's seatbelt and then tries to help him out. Then the car slips a bit and Spidey gives Jack his mask to wear as a symbol of power to inspire him to climb out. But when the car catches fire and slips through Spidey's fingers, Spidey simply webs the boy up and rescues him. So....why didn't he just web him in the first place?? Don't ask me I'm still scratching my head. While this scene had a ton of emotional weight and power behind it, the literal events don't make a lot of sense he could've saved Jack with a web the first time and it would have been way easier. After that though, we see dozens of other cars hanging off the bridge where Spidey webbed them. After he saved Jack, Spidey just leaves the rest of them hanging...so, did they just die? You could argue there was no people in those cars but we specifically see Dr. Ratha inside the car when it's falling. I've heard the argument that Ratha was a bad guy and that's why Spider-Man didn't choose to rescue him. But you gotta understand that nobody save for Lizard knows Dr. Ratha is a badguy. To Spidey he is just another innocent civilian trapped in a car. Hence that argument is invalid. Another one is that when Conners video tapes himself explaining his serum he then throws the camera on the ground breaking it...why?? Why make the video if you are going to destroy it? Another one is when Gwen is hiding in the closet with the Ganali device and Lizard breaks in and takes it he doesn't even attempt to do anything to her he just leaves her there. You could argue he doesn't want to kill her, but you forget he attempted to kill her at the school. He even shouted her name and took a swing at her with full intention of killing her. But now he seems like he doesn't even care, it's been argued that because she blasted him with fire he stayed away but the fire seemed to have no effect on him so I don't see the validity in that. One thing that plagues this movie is sloppiness in storytelling. However there are other complaints still. One other complaint is Peter Parker's bad case of douche-itis that we see through out the film, but that's forgivable because he SUPPOSEDLY gets over that near the end with his character arc...which leads me to my next point, the school scene at the end made me sick almost. This scene pretty much contradicts and almost cancels out Peter Parker's strong emotional character arc we have been watching. Let it be known that this scene means a lot and although the movie was flawed in other ways I would've rated The Amazing Spider-Man as good as Spider-Man from 2002 had it not included this final school scene. This scene would be like of at the end of Iron Man 1 Tony decides to begin rebuilding his weapons and allowing them to be sold to terrorists again. It makes no sense and it contradicts the character arc of the whole film. Peter who has learned his lesson in responsibility through out the journey that is the movie and now has accepted the responsibility all of a sudden decides to break his promise to a dying man and reject the responsibility. Whose boneheaded idea was it to add that scene? It contradicts the whole fricking movie. The last major complaint I've heard is that the movie is "twilight-esque" to tell the truth it's nowhere even close to Twilight-esque and I don't know where people got that from. So Peter is a sort of Skateboarder and he likes a girl at school, yeah that sounds EXACTLY like Twilight to me. (sarcasm) Personally I don't care about the skating hipster Spider-Man it's just a younger Spidey for a different generation. However if they follow through on this bisexual Spider-Man idea I'll be pretty upset.

Well, I've bagged on this movie quite enough there are more positives to it. A major positive is that if we elect to ignore the final school scene Peter Parker really does have a strong emotional character arc which starts with him feeling abandoned by his parents and rebellious towards his uncle and aunt. He then gains his powers but doesn't really care to use them for any real purpose until his lack of responsibility causes his uncle to get shot. At which he sees his suit and begins coming after people who look like his uncle's killer in order to find the man who did it. However, at the dinner table scene with Captain Stacy he realizes during their conversation that he wasn't being a hero like he thought he was, he realized he wasn't seeking out justice but he was seeking revenge and decides to stop. After giving the decay rate algorithm to Conners in an attempt to gain him as a father figure. Conners uses it to make a regrowth serum based off Lizards and uses it on himself which backfires turning him into an insaniac Lizard. Peter realizes later that his lack of responsibility has literally created a monster and he chooses to try and stop it. All of this is of course, nixed by the final school scene but I like to think that scene never happened. The film carries a lot of emotion and heart with the arc. Moving on to another positive, action was pretty good although there are only 3 action scenes 2 of them are really good. The school fight scene was very well done and we got to see Spidey throw a quip for the first time. But the climax is my favorite. In order to explain why, I need to give a bit of backstory. Hulk, Batman and Spider-Man are my 3 favorite superheroes and watching each one of them evokes different emotions inside me. Watching films like 2008's The Incredible Hulk or Hulk in the Avengers make me feel like I wanna act like a big macho man or a tough guy. Watching films like Batman Begins, The Dark Knight or Batman Returns give me a sense of mystery and provoke interesting thoughts. Watching Spider-Man though has always given me a feeling of child-likeness and I always feel in awe of Spidey. The climax of The Amazing Spider-Man, starting from when the helicopter shines the light over him and he seals up his wound and then begins running across the buildings and ending with the defeat of the Lizard. This scene, the combination of the emotion built up to this scene and the score in it's strongest point and the effects at their best. This part evokes a sense of child like awe inside me that I hadn't felt since I saw Spidey stop a train back in 2004. I'll give it to you the school fight was good but to me the climax was down right amazing. I also dug the homage paid to Raimi's films with the American flag during the crane scene and it reminded me of the first Spider-Man in 2002. It reminded of the symbolism and how the current movie reflected it in the same way that New Yorkers were standing united against a threat underneath the American flag. The symbolism is still there it's just not as direct.

In summarizing, I wish I could love this movie but sadly I am forced to just really like it. I wish I could erase the "but those are the best kind" scene off of the DVD but alas, I cannot. That and multiple other minor flaws are what keep TASM from being truly great. However, I am willing to see past these flaws and sit back and enjoy a dang good Spidey movie with some truly great moments...particularly the climax of the film. It is a good Marvel movie, not as good Spider-Man 1 & 2, Iron Man, The Incredible Hulk or X2. But I'd say better than Captain America, Avengers or The Wolverine all of which are perfectly fine CBMs. If I was gonna make a list of the best Marvel movies only I'd place The Amazing Spider-Man 6th behind the 5 I already mentioned.

Overall rating: 8/10

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MrCBM56 - 10/27/2013, 5:00 PM
Great review.
Lhornbk - 10/27/2013, 6:17 PM
I've said before, and I'll say it again. All you fanboys who whine about the final scene are just stupid. In no way does that destroy his character's arc, in fact in my opinion it enhances it. The douche move was him agreeing to the promise in the first place, and then staying away from the funeral when Gwen really needed him. He then thinks it over, and realizes that he needs her in his life, and that she knows about the promise and the risks, so she can decide if she wants to stay away from him. To me, her father showed no respect for her opinion and showed that he didn't care about her feelings. She deserves the respect to make her own decision about this, as MJ says at the end of Spiderman 2. So unless you're gonna blast that scene, say that Peter should have kicked MJ out of his apartment, you're a hypocrite for hating on this scene.

Plus, there is a reason why superheroes wear costumes & masks. To protect their loved ones. As long as Peter maintains his secret identity (which means keeping the mask on, you idiot!), and as long as Gwen doesn't brag about dating Spiderman, she should be safe (yes, I know she gets killed because a villain discovers his identity. But that just shows that he should do more to protect his identity, not that he should live the life of a monk because he fights crime.)
GuardianDevil - 10/27/2013, 7:54 PM
The SM2 scene is completely different because Peter didn't swear to stay away from her to protect her.

You see it doesn't matter that he simply decides to date Gwen, that part is irrelevant what matters is that in the climax of TASM Pete promises to a dying man to stay away from his daughter in order to protect her and at this moment Peter accepts the responsibility that came with his great power and it was amazing. But then all that rich character development is nixed by the school scene. That's what keeps TASM from being a truly amazing movie. But it's still a very good one.
GuardianDevil - 10/27/2013, 8:14 PM
On a side note, why do you feel the need to come on here and stir things up by calling me a hypocrite, fanboy and an idiot?? Never once in this article do I attack fans of this or any other movie so why do you feel like you need to throw insults.
GuardianDevil - 10/27/2013, 10:54 PM
Well someone is having a bad day ;) first of all it's a simple typo and I fixed so chill. Secondly, I'm not sure what you're getting at...getting high with after effects of being bitten? What exactly are you talking about?? I'm a little confused.

TASM in no way changed CBM history, I've never said that nor do I love the film I just like it. The love story was fine but feels incomplete, I'm it will be stretched into the next film hopefully, but Emma Stone was great though. The quip about knives was just humor, I don't see what you are so pissed about. I don't see how TASM is terrible but you are entitled to your opinion, so let me be entitled to mine okay?
GuardianDevil - 10/27/2013, 11:07 PM
And FYI, I'm impressed with the film because the character arc was really strong and emotion filled right up until the ending school scene. Also because the performances were good, and the action was cool and Spidey was cool. (I don't see why that's a problem)

You see I consider myself a TRUE CBM fan because I will watch anything I find watchable. I try to get the most enjoyment out of every one of them because I know the genre will wear off eventually and am happy for all the watchable to good CBMs that have and will come and am ready to watch all of them. I dug films like The Amazing Spider-Man, Spider-Man 3, Daredevil, Iron Man 2, The Incredible Hulk, The Punisher, Superman Returns, etc. which most people hate I like because I try and get the most out of every CBM, and of you got a problem with my opinion that is, in fact, YOUR problem.
GuardianDevil - 10/27/2013, 11:12 PM
There are unwatchable CBMs, although I am rather forgiving when it comes to CBMs I still find Batman & Robin, Catwoman, Elektra, both Ghost Riders, the second Fantastic 4 and Superman 3 & 4 to be bad and pretty much unwatchable CBMs. I also don't enjoy watching Punisher: War Zone or Thor either because they bore me to death...but any others I have seen (I haven't watched the Blade or Hellboy films, or Jonah Hex) I find watchable to good. You see I just love comic book movies and though there are many that won't be remembered as staples of the genre they are still watchable which means I like em.
StatenMan18 - 10/27/2013, 11:40 PM
Idk about this movie. I feel like its the Man of Steel with marvel, meaning you take the most popular character they have and while some aspects of it are good, overall it was not executed properly. Of course that's just my opinion but I didn't feel any connection with his movie whatsoever and it hurts to say that because spiderman is my favorite character but I didn't think this movie did any justice to him.

On a more positive note I hope the sequel is better, and even if it isn't cap 2, Guardians, and xmen dofp I hope will be sick
HOTSHOT - 10/28/2013, 3:42 AM
I agree. Although I like the film, it has way too many downers for me to call it Amazing. Mainly it's over familiarity, awkward score, skateboarding, struggleless romance and ending scene.

The movie could've been Amazing of it weren't for that ending scene. Both the title and tagline were misleading. "Will be Amazing in the sequel Spider Boy" and "the kinda differently told story" would be more accurate.
SM2: 10/10
GuardianDevil - 10/28/2013, 5:56 PM
I can't tell when someone is trying to joke when it's over the web.

Well none of those are I mentioned are CBMs that will be remembered for revolutionizing the genre and obviously none are as good as the greats like Dark Knight, Batman Begins, Spider-Man 2, etc. but they are watchable and good movies in their own right I feel all of them receive way too much hate.
GuardianDevil - 10/28/2013, 9:13 PM
I love Spider-Man from 2002. It's my seventh favorite CBM (TDK, BB, X2, SM2, the first Iron Man and Batman Returns I like more) Yes the effects are outdated, but they were cutting edge for the time. The plot was great, the villain was outstanding even if he did slightly resemble a power ranger it was the best thing they could've done with the CGI at the time. The heart is there, the action is still good. I will say it suffered from poor casting, but Maguire and Dunst did the best they could've under the circumstances. Spider-Man from 2002 has it ALL OVER Amazing Spider-Man 2012. It beats TASM in every area except casting.

And I agree, it was the first truly great CBM I had seen since the early 90's with Batman Returns. Just out of curiosity, when did I say Spider-Man 2002 wasn't memorable?? I listed and I quote: "I dug films like The Amazing Spider-Man, Spider-Man 3, Daredevil, Iron Man 2, The Incredible Hulk, The Punisher, Superman Returns, etc." I didn't mention Spider-Man 1, I think you may have misunderstood me...I do think SM1 was memorable and it was the first truly great modern CBM and brought CBMs back to the big screen in a "shot heard round the world" kind of way".
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