SUICIDE SQUAD Director David Ayer Says He "Regrets The Decision" To Give Joker His Damaged Tattoo

SUICIDE SQUAD Director David Ayer Says He "Regrets The Decision" To Give Joker His Damaged Tattoo SUICIDE SQUAD Director David Ayer Says He "Regrets The Decision" To Give Joker His Damaged Tattoo

Suicide Squad director David Ayer has admitted that he regrets the decision to give his take on the Joker (Jared Leto) his highly divisive "damaged" forehead tattoo...

By MarkCassidy - Aug 16, 2023 06:08 PM EST
Filed Under: Suicide Squad

It's probably fair to say that Jared Leto's take on the Joker was one of the most divisive/panned aspects of 2016's Suicide Squad, and a lot of the criticism stemmed from the decision to plaster the Clown Prince of Crime with tattoos - with his "damaged" forehead ink coming in for the most backlash.

Though one could argue that people made too big a deal over it, this tat just seemed to be something a lot of fans couldn't get past, and director David Ayer has now addressed this stylistic choice on Twitter.

Ayer admits that he regrets the forehead tattoo because it "created acrimony and division," while revealing that he originally wanted it to read "blessed" instead of "damaged."

Leto was supposed to have a significantly larger role in the movie before the studio cut down his screen time, showing up just before Task Force X's final battle with the Enchantress. His dynamic with Harley Quinn would also have turned out quite different.

Ayer recently revealed that he has spoken to James Gunn about potentially releasing the "Ayer Cut" of Suicide Squad down the line, so we may eventually get to see what the director originally had in store for these characters.

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AnthonyVonGeek - 8/16/2023, 6:05 PM
He should regret all those shitty tattoo ideas. 🤷‍♂️
TheNewYorker - 8/16/2023, 7:16 PM
@AnthonyVonGeek - yeah, it was all [frick]ing stupid
DevilsDreams - 8/17/2023, 3:51 AM
@AnthonyVonGeek - The teeth I thought at least made sense, I mean the amount of times that Batman would have beat the crap out of him... it's hardy a surprise he didn't have any teeth left
ObserverIO - 8/17/2023, 4:34 AM
@DevilsDreams - He's always getting his teeth put out in the comics and yet they seem to magically grow back, lol.
ThorArms - 8/16/2023, 6:05 PM
Blessed would have been worse. People really think his cut is going to turn this into an amazing film? I don't get it.
Highflyer - 8/16/2023, 6:11 PM
@ThorArms - Maybe not amazing, but maybe decent or at least better than the previous version. Editing can be a hell of a thing even if it doesn't solve everything.
Ryguy88 - 8/16/2023, 7:30 PM
@ThorArms - that first comic con teaser looked really good. If its anything like that it could be at least decent.
videovac - 8/16/2023, 9:04 PM
"that first comic con teaser looked really good. If its anything like that it could be at least decent." - @Ryguy88

If you see it, then what? It ain't changing nothing man. They should have learned from Man Of Steel, they didn't, and released Batman Versus Superman. Because BVS failed, they changed everything after that movie. David Ayer's biggest dumb-ass move was thinking that imitating Snyder in any way shape or form was a good idea.
ThorArms - 8/16/2023, 9:58 PM
@Ryguy88 - trailers don't mean a damn thing.
DevilsDreams - 8/17/2023, 3:52 AM
@ThorArms - I think it's because of the studio involvement, most people think that WB's studio execs have not helped their brand at all.
DevilsDreams - 8/17/2023, 3:53 AM
@ThorArms - go watch the film trailers recut into other styles... like Mrs Doubtfire as a Horror 🤣
Ryguy88 - 8/17/2023, 7:40 AM
@ThorArms - trailers are supposed to set the tone and style of the movie. Sometimes they just lie.
bobevanz - 8/16/2023, 6:06 PM
I regret that this movie was even made
valmic - 8/16/2023, 6:09 PM
The one tat I do like is the one on his hand with the smile.
Unites - 8/16/2023, 6:10 PM
I liked his Joker design. It was different.
Batmangina - 8/16/2023, 6:10 PM
So do we.

I can't even remember one scene from that shittacular abortion.

Highflyer - 8/16/2023, 6:13 PM
The damaged and cheek tattoo were the only ones I didn't like.
slickrickdesigns - 8/16/2023, 6:19 PM
I feel bad for this dude. He can’t get over his failed movie that the studio interfered with. Now if we all get to see his “original intent” and we still don’t like it do you think he’ll be able to sleep at night again?
videovac - 8/16/2023, 9:07 PM
"I feel bad for this dude. He can’t get over his failed movie that the studio interfered with. Now if we all get to see his “original intent” and we still don’t like it do you think he’ll be able to sleep at night again?" - @slickrickdesigns

No one fukcing cares. That's the worst part. No one is fukcing asking for this movie. If this shit was re-released, it wouldn't make a million. No one fukcing cares...
WakandanQueen - 8/16/2023, 6:22 PM
kazuma - 8/16/2023, 6:26 PM
I said it before and I'll say it again. I kinda like Leto Joker and I don't mind the tattoos. The movie did a shit job of using the character and I don't blame that on the actor or director.
EskimoJ - 8/16/2023, 6:41 PM
@kazuma - Neither the actor nor the director... who do you blame?
kazuma - 8/16/2023, 7:24 PM
@EskimoJ - The studio that messed with it.
dagenspear - 8/16/2023, 7:36 PM
@kazuma - Did the studio actually cause that problem?
videovac - 8/16/2023, 9:10 PM
"I don't blame that on the actor or director." "The studio that messed with it." - @kazuma

The studio directed Jared Leto to act the way he did? The studio did that? The studio didn't interfere at every single level.
videovac - 8/16/2023, 9:12 PM
"I don't blame that on the actor or director." "The studio that messed with it." - @kazuma

The man literally came forth and told you that the tattoos were his fault, and you're still blaming the studio...
kazuma - 8/16/2023, 9:59 PM
@videovac - The tattoos aren't a problem. The damaged tattoo while dumb, doesn't make or break this version of the character. It was a major role that was chopped up. Legit none of the characters in that movie are good because of it.

idk why you're getting so upset at this lol. calm down.

dracula - 8/16/2023, 6:27 PM
any face tattoos were a stupid idea
LimeD - 8/16/2023, 6:30 PM
Aw what happened, Ayer?

BuzzKillington - 8/16/2023, 6:30 PM

Slotherin - 8/16/2023, 6:32 PM
I love that he states his regret with an even worse idea.
WhatIfRickJames - 8/16/2023, 6:33 PM
LSHF - 8/16/2023, 6:56 PM
@WhatIfRickJames - I rarely have ragerts about anything. But that's just me.
DCfan84 - 8/16/2023, 9:47 PM
@WhatIfRickJames -
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