Dear Critics, it isn't 1978 anymore: A Review of Man of Steel

Dear Critics, it isn't 1978 anymore: A Review of Man of Steel

What exactly were critics thinking when watching Man of Steel? Hit the jump to read about my take. Warning: Spoilers

Review Opinion
By Avenger4U - Jul 08, 2013 08:07 AM EST
Filed Under: Superman

Perhaps one of the most shocking scores on Rotten Tomatoes is the 56% rotten rating on Man of Steel. Mind you, this is even lower than the rating for Spider-Man 3 which currently has a "fresh" rating of 63%. Why is the rating for Man of Steel so low? My answer is that too many critics are comparing it to the 1978 Superman movie.

Although the original Superman film is great on it's own, people need to be reminded that the film was made 35 years ago! Times have drastically changed, and while many critics comment by saying that Man of Steel did not have the Superman they grew up with, they are absolutely right. Man of Steel features the Superman of this generation. In other words, this is the Superman that I grew up with. The comics and television series have become darker and more violent, and Man of Steel expresses that perfectly. If critics wanted to see more of a traditional Superman, they should remember that 2006's Superman Returns was already a tribute to the original Superman films, and the Smallville series finale paid tribute to them as well. I'm pretty sure that an entire movie and show's finale is enough to bring back some nostalgia, therefore Man of Steel made the right move without bringing back anything from the original films.

Man of Steel is a film that fits in with today's society. Whereas Superman and Superman 2 displayed the hero as a character with great patriotic values that America respects, Man of Steel shows Superman as someone that the government see's as more of a threat, which makes perfect sense. Superman is someone from another planet who has powers that are stronger than any weapon the world currently holds, and I'm pretty sure people would be freaked out by that. However, the film gradually builds on people trusting Superman after he saves the world from Zod.

What is really incredible about Man of Steel is that we get a good look at Krypton as this completely different world with advanced technologies. 1978's Superman didn't quite give us that look, but then again it was made 35 years ago.

Man of Steel also joins the list of superhero films that are trying to make more sense of small things that didn't make sense before. Nolan's Dark Knight trilogy makes more sense of Batman having a secret identity, by having Bruce Wayne change his voice while he's in the Batman suit (because it's hard imagine that no one would make a connection between Bruce Wayne and a masked guy that that talks exactly like him). The Amazing Spider-Man also makes the Spider-Man outfit look like something that a teenager actually made himself. In Man of Steel, Lois Lane finds out very early on that Clark Kent is Superman, which demolishes the issue of her not making a connection between Clark with and without his glasses on. We also have an explanation of Jor-El's presence after his death, as his consciousness is stored and allows him to have conversations with Clark. In the original Superman film, we have to believe that Jor-El pre-recorded every answer to all the questions that Clark would ask years later.

A lot of critics have a huge issue with Superman killing Zod at the end of the film. Personally I believe that the scene was necessary. It shows that sometimes even Superman has to go beyond his own morals in order to do what is right. Zod did not have the same compassion for people that Clark did, and Clark knew that Zod would initially bring destruction upon Earth if he was alive. Clark also knew that he was the only one that could even stop Zod, so I think Clark's actions at the end were justified. Didn't he kill Zod in Superman 2 anyway?

All in all, if critics want to see the 1978 Superman, there is no harm in picking up the VHS or DVD and watching it all over again. Man of Steel was a much needed film for today's generation, and deserves at least an 8 out of 10 score. The only issues I found with the film were that the camera was a little shaky, and some minor characters could have been on screen a bit more. Henry Cavill was a fantastic Superman, and Amy Adams, Michael Shannon, Kevin Costner, Diane Lane and Russell Crow were all great in their roles as they were able to make them their own.

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Lindsey35 - 7/8/2013, 11:49 AM
I completely agree.

Just like it isn't 2002 with Spider-Man.

Awesome review, well said on everything :)
Chaplin - 7/8/2013, 12:19 PM
People need to go into movies with an open mind and think for themselves. If only all of you knew how many times i've heard people write off MOS simply because they heard from an acquaintance that it's bad. Furthermore, what the film reflects is the fact that there is no such thing as good or evil - only grey areas. Everyone does what they believe to be right, whether society considers it to be right or not. Zod, at the end of the day, was doing what he was, basically, programmed to do....ensure the survival of the Kryptonian race. I went in with a completely open mind and at first, when i saw SUperman snap Zod's neck, i was shocked but i immediately accepted it, even before he started crying, because not only was the scene properly built up (though i personally would have given it a few more moments), it made sense in today's world and within the mindset of the grey area morality, that Superman, a severely inexperienced warrior, would be compelled to take Zod's life as seeing it as the only way out and ensuring the survival of the planet he's called home his entire life. There were always going to be naysayers, but to them i say.... think about the killing within the context of this particular film. Surely you all would concede that it was in fact the only way to go about it? I personally believe that having Superman kill Zod is even better since it not only cements his aversion to killing, but that it makes him a much more complex and rounded character. Being a film student and a budding writer myself, i find it astoundingly idiotic to have a young Kal-El, still trying to find his way in the world that has unwittingly adopted him, instantly become the shining beacon of hope that we fans know as Superman and have him basically be a boy scout. It's boring, uneventful and has less gravitas than the shit my dog took this morning. He deserves to be a little his knowledge he's the last of a kind he's yet to find out about! And while i agree that the film could've been structured differently and could've used a few more laughs and lighthearted moments, it did have enough to at least put the picture in a favorable light. I want a complicated, morally ambiguous (at first) Superman who makes mistakes and who learns from them. The beauty of SUperman is that he isn't just the shining example of truth and justice, he's also, for all intents and purposes, human!

Personally i believe that those who didn't enjoy the film should watch it again and try to go in with an open mind and see that it's a wonderful, if somewhat flawed motion picture, that truly revives everything that we love about SUperman yet also reinvents him for the new generation, who barely know who Clark Kent is. Change, while not popular, is good
knocturnalzen10 - 7/8/2013, 12:48 PM
as i stated once before goyer's script is something epic it's his screenplay that lacked he should've had Jonathn nolan helpin him but still the movie should be called superman begins because that's what it is
sups92 - 7/8/2013, 3:07 PM
Haha just the headline alone is great, I think all the critics who really didn't like this movie had an idea in their head of who Superman was before seeing it. They thought Superman is going to be all kind and save cats from trees, but what we got was a bad-a$$ set in a real world. But I thought this was one of the best CBM of all time!!!
Brainiac13 - 7/8/2013, 3:26 PM
Nice Review!

MrCBM56 - 7/8/2013, 8:48 PM
Here's the problem I have with fans and critics.

With critics, they always look to see how the film could be better or what could've been different instead of just enjoying the film as it is. Same goes with fans.

Also, with fans...WE (as a group) need to learn to accept others opinion. Just like when critics gave TDKR a bad review last year, they began to receive death threats. Really? It's childish.

I personally loved MOS, but I don't like to review the movie on what could've been. I review it on what it was.

My faults with the film are the shaky cam, the non linear story, and excessive/repetitive action. Besides that I loved it.
lucio7lopez - 7/9/2013, 5:36 AM
Great review. The best Superman movie ever. AWESOME!!
Minato - 7/9/2013, 7:48 AM

Lastson609 - 7/9/2013, 12:25 PM
The critics kill me because it is obvious they do not want superman back in the front.They give reviews that do not apply to this movie or rather deserved to get people with doubts that havent seen the film to not go watch emotion?ok..what movie were you watching?no character development?again did you watch this movie or just the trailers?this is a very new and young superman and inexperienced going from his future films im sure we will get more of the traditional superman.there were parts i scratched my head to but again i look forward to the build of this superman and give this a 8/10 which is what it deserves
staypuffed - 7/9/2013, 4:56 PM
I just find it so [frick]ing frustrating that people (critics included) went in believing it would be a defintive, traditional Superman and then complained when it wasn't. Watch the [frick]ing trailers, people. It's not the classic Man of Steel, it's a darker, edgier one for our modern times. It's not your granddaddy's Superman, or even your father's Superman. It's ours.
GreenHalJordan - 7/10/2013, 7:53 AM
The main thing that caught my attention after I came down from the awesome-high from the movie was this: Clark is there with Zod in the train station and holding his head from not hitting the family, clearly using all f his might to do it because he was struggling. However, it seemed that he was able to snap Zod's neck with no problem (strength wise, not morally). I just don't know how that works out logically, but it doesn't matter I guess all that much.

Regardless, the film was exactly what we needed for my generation and I give it a solid 4.5/5 stars. Only problems I had were the one you mentioned, along with the moments after Clark kills Zod. It was so well delivered, even if you started to realize he was going and had to do it. However, it seemed like it was cut off a few moments too short, which kind of threw me off just a tad. But, like I said, doesn't really matter that much. The film was epic!
JorL5150 - 7/10/2013, 2:37 PM
4/5 or 4.25/5.

as to rottentomatoes- i dont believe it, rating it lower than the star wars prequels is a serious disconnect from reality.
it makes ZERO sense.
jp688 - 7/12/2013, 4:20 PM
THANK YOU, sane people! Wonderful film, can't wait for the next one!
TheSisko - 7/15/2013, 12:20 AM
look I am 25, so this superman of steel is suppose to be my superman. However it was sadly not my Superman. Yeah films.are.darker but there is a way to write superman without making him part of the darkness. It is sad that wb/dc feel the only way to write superman now is to darken him up because of demands of society rather then being true to the core values.of the character.
TheSisko - 7/15/2013, 12:44 AM
oh and Superman Returns was not my superman either as once again we are given a Superman molded my pressures of society.

Superman is a god like alien making him relatable should not mean making him a killer(mos) or a dead beat dad(sr).
drcomicbook - 7/16/2013, 10:13 PM
@thesisko Superman wasn't a killer in MoS he had to kill Zod because Zod would have kept killing unless Supes Killed him, and right after he killed him he was devastated that he had to kill him. Oh but i agree with about the dead beat dad in Superman returns
JM4Superman - 7/26/2013, 5:27 AM
I agree with this review
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