"The Watchmen" co-creator, who provided art for the classic Superman comic story "For The Man Who Has Everything," told DS that he found Superman Returns "a little bit unsatisfactory."
"This is my ten cents worth: perhaps it would be a good idea to re-imagine it the way that the Batman franchise was re-imagined," he said. "That is the direction I'd take Superman: I'd go back to basic potentials and start from the beginning."
Gibbons stressed that he felt it would be unwise to make the next Superman dark like Christopher Nolan's re-conceived Batman series.
"I've always thought of Superman and Batman as yin and yang. One is dark and mysterious and the other is bright and adventurous," he explained.
"Again, my personal view is that they should make it lighter, with that sense of wonder that Superman has always had. Not to make it childish or puerile but to make it something that has a bright sense of adventure and possibility."
Zack Snyder's movie adaptation of Gibbons's seminal graphic novel Watchmen is out on DVD and Blu-ray now.