How MAN OF STEEL Succeeded & Failed

How MAN OF STEEL Succeeded & Failed

While many people may be divided into loving or hating Man of Steel, I fell in between. With that in mind, I the Incredible Hulksta, will break down the areas where I felt Zack Snyder and co succeeded and failed in bringing Superman to the big screen.

Editorial Opinion
By Hulksta - Oct 21, 2013 09:10 PM EST
Filed Under: Man of Steel

man of steel photo: Man Of Steel manofsteel_zps1753c410.jpg

As I said in the teaser, Man of Steel for me had moments of greatness, but also parts where I scratched my head or yelled out "WHAT THE [frick]". Since it's release, I've begun to sit on my thoughts and am ready to deliver not what I'd consider a review, but rather the good from the bad.


Generally my biggest complaint with every Superman movie was generally the Action And CGI which was increased tremendously in the sequel. Snyder is such a visual director, which you may get annoyed by but considering that film is such a visual medium (duh) I think he's so great in this regard, he does so much with the shots in this film and did a great job of showing off Krypton before it went the way of a spastic colon.

Even if you're hating on the destruction, there's so many scenes in the movie that sent chills down my spine and actually made Superman exciting, which for me is something I haven't seen since Superman II in my opinion. Superman Returns was the worst offender of this where he essentially didn't throw a punch the entire movie as we all jokingly love to reference.

Superman's Origin I felt was handled a lot better then it was in the other Superman origin story we got in recent memory, Smallville. It's still surprising to me that it took Clark so long to learn how to fly in the show. Sure you can say it's because he was starting out, but even more then that it was basically a hook to keep watching the show. You watched it hoping you'd see Clark's various powers and/or the suit show up and damn did they tease the hell out of it. In the end it was a lot more filler then payoff (if you call it that).

superman flying photo: superman Superman-flying-to-you.gif

An hour into Man of Steel you see he has his suit, and he's flying. It makes sense too in the context of the film's universe. That's somethign else I thought succeeded was in how they handled the origin and gave each power a proper introduction, sure it was to entertain and had to stick to the medium but it wasn't a slave to it like Smallville was.

In terms of villains it's hard to get behind some of Superman's villains plots. Creating real estate? Really!? That's why Zod's Passion just was incredible. He had a simple goal and in many ways you can sympathize with him he's just doing his job and if you wanted to, could do an alternate take on this movie where Clark is the villain for being a Homo Sapien sympathizer. For me that's what always makes for a great villain, where in a way you could watch the same movie from their perspective and they'd be a near perfect protagonist.

The Soundtrack was just awesome I thought, Hans Zimmer killed it.


Ultimately the battles in the game had a very 'Video Game-like' Feel which took me out of the moment every now and then. Such as when Zod emerges from the rubble to fight Clark one last time. I was expecting there to be a 'Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World' style text that floated above saying 'FINAL BATTLE'.

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Expected final Zod and Clark fight to look something like this

Ultimately though, I don't mind the destruction in the final act but rather the lack of Consequences.

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Clark never really shows remorse for what happened. I would've loved the last shot to be Clark going in to the Daily Planet like they did but have Superman hanging out in orbit above Earth, contemplating his actions and showing growth for his character. Instead they show him being a prick to his allies and destroying their equipment.

In the upcoming BATMAN VS. SUPERMAN it's entriely possible this destruction and Superman being a prick will show up as a through line for the story but they did nothing to acknowledge that. I'm more angry about that then the actual destruction, Metropolis could've burned to the ground if it meant Clark learned some humility.

What did you think of Man of Steel? Do you agree with my complaints? As always Thumb This Article Up and also share it on social media. If you'd like to keep up with my articles be sure to follow me on Twitter (The_Hulksta). Until next time!

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TheOneAboveAll - 10/22/2013, 12:16 AM
Very well written
CorndogBurglar - 10/22/2013, 3:25 AM
I dont care what anyone says, the movie was great.

The biggest complaint from people is that he killed Zod, which is funny when you consider that he has killed Zod in the comics before in a much more brutal and deliberate way, with Kryptonite. At least in MoS, he did it to save a family from getting flash fried by Zod's heat vision. It was a much more spur of the moment decision, whereas Superman deliberately sat down and planned out a way to murder Zod, then enacted it in the comics.

People also complain about there being no character development for Superman....almost like they missed the entire hour or so of the movie that was made up of flashbacks that did nothing but build his character.

I don't know what people want. Again, I loved it.
HOTSHOT - 10/22/2013, 5:15 AM
I agree 100% Hulksta. Although the movie wasn't as amazing as the trailers led me to believe it would be, it was still better than most people give it credit for. Henry did good to Christopher Reeve's legacy.
Hulksta - 10/22/2013, 8:19 AM
CorndogBurglar You know I kind of dug Zod's death. He wasn't going to stop. Superman realized he couldn't plea with him, or reason with him. He saw no other option. That said, my complaint is moreso with the scene afterwards where he's seemingly having fun and just droppin drones. I would've prefered a bit more of some time for Clark to think about what he's done -- it's just that he's seemingly broken up about killing Zod but the next scene it's like nothing happened. Weird.

Thanks Hotshot, Batmaniac, and TheOneAboveAll for the kind words.
Hulksta - 10/22/2013, 8:21 AM
Martian I think Goyer as a writer needs someone else to help him with the story; but as a solo writer or without someone like a Nolan guiding him he's been known to write some cheese.
EdgyOutsider - 10/22/2013, 10:59 AM
The problem with this film is it's all style and no substance as you should expect from a Goyer/Snyder team up. You get no character development, the emotional scenes don't work and it just feels like 2 hours of action with no real story to it. It was an alien invasion movie without the plot. It's an enjoyable movie for what it is but I wouldn't go as far as calling it, okay. It's enjoyable for what it is, 2 hours of nonstop action. I personally hope they make things much better in Batman/Superman cause if not, this shared universe is going to go to shit in quality cause Man of Steel was a step in the wrong direction.
KalKent853 - 10/22/2013, 3:22 PM
Well he did show remorse for his actions when he screamed and looked distraught. But I get what you mean, it did feel a little off after a scene like that to go straight to a light-hearted ending. Although this film does jump around in time so we don't know how long after the event that happens.

I think we'll see more remorse in the sequel after all the reason they did this was to give basis to his 'no kill' policy.
BatmanHeisenberg - 10/22/2013, 3:50 PM
I disagree about the lack of consequences. Usually, like shown in IM3, the sequel explores the consequences, if it is a more then one movie story. I also disagree about the action scenes, but hey, just me. Good editorial, nonetheless.
CorndogBurglar - 10/22/2013, 4:44 PM

Yeah I can agree with that. But I can almost guarantee that killing Zod will have an impact on him. It will be mentioned in the sequel.
CorndogBurglar - 10/22/2013, 4:45 PM
Hell, they could even use that as the reason he chooses not to kill anymore.
TheTank - 10/22/2013, 8:10 PM
Why is this stuff still being debated. Im tired of coming to read Superman news and being presented to links to editorials about the same thing everyday.

I think Goyer is a hack, the movie itself had some good aspects, mainly Henry Cavill delivering an awesome performance as Superman. In fact most if not all the cast was amazing.

But ultimately I felt the movie was a flat. It never really instilled that sense of childhood spine tingling that I expect from a Superman movie, Superman 1 and 2 still do that for me and Ive seen those flicks about 4000 times a piece lol.

There were huge plot holes such as Jor-el telling Clark that the reason the space exploration program was abandoned was bc they established artificial population control via the genesis chamber...meanwhile if thats true, then why do all the scout ships have genesis chambers if that technology wasn't introduced until after the space program ended.

Nothing about Krypton's production design really stood out, everything looked generically alien. John Barry's design from the first movie with all of its crystalline architecture and what not was so strongly associated with Superman for so long and it still is, you have yet to see anyone copy that look for any other property other than Superman. Nothing in this movie gave that feeling...that this look is going to be closely tied to the character for a long time.

But ultimately this movie failed when it came to emotion. There wasn't much comic relief, nor any heart warming moments or moments that just make u want to jump up to see if you can fly lol. The movie took itself too seriously to the point where honestly it was no fun. That was my biggest gripe. I mean look at the fight between supes and Zod & co. from Superman 2 and in MoS... obviously technology today has allowed for Zod and Superman to kick the shit out of each other, but the fight in Superman 2 had so much more emotional weight to it, kept u on the edge of ur seat.

whatever though, Ive lost confidence in WB and their ability to bring theirs/DC's characters to life. They are so greedy that they are bum rushing this Batman vs Superman movie into production just so they can try and collect on some of that avengers charged cash.

acheronmagnuz - 10/22/2013, 9:01 PM

If I remember correctly, they stopped space explorations because of lack of provisions, not because of population control.

With regard to action. I loved the Reeves movies, but MoS sets the bar for future Superman action scenes. I think it's more of your preference to see the slower paced action in the old movies.

As to emotion, I felt the emotions in MOS, the sadness in Clark before he showed himself as superman, being an outcast. The love of his overprotective father. There are also a few funny scenes.


Nice editorial. I agree with your view on Zod, he believes he is the hero in the story trying to save Krypton.
TheTank - 10/23/2013, 1:07 PM
It doesn't even matter guys, the reason the program was abandoned was not the point. My point was that Jor-el states that artificial population control didnt begin until after the space program ended.
TheTank - 10/23/2013, 1:28 PM
You guys always miss the point thats why sometimes its like grinding teeth when i read posts. My point was that Jor-el said that artificial population control didnt begin until AFTER the space program ended, yet...every scout ship had a genesis chamber, which makes no sense. Goyer just thinks audiences are dumb, either that or he is just a careless writer bc Batman Begins has similar plot holes.
Prime - 10/23/2013, 6:31 PM
@ Tank I thought the Zod and Superman in Superman 2 was pretty meh.
TheTank - 10/23/2013, 7:03 PM
to each their own. But I'm not commenting on the action in the fight, just the emotional weight the whole metropolis battle had in Superman 2.
TheTank - 10/24/2013, 11:24 AM
That may very well be but the dialog went...

"The space program and its outposts were abandoned."

"What happened?"

"Artificial Population control was established."

Also Jor-el tells Zod that Kalel was the first natural birth in centuries, not millennias. The the ship on earth was there over 18,000 years
MightyZeus - 11/2/2013, 2:29 AM
In my opinion the movie succeeded it wasn't a box office bomb and the film itself made more than Batman Begins. It was no Green Lantern.

As for Clark having consequences well that'll be explored more in the sequel. People always say Superman could have stopped Zod in different ways but i always bring up the counter argument of Zod going on a mad rampage because he had just lost all his people so it would be a challenge for Superman to stop Zod. Killing him seemed logical in my opinion, it showed that Superman cared for people.

My complaint however is Clark becoming Superman when he's 30. I just found that odd for some reason.

Apart from that the film is okay and you can sort of see the potential for why Luthor might see Superman as a threat i mean the kryptonians destroyed half of metropolis and threatened to destroy the world so Luthor has this advantage of fear to use against Superman.
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