So, we have been getting all this hype on who the new Lois Lane might be in the new and upcoming vision on the MAN OF STEEL but "what about the camera guy?" I mean, who would Lois be without her side-kick Olsen? They are a team and in light of that, I would like to put out to the rest of you a name, and obviously a photo, of the guy that I believe would be an AMAZING partner to the next Star Reporter at the Daily Planet.

Seth Green has been a favorite comic relief of mine ever since he starred in Stephen Kings' IT. You did all get to see that movie I hope. However outlandish the story was in comparison to the book, I thought that the acting was great and of the cast I thought Seth Green did a great job. Not to mention that out of that experience he no doubt was able to meet and probably work with someone that already had some Superman under her belt(no pun intended)playing Lana Lang in Superman III and would later continue to share some screen time within the mythos of our favorite superhero on CW's Smallville as Clark's adoptive mother, Martha. Annette O'Toole no doubt a Super fan herself could give Green a few tips on what its been like to be a part of such a legacy.
Some might claim that Seth Green is to old for the part but seriously...this is a guy that has youth on his side and probably always will by simply shaving. He looks like he could still pass for 25 years old and I don't think that we want someone that would appear any younger than that do we?
Seth Green, in my opinion, is one of the last natural funny guys out there. He could pull off a great Jimmy Olsen. He's got the talent, the comedic chops, the right height, and he even has the red hair.
Anyways, even though, this article of fan fic offers no real news, it does open the door for others to see Seth Green as the "camera guy that should".
Let me know what you think in the gallows below. Thanks for tuning in and may the best man win!
Naterator signing out...