Since the buzz surrounding Portman's performance in Darren Aronofsk's Black Swan the speculation flew about what project she might be sought after to come aboard next. Of course 2 of the biggest upcoming CBMs, Superman and TDKR, did not escape the rumor mill. Portman was said to have been in talks for both Lois Lane and was part of a supposed short list of female actors to play an unknown character in Chris Nolan's third Batman flick.
Well in the new issue of Entertainment Weekly the young actress addresses these rumors..
When asked about Superman, she told them:
"What is that? (laughs) No, I haven't heard anything."
And whether she'll appear in the finale of Christopher Nolan's Batman triptych:
"Oh, I don't know anything about that."
Seems that these rumors held no water. Of course its possible that Portman isn't saying all she knows. And it isn't all necessarily complete fabrication. WB may well have been/could still be interested in her for one of these properties. For now though, we will have to toss it in the "not gonna happen" file I'm afraid.
Thanks to
Ed Douglas for the transcription. For the full interview check out the new issue of EW.