I think most folks on here already know that I don't think its bad, in fact I really like it. This was one revisit I looked forward to because its been a while since I watched Returns and I wanted to take a good look at it after listening to the arguments against the movie from some people on here who's opinions I greatly respect, and who would usually be on a pretty similar wave-length to me movie wise. So I watched it, and aside from a few more shoddy moments than I remembered, I enjoyed it just as much! Not that the negativity leveled at the film is entirely unfounded, I think it just depends on how you approach the movie and what your main priorities in a Superman movie are. Anyway, on with the review.
Singer's movie is not just a homage to Richard Donner's original incarnation of the character, its practically in reverence of it. This is both a blessing and a curse. Certainly its great to hear that theme again. The narrative is pleasingly (although too) familiar. And any fan of the Chris Reeve films(is anyone not?) will definitely feel an enormous sense of nostalgia. But then after that, its nice to have an original take..a fresh perspective. Unfortunately, we never really get that. The plot follows on 5 years after the events of Superman 2, with Supes returning to Earth from his search of any remaining life on Kryton. He finds Lois Lane with a nipper and a new beau, and Lex Luthor out of prison and ready to wreak havoc again with yet another real estate/missile type scheme! Superman and Clark Kent must begin to deal with some very human emotions, and a world which had to get along in absence of its savior, once again needing him to do his thing.

The performances are for the most part spot on. Many feel Brandon Routh did a bad job as Supes/Kent, and while his Clark does suffer a little in some misguided attempts to copy Chris Reeves mannerisms, he owns the role of Superman. He emanates restrained power, kindness and sometimes innocence and imo captures the essence of the character perfectly. He never shows the rage that Supes has in the comics on occasion, but he never gets to(more on that later). Kevin Spacey is good fun as Lex, but I'm not a huge fan of Spacey in this mode..he sort of phones it in, at times it wasn't Superman V Lex Luther, it was Superman V Kevin Spacey..shouting. He does show some nice viciousness towards the end, booting the crap out of a wounded Supes. The real weak link is Kate Bosworth as Lois lane. She's not exactly bad, just miscast. She comes across as icy and distant when Lane should be anything but. But like I said , her performance(as this version of Lois) is ok so it doesn't take you out of the film. The movie also looks incredible. The cinematography, set design and special effects are all near flawless. The action scenes..what there are of them, are awesome. I know everyone references the mid air rescue scene but it is class! There is also though, the entire last act, as Supes rushes around Metropolis using his amazing powers to save its citizens..and then, theres the Kryptonite island he launches into space.
That brings me onto some of the major problems a lot of people have with the film. Sure its a stretch that a being who is deathly allergic to Kryptonite could pick up a whole island of it. But thats just a last ditch act, the hero's final attempt to save the planet even if it means his own demise. Its happened in countless films over the years, and not only that, he has done similar in the damn comics! He musters all of his solar powered strength to pull it off, AND it does kill him! People seem to forget that part. Sure, he comes back, its a [frick]ing Superman movie! I have never been a huge Supes comic fan, but I have read my share, and what I always found fascinating about the character was that he could never escape the humanity seeping into his alien psyche as he spent time among the humans. He gets the good, but he gets the bad too. This is shown in the film in another fan blasted scene as he spies on Lois and her new family. Even with his near immortality he is not immune to the green eyed monster. But the fan reaction? " Stalker Superman sucks!". Right. Don't get me wrong, this is not completely faithful to the source, yeah liberties are taken with the character in ways and in lots of other aspects( The kid is a misstep no doubt), but overall I think the good out-ways the bad.
This film is not the Superman film that many(myself included) really wanted to see. But for what it was, it was a damn good movie. Yes, the super kid sucked, yes it could have done with a different baddie and more action, and yes, it is a bit too long ultimately. But show me a perfect film and I'll show you a completely faithful comic book adaptation. Next time around, I would like a completely different take on all of this. I want to see Superman tested physically and everything else that the majority of comic fans want, but this film tapped into a different part of what makes Superman such a popular character after all this time, and I honestly believe that if Singer and Routh had of made a sequel, it would have delivered something very surprising to a lot of people.
Anyway, let the backlash commence! Here is a pic made by BillyBlack in anticipation of this revisit!
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