Smallville’s 200th Episode dominated the ratings Friday (Oct 15th) and broke its own record for viewers since its move to Friday nights at 8. With over 3.18 Million viewers it gave way for it to take over the third place in its time spot beating not only Fox who had 2.9 million viewers and NBC who had their series premiere of School Pride. Viewers even stuck around a bit longer to catch a new episode of Supernatural which pulled in 2.82 viewers that’s over 600,000 viewers more than its previous week. This is a big step forward for the CW which usually holds the fifth place spot. CBS’s Medium took the number 1 spot at 6.1 million viewers while ABC’s super family show took in 4.1 Million viewers.
It’s going to be real hard for Smallville to hold the spot but with this being Smallville’s final season you can expect this to happen again once Clark dons the iconic Superman Costume.