Hello people,
You'll have to bare with me as this is my first article on CBM.com, so please excuse the roughness. I just sat down to watch Superman: The Movie and I got to thinking, should Zack Snyder's Man of Steel use the John Williams scored Superman Theme Music or not?
I believe there are reasons why they should use the theme and reasons they should not. Here are my thoughts:
Firstly reasons that I believe they should use it are:
The John Williams Superman Theme Music is just as iconic today as the character himself. Everytime I read a Superman Comic or watch Superman in his many different forms of media I always have this particular score of music running through my head (whether it is Lois & Clark: The new Adventures of Superman or the 90's animation). Whenever I think of Superman I think of this theme.
I am sure I am not alone on this and this is probably just as valid today thanks still to the someone dissapointing Bryan Singer Superman Returns.
Just as everyone on the planet knows who Superman is when this music is played everyone knows it is Supermans theme.
Also could anyone seriously come up with a theme that could top this for Man of Steel? I highly doubt it..
Secondly reasons that I believe they won't use the theme are:
Snyder's Man of Steel is a new telling of the Superman Legend (I refrain from using the term 'reboot' as this film will have no ties to the originals and I believe 'reboot' is not the appropriate word) Therefore it should be original to its core and have no links to the original Donner/Singer films.
Also as this is a new modern telling of the Superman Legend for a new generation we should really have a new theme to go along with what will hopefully be the Superman film we have waited for since the original Donner films in the 80's.
Anyway this is something that I have been pondering as of late and would appreciate your thoughts on the matter?
Thank you for taking the time to read my article.