SUPERMAN EXCLUSIVE: Brandon Routh Looks Back at Superman Returns

SUPERMAN EXCLUSIVE: Brandon Routh Looks Back at Superman Returns

While discussing the upcoming Dylan Dog, actor Brandon Routh reflected exclusively with CBM's Ed Gross on the impact Superman Returns had on his career and his feelings about the film.

By EdGross - Apr 03, 2011 08:04 PM EST
Filed Under: Superman

As was the case with the recent Bryan Singer interview presented via Voices From Krypton, the comments section will NOT be allowed to turn into a Brandon Routh bashing session. Please offer constructive comments or opinions in response to what he has to say. He's out promoting Dylan Dog and didn't have to take the time to look back at Superman Returns.

On a personal note, ye editor got the opportunity to sit with both Henry Cavill and Brandon Routh on the same day. Geektastic opportunity!

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superpooper - 4/3/2011, 8:50 PM
I didn't hate this film as much as everyone else. Superman is hard for me to get into mainly because he just seems so outdated and overpowered. But when I saw this one I could appreciate the way it focused on him being an alien coming to terms with the fact that he was more or less alone on a planet where no one else was like him. When I could look at him that way I was able to look past the silly, brightly colourful "underwear on the outside" costume and appreciate the more existential side of the character, which is something I feel we seldom focus on with superheros.
FredBroca - 4/3/2011, 8:54 PM
Brandon Routh was a good Superman in an awful movie. His efforts were well received and in my opinion he gets little to no blame for the abomination that was Superman Returns, THAT lays on Bryan Singer's shoulders alone.

But, you never know he may be re-cast as Superman for Justice League since they are recasting the characters again anyway.
aaronite1999 - 4/3/2011, 8:57 PM
Routh is such a Gentleman.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed that he gets the JLA gig too (or another cool comic book movie character, maybe?)
LP4 - 4/3/2011, 9:06 PM
@M0D0K- Thank you my friend. ;D

Keeping my fingers crossed Joe Manganiello will get the Superman JLA gig!

@aaronite1999- Yes, he is a gentleman. I admit that. But it doesn't mean he was a good Superman. Fans have all kinds of expectations. Unfortunately routh did not live up to many of them. But I will admit, being Superman is very have to be able to appeal to a wide-ranged audience.

And of course Routh will say he loved the film...but glad he at least admitted he should've thrown some punches, should have done actual flying instead of CGI.

It is good him and Singer are admitting the problems. Thank you mister Snyder for promising to save Superman.
localman - 4/3/2011, 9:09 PM
I hated Superman Returns . . . but never had a problem with Brandon Routh. He did a nice job for what he was asked to do, which was imitate Chrisopher Reeve.

I would not have minded him continuing in the role, but have no problem with a re-cast, either. I like how he is a class act about the situation . . . he got screwed over, but won't say it. He had some tough time after SR, because he didn't know if there was going to be a sequel and had to stay available -- it was an iconic role. I enjoyed his time on Chuck, liked him in Scott Pilgrim, and hope he does well.
FredBroca - 4/3/2011, 9:11 PM
@ajax2 - I agree, Kate Bosworth was a HORRIBLE choice for Lois. Not that she is a bad actress, but too young, seriously why Superman wasn't charged with statutory rape for impregnating an under age Lois Lane upon his return is beyond me.
KALel3412 - 4/3/2011, 9:12 PM
hopefully he can get jl
Ranger14 - 4/3/2011, 9:13 PM
I have no challenge with good-looking actors. I have a challenge with actors who constantly use a monotone voice, show no range of emotion and zero charisma...and that has continued since SR.
mastarockafella - 4/3/2011, 9:15 PM
Honestly, I thought he did a good job being Superman. His kindness shows in his face. His tone of voice and fairly enough he did good job in acting, but not that great because he wasn't directed to established his own character being the man of steel. he has a lot of potential if given a chance. But life must go on and we have to move on with henry cavill. This time I'm pretty sure that they will do justice in the upcoming franchise.
LP4 - 4/3/2011, 9:24 PM
@SynisterUrge- Hahaha very honest I see ;D

@Ranger14- Yeah that was my issue with Routh...monotone acting.

@ajax2- True. But Snyder is the one bringing Nolan and Goyer's vision to life I mean, Nolan admitted it's Snyder's picture now.

Let's face it people- Singer made Superman Returns for WOMEN. He neglected the males. That is totally fu*ked up. SuperMAN is a comicbook superhero. The film should be more for MEN if not then at least for BOTH genders which it clearly wasn't.

Anyway, that is the past- Henry Cavill will be a great Superman.
FredBroca - 4/3/2011, 9:34 PM
I must say that I could not tell if anyone was a good actor in SR because the performances were all contrived due to poor directing and incompetent writing.

Brandon Routh is not a bad actor, but he does come across like he's 'acting' at times, which usually translates in stiffness and mono-toned execution of his performances. Brad Pitt was the same way before he learned to act in Twelve Monkeys and Fight Club, where his appearance was compromised for the role and was allowed to have fun and go with it.
LP4 - 4/3/2011, 9:36 PM
@FredBroca- THAT is the problem i had with Routh. He comes off too "stiff" in his performances.

He needs an acting coach, that's all I'm trying to say. The Superman role will not wait for Routh to gain better acting experience. The role will continue with a new actor. Cavill will not be the last to don the cape and "S"

There is always someone newer and better. But if Routh wants the JLA gig...he needs that acting coach...I'm not insulting him, i'm being HONEST here. He needs that acting coach, he needs to learn how to evoke emotion. He still has a lot to learn...

Hopefully he can learn in time for the JLA film...but if NOT then please- JOE MANGANIELLO FOR SUPERMAN JLA

FredBroca - 4/3/2011, 9:40 PM
@LP4 - From my experience in the industry, Brandon Routh just needs a part he can sink himself into, with a director that will allow and push him not to play the 'straight-man.' That being said, it is quite obvious that he was stage trained and technically hits all of his cues, which usually means that on stage he would be very engaging as he seems to have presence, but isn't natural. Acting lessons could help, sadly so could a bender and a hangover.
LP4 - 4/3/2011, 9:45 PM
My other issue was more with Singer. He admitted in 2006 that he only chose Routh because he looked like Reeve. Yeah if I squint my eyes enough I can see a tiny resemblance...but that's not my point, point is-

Singer should NEVER have casted an actor because he looks like another actor. He should have casted someone based on their acting talent...based on the fact that they embody the character itself.

He casted for Reeve when he really should have casted the role for SUPERMAN. Singer not only neglected the male audience. He also neglected the SUPERMAN character and pumped up Chris Reeve to being the main focus. the main focus should have been on Superman, NOT reeve.

@FredBroca- I kinda wish Routh WAS hungover when he was in SR, would have made the film a little more interesting to watch. Maybe then I would not have fallen asleep a quarter of the way in. I said- I'm open to Routh being in the JLA film. I don't honestly care anymore. I just want his acting-chops to improve. If he can improve his acting, I'd have no qualms with him being Superman again.

But as it stands...only one man has yet to be Superman and yet he ALMOST got the role in Snyder's Superman reboot. And that man is- mister Joe Manganiello himself. ;D
FredBroca - 4/3/2011, 9:57 PM
I agree. But Singer is a jerk who didn't know nor care to research his material. The whole angry God theme and the dark colors on the costume are proof alone that Singer had no understanding of his subject matter. And though, Routh was cast because he resembled Reeve, they went through painstaking measures to make him look different, from the suit, to the style and color of his hair.

Considering the whole gay-bash incident, Jimmy's crush on Clark and Lois being angry at Superman due to a 'lifestyle' choice makes me wonder if Singer was just on the gay agenda.

I do agree, Joe Manganiello would have been an interesting choice, as he physically looks the part, but I have never seen him act so I cannot comment more on him.
LP4 - 4/3/2011, 9:58 PM
@ajax- Agreed. It was unfair...i mean his damn HBO schedule screwed him. But he's got the buff physicality of Superman, he's got the height- 6'3" AND can ACT!

Yeah he does look a bit brutish...but c'mon. Aren't we all a little tired of seeing the 'boyish' interpretations of Supes?

A more brutish Superman would fit well with Snyder's style.

Like I said...I would rather Manganiello get the JLA gig, in case Cavill doesn't. But if Routh gets the role again that is fine with me. I just want his acting to improve substantially. Superman is a beacon of HOPE...his job is to INSPIRE. How can someone inspire people if he can't even act? Routh will need to evoke the charisma it takes to inspire people living in a post 9/11 this day and age we are more skeptical of alien beings and such. That is why Henry Cavill has a big responsibility.

Whoever takes the Superman role in JLA will NEED to inspire.
FredBroca - 4/3/2011, 10:01 PM
@LP4 - Nicely said.
LP4 - 4/3/2011, 10:02 PM
@FredBroca- Agreed, Singer admitted he never read a single Superman comic in his life. He is a total jerk and I seriously hate that guy. Singer has his agendas...he does that with ALL of his CBMs. He puts his little personal agenda in them to send out his message to viewers. He shouldn't do that though. He should make these films for the FANS. Not so he can evoke his little agenda on the world.

Routh will become a better actor in time. 2006 was not his time to be Superman...nor would I think 2012. But maybe who knows...SOMEDAY he might just prove he's got what it takes and I am open to that.

@FredBroca- Thanks man, you too. You seem very knowledgeable on cinemas and acting chops and Superman. Good to meet you sir =D
FredBroca - 4/3/2011, 10:03 PM
Don't get me started on Singer's other movies. X-Men 1 and 2 are aging so poorly, yet people keep praising them.

@LP4 - Good to meet you too.

It's not often I get to discuss these topics with people, who have real opinions. I tried putting SR behind me, but this new movie sucked me back in. Interestingly enough, every review I have written for it has been removed from every web-site, yet I use no profanity. weird.
revloveR - 4/3/2011, 10:08 PM
@ desertgorrila, because this sorta shit means a lot to a lot of small people. i didn't enjoy the movie, but i understood what it was about. i didn't think he was bad at all.

its also funny how some guys get on him, whilst nuthugging Cavill when Cavill hasn't even been superman yet.
FredBroca - 4/3/2011, 10:15 PM
I am curious how Cavill will perform the role.

But, he's one piece in a big puzzle to make a good film. Writing, Directing, Supporting cast (not just Amy Adams), villains and character development, special effects and let's not forget about the suit. I don't think I could sit through another crew-necked, rubber-cape having, trauma plated 'S-shield' angry themed Superman costume.
SkaarJones - 4/3/2011, 10:16 PM
I like Routh, but I must admit, seeing the contacts on Superman in the movie was like being able to see cords when he flies. WTF would Superman need contacts for and wouldn't they melt when he used his HV?
Ranger14 - 4/3/2011, 10:18 PM
Routh has had 5 years to improve and based on what I have seen, he hasn't improved yet. I had acting students who could show more emotion delivering lines than he can. I don't he has much of a future other than doing roles like this or his role in Scott Pilgrim. It is painful to watch his delivery in the DD trailer. :-(

If they do JLA, Joe would be perfect. People make way too much of his broken nose and everyone avoids posting the images where he looks like a nice guy. They just want to post what they call "thuggish" photos. You need a Superman who, at least, looks more imposing than Green Lantern. With Cavill that will never happen.
rbfn04 - 4/3/2011, 10:19 PM
Magiello has the heioght, and that's it.

I defended Routh, said he was a good choice, needed a better script, until I saqw him in everything else and his delivery was the same. Flat.

He seems to be a good guy. but, right now, he is not much of an actor
LP4 - 4/3/2011, 10:19 PM
@FredBroca- Join the club, hahaha. I know what you mean man. It is great to meet like-minded individuals on this site like you. And i agree man- his Xmen films put me to sleep and had the same 'agendas' his Superman film had...that jerk Singer.

@rbfn04- My friend...'Ranger14' had the same tragic experience. He too defended Routh in the beginning but saw all his other roles...saw that routh still had the same stale delivery.

LP4 - 4/3/2011, 10:24 PM
@ajax- Singer admitted it in an interview back in 2006. I would try to dig it up. I might look it up later and post it here for you to see. But yeah...the studio was very dimwitted in handing it over to a guy who never read a Superman comic in his life.

Singer said something to the degree that he never read the superman comics in his life but he identified with the character because he too felt like an outcast. Or something like that...

kinda lame actually, lol.

Gbpackman - 4/3/2011, 10:32 PM
I liked Routh and I liked Superman Returns. If Singer got one more chance to expand his vision, we could have experienced the best Superman story ever.
LP4 - 4/3/2011, 10:33 PM
Brandon Routh is a really nice dude. Sometimes I look back at some of the things i said about him and I feel bad to be honest.

Thing though is...he can't act. As "rbfn04" said himself...Routh always gives a stale performance in all his roles. If someone is going to be Superman, yes there is a specific look that goes into it- chiseled cheekbones, NATURAL blue eyes (routh's contact lenses kinda bugged me a bit lol) then there's the height- 6'3"-6'4" Henry Cavill is short- 6'1" ...yes that is indeed short- for Superman. lol.

But other than that, he gives us the things we didn't have in Routh- acting chops. I think Cavill can bring a certain level of integrity to the role of Superman.

@ajax- I agree...I don't want to disagree either anymore. We all have a right to feel how we feel. My feelings are- Routh is a very 'weak' actor...he needs to improve his acting before I ever wanna see him in that suit again. Again, routh's a nice guy but "being nice" won't cut it. You gotta be able to ACT. He's back to doing Indies now...hopefully he will improve his acting through those.

I've been watching "The Tudors" lately...Cavill is pretty good at acting it seems.
FredBroca - 4/3/2011, 10:36 PM
@Gbpackman - I think you're alone there. What Vision did Singer have? 'Bringing fire to the people?' and just making a big Kryptonite island and passing it off as another played out Real Estate scam? Superman not having a grasp of his powers, I mean he couldn't tell he was flying over a CONTINENT of Kryptonite and fumbling through everything he does, including that weak plane rescue. Or even just not adhering to basic science fiction-like how can Superman lose his powers in 12 seconds when he lands on the thing, get over powered and gay bashed by a a few thugs, shanked with Kryptonite and still manage to pick up the entire continent and fly it into space. It's just incohesive storytelling.

@ajax2 - Can you think of a good Singer film that isn't the Usual Suspects?

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