Doing the press rounds for Thor's September 13th release on Blu-ray and DVD, the sexy Asgardian sat down with our fearless leader world-eater for a quick chat.
Here's the write up for those who can't see the video...
The last time we interviewed you, you said, "If Thor does well, you'll definitely see more of Sif on the big screen." Having said that, do you make any cameos in The Avengers movie?
I can't tell you....
And I can't tell you because I don't know either way.
I'm sure my readers will interpret that however they want.
What have you been told about a second Thor-only movie?
I definitely have heard the buzz about it, but nothing has been confirmed yet.
But you've signed the standard 3 movie deal contract, right?
Right. I think they have actors sign on for as many as they can just to cover their bases.
You're obviously out and about doing promotion for the release of the Thor DVD/Blu-ray, so give us your best pitch WHY should readers go out and buy this for their libraries?
Well, there are quite a few deleted scenes, some of which are very, very funny. Which I think the decision was made to take them out because we had to separate Earth from Asgard. There's a lot of behind the scenes stuff like, what it took to play these characters, the stunt rehearsals, and how they built the town, and what we needed to make The Destroyer work, and all that kind of stuff. So, there is a LOT of extra footage. Probably more than what I've seen on any other DVD, ever.
Cool, we like that.
And of course, they always add something special in there to tell you what's to come. So, it's definitely worth the money.
You've been such a great promoter for this film that it was hard to come up with original questions for you that you haven't answered a ton of times already. So, let me get you to answer some silly ones.
Who is the hottest live-action Avenger? And you can't say Chris Hemsworth.
Robert Downey Jr.
If I'm not allowed to say Chris, then it's Robert Downey Jr. He's got a lot of appeal in my mind.
Older man appeal? Is that what you're going for? I'm 44 you know.
Sense of humor. (laughs)
OK, now for the DC guys. Christian Bale or Henry Cavill?
Henry Cavill.
I've been a huge fan of his for years. He was in Count of Monte Cristo, and I worked with Jim Caviezel recently, and in the back of my mind I was like, "Can you hook that up somehow?". I think he's very talented and he's very handsome. So, he would be my choice.
Plus, Christian's got a potty mouth. So, you don't want him.
*Laughs* He's already taken anyway.
That movie is in post production. Tell us about that.
So yeah, it's called Savannah. It's based on a true story, and my character is very much a Scarlett O'hara type. Jim Caviezel's character's love interest. I was very excited to work with all those people. A pretty awesome learning experience.
You're one of the few women in these comic book movies that ACTUAL reads comic books. What comics are you enjoying currently? Who are your favorite characters?
My favorite lately is X-23. It's because she's so troubled, and very much a loner, but she's also a very violent person, and yet she's NOT--at the same time. She feels remorse. I wish they'd make a move about her because whoever gets to play her... It's like zero-sixty throughout the whole thing.
And I love Gambit. I have a huge crush on Gambit. I've had it forever. Probably since I was like 10.
He has a big following.
Yeah I know, and everybody always asks me, "Who should play Gambit?" and I don't know. "Should it be Taylor Kitsch?" And I can't think of anybody. I really can't. I'm like, I don't know who could live up to that.
I thought Taylor did an OK job, although I always picture Gambit more lanky and tall.
Yeah, yeah. In my brain, that's what I'm thinking too. But he's also gotta have quite the charming... you know, "attitude". Usually I can associate what actor could play what comic book character, but for him I'm at at loss. Nobody pops into my head.
Were you happy with the choice of Anne Hathaway for Catwoman?
I think it's very interesting. I met her when I worked with her on Love and Other Drugs and she was a pretty nice girl. She's definitely got some acting chops. I mean, there were a lot of other people that I would love to see in that Catwoman role, but I think that Christopher Nolan knows what he's doing. That said, I can't wait to see it.
How about you? If you were given the opportunity to play another comic book movie character what would you go for?
Ah man, hmmm. That is a hard one. I'm trying to think of the films that are being made right now... You know what's really funny? I'm a huge Marvel fan, but if we're going over everything: DC, Marvel, Top Cow, etc., I would have to say I would've loved to play Lois Lane.
I could see that.
In the vein of Margo Kidder. I just loved how quirky she played that. She was strong but she was a total nerd, and I love that so much.
Or playing a character in a comic book movie who is NOT the superhero. I think that would be fun.
Has Thor opened any doors for you?
Yeah. It's definitely opened some doors. And Kenneth (Branagh) has been extremely helpful to my career. He's always thinking about each and every one of us--the cast. Doing what he can to help us out. A lot of us were new, or newish to the biz, and he was a director that really took a chance on actors that a lot of people didn't know. He just had a gut feeling about each and every one of us, and I'm very appreciative to him. Because a lot of times you can be up for a role but 9 times out of 10 they're gonna choose the more famous actor because they'll bring in more money. So, he pretty much said to hell with that, I'm gonna put who I want who is best suited to each character. So, I am very grateful to him and Marvel for that.
What are some of your fondest recollections of the whole process? What did you enjoy most while shooting this?
Oh my gosh. Just hanging out with all of them. I mean, Ken wanted us to all really bond, especially the six Asgardians. So, we trained together a couple months prior to shooting and it was like showing up every day to like a high school camp or something. It was just really funny. A lot of times Chris would be goofing off and Tom was always pretty goofy. And at the time, Tadanobu Asano didn't really speak english, so we would teach him stuff, and he would teach us to say like "good morning" in Japanese. But we would joke about that kind of stuff, and it got to the point where we would make jokes, and he started to understand what we were saying, and we were like, "You're not supposed to know English yet!". It was a lot of fun. We would all eat together every day with Ken and then we'd go do our separte stunt work or dialect coaching and then we'd get back together and joke around. It was a lot of fun.
Our thanks to Jaimie Alexander for spending time with us. Odin's blessings to her!