This from MTV's Splash Page...
In a press release issued earlier today, Marvel confirmed that Tom Hiddleston will indeed be playing Loki in the Kenneth Branagh-directed “Thor.” The actor, who previously worked with Branagh on stage in Chekov’s “Ivanov” and in the BBC miniseries “Wallander,” was initially rumored for the leading role, but wound up cast as the titular Thunder God’s mischievous sibling.
So, Loki is officially locked in — and that’s the good news. But what about Hemsworth as Thor?
Reports have come in that the “Star Trek” actor was in the final stages of negotiations to play the Norse God, but there’s still no word from Marvel themselves.
Of course, it may be that his contract is just a bit more hairy than Hiddleston's and its taking more time. Whoever assumes the winged helmet of Thor will need to commit to “The Avengers” at the very least. Given that, Hemsworth could be knee-deep in a bureaucratic battle of contract negotiations...