Marvel's Thor Boycotted By White Supremacists

Marvel's Thor Boycotted By White Supremacists

Marvel's decision to cast black actor Idris Elba in the role of Heimdel has not gone down too well with the "Council of Conservative Citizens" group in the States..

By MarkCassidy - Dec 15, 2010 03:12 PM EST
Filed Under: Thor
Source: Death And Taxes

Marvel have already come under fire from right wing conservatives for a recent issue of Captain America, in which Cap seemed to "undermine" the Tea Party group. Now these fana..excuse me, these fundamentalists are up in arms again becuase Idris Elba will portray the originally drawn white skinned Norse God Heimdel in the upcoming Thor Movie. This time the attacks come from the Council of Conservative Citizens who write..

“It’s not enough that Marvel attacks conservatives values, now mythological Gods must be re-invented with black skin, It seems that Marvel Studios believes that white people should have nothing that is unique to themselves.”

Marvel has taken their anti-white, radical campaign even further. They cast a black man as a Norse Deity.”

The Council, which insists “the American people and government should remain European in their composition and character,” has now organized an online boycott of Thor and Marvel.

Elba has apparently dismissed this as complete rubbish, saying: “Thor’s mythical, right? Thor has a hammer that flies to him when he clicks his fingers. That’s OK, but the color of my skin is wrong?”

Death And Taxes also say that the group has been up in arms over Marvel's Black Panther series for sympathizing with independent South Africa.

For the full story click the link below. I'm going to keep my thoughts on this to myself and just get your feedback. Are these miserable pricks anything but ridiculous, racist [frick]witts?

THOR 5: Chris Hemsworth Addresses His MCU Future And Says That There's Nothing Official (Yet)

THOR 5: Chris Hemsworth Addresses His MCU Future And Says That There's "Nothing Official" (Yet)

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Ibz - 12/15/2010, 4:00 PM
bloody hell, crazy or what and seriously this isnt the fricking literal adaption of norse mythology is it, elba answered it perfectly, theres not better answer to that, bloody extremists
PartyHard - 12/15/2010, 4:01 PM
This is why I'm glad Idris was cast. [frick] white supremacists.
OptimusPrime114 - 12/15/2010, 4:03 PM
Screw those douchebags.
Anthrax - 12/15/2010, 4:04 PM
WTF this is [frick]ing stupid
marvel72 - 12/15/2010, 4:04 PM
i'm still gonna see "thor" i'm not gonna boycott it,but personally i would of liked to see him portrayed properly.

heimdell is white in the comics & in norse mythology he should be white in the film,keep it close as possible to the source material.
Denn1s - 12/15/2010, 4:05 PM
holy crap that is ridiculous. it went too far...
GreenHalJordan - 12/15/2010, 4:09 PM
these douches DO REALIZE that AMERICA IS MADE UP OF MANY TYPES OF RACES RIGHT?!?!?! not just the europians found it, hell technecally we would be the "minorities" in the begginning cuz it was actually inhabited by native americans. whos ancestors originated from mexico, so they are dumbass hipocrytes (frick) white supremecy, if u are for it, get out!
Anthrax - 12/15/2010, 4:11 PM
Jealous cause there not black racist retards
dlineman517 - 12/15/2010, 4:13 PM
@GreenHalJordan - amen to that

these guys are beyond crazy
cadaveric - 12/15/2010, 4:16 PM
This just confirms the stupidity of racists,and white supremacists.Sad people really.i feel sorry for them thinkig that they are superior and gods people and the aryan race and they hate jews even though they are white as well.I mean a 3 year old tha believes in santa and having an imaginary friend is more in touch with reality.White power everybody and i want a movie with a black jesus a chinese jesus and an indian jesus like right now :P
LEEE777 - 12/15/2010, 4:18 PM
[frick] boycotting THOR...



: p

marvel72 - 12/15/2010, 4:21 PM
@ leee777


this is what people should be boycotting,thor gonna be amazing.
LEEE777 - 12/15/2010, 4:26 PM
Morningstar - 12/15/2010, 4:29 PM
the sheer stupidity of this is hilarious, how many people are that stupids for f*cks sake? If nothing else Idris Elba is a damn fine actor, who gives a sh*t if he's black?
Xandera - 12/15/2010, 4:30 PM
Seriously.... Somebody gotta beat some sense into these assholes...
Ibz - 12/15/2010, 4:30 PM
they have a problem with black panther why am i not surprised by that, marvel need to make BP real quick so these twisted [frick]ing retards get even more pissed, this is just stupid and outright disgusting

@Xan that somebody will be black panther, he would woop there asses
SpideyQuad - 12/15/2010, 4:31 PM
Its not like these guys can read. Or like they really know anything about Marvel's Thor! Were they going to watch it before hand?

And Captain America? Cap defeated the Nazi's. These guys like Nazi's!

Somehow me thinks Marvel survives. :)
DaenerysTargaryen - 12/15/2010, 4:32 PM
Skrew those assholes. I'm gunna let the Nostalgia critic say what I think of those racist jerks:
Creature - 12/15/2010, 4:32 PM
[frick] that.
AlReg - 12/15/2010, 4:33 PM
What a bunch of asses.
efox1962 - 12/15/2010, 4:35 PM
Who is Heimdel? Isn't that the dude who just hangs out on the bridge like he has no where else to go?

The only boycott that will keep me from seeing this is if the janitors who clean the theaters stop working months before and food piles up under the seats.

There was one movie where changing the actors race bothered me and that was Wild Wild West. Of course it only bothered me for 15 minutes until I walked out because the movie was horrible.

Think they would complain if they would have casted Sarah Palin as Heimdal?
ThomasRochester - 12/15/2010, 4:37 PM
here is something simple i am from panama city, fl 2 hours south of the shittest place on earth..alabama i say this because every person who lives in my town that is from alabama is a bunch of racist idiots whom, i believe, are inbred. so to boycott a movie for having diversity and showing equal opportunity (remember only 3-5 important ppl in the movie are actually American Born) is pure idiocracy, and shows that certain Americans are still nothing but a bunch of bible thumping racists, who could burn in eternal hell (thats if it truly exists)

ok really long heres the cliffnotes version for lazy people like me....this is stupid, alabama sucks, and some Americans are hypocrites and can suck satans ballas

***PS*** if you are from Alabama and are offended I am sorry but the people that moved to my town from your state are setting an awful example of the true Alabamian Society.
PunkRockMachine - 12/15/2010, 4:38 PM
I don't have a problem with people of different races in movies, but only if that's how they're supposed to be cast. It makes me mad when people/situations make it into movies that just don't match the canon. Why mess with something so trivial?

If I were to see a movie made from Neil Gaiman's Anansi Boys and they cast a white male lead, I would be furious!
DetectiveCinema - 12/15/2010, 4:39 PM
This is [frick]ing bullshit!!!

Who gives a flying [frick] about the colour of his skin!

HAdari415 - 12/15/2010, 4:40 PM
[frick] THESE ASSHOLES!!!!! being a black/filipino american republican i for one am glad that these inbred racist [frick]s are boycotting the movie, now I wont have to worry about sitting next to them durin the 8 times i see this movie!!!! and Idris Elba kicks major booty!!! im glad they cast him! i mean i could understand if they cast thor as black that would be weird but Heimdall isnt that important in my opinion. some times changing the race can be good, Look at Samuel L. Jackson nick fury(black) way better then the Hoff's portral.these people give americans a bad name
golden123 - 12/15/2010, 4:40 PM
Am I the only person who actually agrees with their reasons (though I'm not going as far as boycotting Thor) but seriously, the norse religion inspired the comic and the comic the movie.
@GreenHalJordan: Too bad norse gods aren't american.
MarkCassidy - 12/15/2010, 4:40 PM
If someone actually has a problem with the characters race being changed based on it not being true to the source material that's one thing, but these peons are just using that as an excuse to spread their hatred.

Jimdlux - 12/15/2010, 4:43 PM
First of all these bastards should be brought out into the street and shot!!

Oh GOD! I hope this next question doesn't link me to these bastards. How many black vikings were there? The Asgardians were Viking gods...there weren't any black ones. Not sure how I feel about Heimdel being black. I'm not going to boycott, but it will seem a bit odd. It would be like seeing a black Russian or if Shaka Zulu or King Kamayamaya was cast into a film with a white guy. Guess I will have to see...
terrakitty - 12/15/2010, 4:43 PM
just for giggles...Heimdall, in the Norse poetic Edda, was called "the white god." just thought that was funny in light of this thread. :) and, i think it's kind of awesome when you think about the casting choice...then again, i love irony. [frick] racism and [frick] racists.
Neo24real - 12/15/2010, 4:44 PM
Do we still live in a world like this???? Like people dont have better things to do....Yea noone wants to see them at the theatres anyways.....damn rascists
Neo24real - 12/15/2010, 4:44 PM
Do we still live in a world like this???? Like people dont have better things to do....Yea noone wants to see them at the theatres anyways.....damn rascists
HAdari415 - 12/15/2010, 4:45 PM
[frick] THESE ASSHOLES!!!!! being a black/filipino american republican i for one am glad that these inbred racist [frick]s are boycotting the movie, now I wont have to worry about sitting next to them durin the 8 times i see this movie!!!! and Idris Elba kicks major booty!!! im glad they cast him! i mean i could understand if they cast thor as black that would be weird but Heimdall isnt that important in my opinion. some times changing the race can be good, Look at Samuel L. Jackson nick fury(black) way better then the Hoff's portral.these people give americans a bad name
BIGBMH - 12/15/2010, 4:45 PM
:) Another reason to go see Thor: Spite these morons.
xinstituto - 12/15/2010, 4:46 PM
If a white and blue eyes actor was playng black panter they would say it was prejudice.. Norse Deity should be white its not about prejudice its about sence.. or they can explane that Heimdel was an African Deity who travelled to Asgard =/
nuck82 - 12/15/2010, 4:47 PM
lol leee how long did it take you to make that poster?

yeah [frick] those guys also, what year is it? lol
people are stupid
Ethic - 12/15/2010, 4:47 PM
I like how racists try to disguise their hatred in other forms. I mean, if someone takes issue with changing source material then that's an opinion with some foundation, but these guys hate across the board, as their Black Panther comments show.

And am I the only one who thinks Thor is simply gonna be okay, or maybe good? The trailer is alright but the whole thing feels kind of mediocre in my view.
Wait n see i guess.
Hawksblueyes - 12/15/2010, 4:49 PM
The shame of this is that racism is everywhere. It's not just conservatives, it's liberals. It exists in every religious and non religious group of people and every nation in the world, it has no boundaries. And we are sitting here giving them what they want by wasting our precious thoughts and time trying to figure out what their point or purpose is.

There is no figuring out crazy. It is what it is. Luckily, this way of thinking is slowly dying out and hopefully one day will be gone entirely.

xinstituto: What have you got against blue eyes? ;)
golden123 - 12/15/2010, 4:50 PM
@Rormachine: That was a very baised article.
Every person here would be whining if Black Panther was white. Jus sayin'
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