Once again, our friends over at Italian site Comicus have scored a fantastic interview with a stuntperson from upcoming Marvel Studios blockbuster, Thor. Dorenda Moore also briefly mentions her work on The Amazing Spider-Man. Below are a few questions from her interview with the site, but for the full version where she talks even more about her career, work on Thor and The Green Hornet, be sure to follow the link below!
How did you get involved in Thor? Did you have to audition for it?
I was fortunate enough, to have had a working and professional relationship with Andy Armstrong, the Stunt Coordinator of Thor, prior to him starting the film. I had worked with Andy previously on The Green Hornet. Mr. Armstrong knows and respects my abilities and believed that my size and looks were a good match to double for Natalie Portman in this film.
What can you tell us about your experience of Thor stage?
Most of my experience was on location in the New Mexico deserts where it was cold and windy. An entire town was built just for Thor. This allowed us a lot of freedom to create some amazing stunts and have a tone of fun blowing things up without damaging anything of great importance.
How long did you work?
The Thor Stunt Team in general, spent several months before the movie started, rehearsing the difficult wirework for the dramatic stunt sequences and coordinating the many fights you will see in the film. I spent six weeks prepping and testing several of the dangerous stunts that Natalie herself would later perform.
How has been working with stunts coordinators?Can you talk about them?
Working with Andy Armstrong the Stunt Coordinator of Thor, The Green Hornet and the new Spiderman Reboot has been fascinating. The stunts just seem to get bigger, better, and with more levels of danger and difficulty. Practical stunts seem to heighten the anticipation and danger, and make the stunts truly more exciting to watch, knowing there is a very realistic element of peril and destruction.
What about your future projects? You said you are going to work at Spiderman reboot. Without unfolding too much, can tell us a little bit about this experience?
I have since finished fighting pirates for the Pirates of the Caribbean on Stranger Tides and have moved on to help fight crime with Spiderman Reboot. All I can say is that the stunts just keep getting bigger and better. You’ve got to love the comics.