The "politically correct" Thor, Boo!

The "politically correct" Thor, Boo!

Hollywood is going to far in keeping movies so "PC" and now Thor gets the same treatment.

Review Opinion
By CBMcontributor - May 08, 2011 10:05 PM EST
Filed Under: Thor

It's so irritating how insanely "Politically Correct" America has become. I saw Thor this weekend, I liked it. Anyone could nit-pick the movie to point how the comics differ from the movie. Seriously, I mean Heimdall wasn't played by a white guy, who cares. No, I expected the movie to differ from the comics but this one point REALLY got to me. Thor is the Norse God of Thunder who's love interest is Jane Foster a nurse by profession, but in the movie they make her some genius astrophysicist. Why? You ask. So that she can spend half the movie scientifically explaining how Thor (a God) can travel between the universal realms. Instead of Thor simply using his divine powers she and her staff have to throw out crap like "well it's just a wormhole, or he's using the Einstein-Rosen bridge theory". Seriously?!! IT'S A COMIC BOOK PEOPLE! IT'S FICTIONAL! So what if he's a God who can travel the universe. Is America that sensitive to any semblance of a 'God' figure in Hollywood that even a comic book character is a threat to mainstream America? Lighten up people!

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lokisilvertongue - 5/9/2011, 3:14 AM
dude ur complaining about something tht actually exists in the comic being explained for those tht don't read comics
lokisilvertongue - 5/9/2011, 3:37 AM
I mean the use of the rainbow bridge which is like a Einstein-Rosen bridge, not her bein a scientist lol
Facade - 5/9/2011, 5:39 AM
It was an average superhero movie at best. I felt nothing for any of the characters. It was acted well enough and th fx were good, but overall it lacked heart and drive. Oh, and a story. This seemed nothing more than a weak intro of Thor for the general audience. I had no expectations going into it and left feeling flat. I'd give it a C- or 2 1/2 stars outta 5. Meh.
JohnnyKrypton - 5/9/2011, 7:05 AM
Actually Jane Foster is an MD in the books now, has been for years. In any case, without the Don Blake aspect, her character needed to be revamped for the film anyway. I think you're overreacting a bit here :P
Fairburne69 - 5/9/2011, 8:08 AM
Loved Thor. Seen it 2 times already. I personally didn't care that they changed a few things. It was still an awesome (not quite epic) movie that flew by.
Sturmpionier - 5/9/2011, 8:13 AM
Thor was awesome. Sounds like someone needs to switch to decaf.
plasticman - 5/9/2011, 9:06 AM
I loved the movie. You can't expect a movie that is known to be a prequel to an even larger movie to be heaping with comic book lore. This is a movie to set the audience up to get them wanting to see The Avengers next year and hopefully increase their interest enough to get them to fork over some more cash to see Captain America.

That being said I think a career change for Jane Foster helped to bring a bit of scientific reality to Thor traveling through the cosmos. She was originally a nurse because what else would an independent woman be doing in the 60's and 70's. Updating her career path only made sense to add a touch of reality and believability.

Chill out, Anonymous, you are overreacting.
CoolioVids - 5/9/2011, 9:54 AM
very nice man
getdaball1 - 5/9/2011, 9:58 AM
Well - they did open the door for possible other ways to travel between the realms - so hopefully that will create more opportunities to show this type of travel. Thor really to me- is one of the hardest to show - because you are asking allot of movie goers- who are not into comics - to believe this is actually possible - but even if you aren't into comics - this was an awesome story because it is tied into "Norse" mythology- which I love!
Twenty23Three - 5/9/2011, 10:29 AM
i think you are just taking this too seriously. I saw this as an attempt to make Thor more appealing and less cheesy to the general audience. The idea that 'magic' is just science we have yet to understand I feel is a more mature way to portray the character.
kjdunc14 - 5/9/2011, 12:01 PM
But Plasticman that's my whole point why do we need scientific reality for Thor to be awesome. Whats more interesting something that can be proven by man or something that mysteriously cannot. It's like if in Spiderman 3 they spent forever explaining how the Sandman grows because the molecular structure of the polarized sand particles fused with an electrical current.... blah, blah, blah, blah. This is fantasy, using your imagination, in comic books things just are what they are.
jackdawak - 5/9/2011, 7:57 PM
@Anonymous CBM Contributor - Shut up
Junito - 5/9/2011, 8:48 PM
Movie did exactly what it was suppose to do, introduce Thor to a new audience, and set up for Avengers. Movie was flat, lock luster, and a dish of mediocre action. Just a little above Superman Returns. Lets hope Xmen, GL, and Capt movie are better.
Teois42 - 5/9/2011, 10:01 PM
You are a dumb [frick]... please get off the internet.
kjdunc14 - 5/10/2011, 2:42 AM
@ SuspenseSmith- I'm not saying she needs to still be a nurse because yes that would be too farfetched. She could be an archeologist and her and her team are researching in the area for all I care. I just found it strange that of all the possibilities she's an astrophysicist, the very profession that can theoretically rationalize his abilities as opposed to him just having super-human god-like powers.
ThomasRochester - 5/10/2011, 7:08 PM
@kjdunc14 well all she said was he arrived on earth via a wormhole. she didnt "theoretically rationalize" his abilities, everyone thought he was crazy until he died and became the god of thunder again, watch the movie again man.
MaximusRodd - 5/15/2011, 1:01 AM
@kjdunc14: He DOES have superhuman God-Like powers. They made that clear. Loki being referred to as a master of magic proves that it wasn't all science. And, have you ever read the official Marvel Comics description of Asgardians? Marvel has always blended the two.

I was displeased with the fact that they kept using the term realm, leaving it ambiguous as to whether Thor was from outer space or another dimension. Not until the Easter Egg at the end did they spell it out and say "dimensional gateway."

Asgardians in Marvel were worshipped as gods here once (the only intelligent line Darcy had in the movie). They are only "gods" because they came from another dimension closely linked to ours, have immense superhuman power, were worshiped by Vikings and influenced their culture. The opening scene in Norway agrees with this.

All mythological gods in the Marvel Universe stemming from real world history are explained this way. It has ALWAYS been clear that they are extradimensional beings who were worshiped by humans but are not gods in the sense of creation. None of them created man. They were created themselves. Each culture led themselves to believe that these entities were their creators though. This is not a movie plot device; it was the way Lee and Kirby wrote it 45 years ago. IT IS MARVEL CANON.

I swear, I have felt it necessary to post so much on this point, one I feel is rather easy to grasp, yet so many still don't get it.

Now, I will reiterate my contention with the film (which I LOVED both times I saw it 2D and 3D). During the film, they were too ambiguous as to whether they were intergalactic or extradimensional within the movie. Nick Fury's line in the end bit cleared that up when they talked about "Foster's Theory." I didn't appreciate the straddling both sides of the fence. That was irritating. Yet I understand, even more clearly as I once again feel the need to write this, that people are buffoons. They don't understand complex theories and would be turned off. Thor gets 4.2/5 stars from me. If it wasn't for some of Portman's lines and their annoying delivery it would be a 4.5.

@kjdunc14: You are obviously a fan, but you must understand that even the fans bitched for ages how they couldn't see how Thor would fit into their precious Iron Man world. So, perhaps the filmmakers here felt obliged to overcompensate with explanations for the unimaginative idiots who they were afraid simply wouldn't get it.
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