THOR: LOVE AND THUNDER Star Natalie Portman Didn't Know About Return; Reflects On Lifting Mjolnir At SDCC

THOR: LOVE AND THUNDER Star Natalie Portman Didn't Know About Return; Reflects On Lifting Mjolnir At SDCC

In a new interview, Natalie Portman reveals that she wasn't aware of her return to the MCU as the Mighty Thor in advance, and reflects on lifting Mjolnir for the first time at this year's Comic-Con...

By JoshWilding - Oct 04, 2019 03:10 AM EST
Filed Under: Thor: Love and Thunder
At this year's San Diego Comic-Con, we learned that Natalie Portman will play The Mighty Thor in Taika Waititi's Thor: Love and Thunder. However, when the actress appeared on The Tonight Show With Jimmy Fallon, she revealed that she was just as shocked as the rest of us to learn that Marvel Studios wanted her to play the new God of Thunder. 

"I did not know," Portman confirmed. "I mean I was aware that there was a storyline, but I didn't know that they were actually planning on doing that in the movies."
In the video below, she also admits that the big reveal at Comic-Con was "nerve-wracking," and confesses that lifting Mjolnir for the first time on stage provided to be quite the experience. "I didn't get to practice ahead of time, so I picked it up and it was kind of heavy!" she laughed.
We're still a good couple of years away from Thor: Love and Thunder hitting the big screen, but it's going to be very interesting to see how the movie comes together and that first look at Portman suited up is going to almost certainly break the internet. That wait is going to be a killer, of course, but at least we have plenty of other Marvel movies and TV shows to look forward to before then.

Hear more from Portman in the player below:

Hit the "View List" button below to check out a recap of
everything we know so far about Thor: Love and Thunder!

Why Is It Called "Love And Thunder"?


It seems Marvel Studios is embracing some original subtitles for Phase 4 and Love and Thunder is definitely an interesting choice! When Waititi was asked for an explanation, both he and Hemsworth responded with, "There's nothing more powerful in the world than love and thunder." 

Assuming the plan is to delve into both Thor and Valkyrie's love lives (more on that later), this title actually makes more sense than you might think. That logo is also every bit as unique as Ragnarok's.

Will Korg Return?


Korg and Miek made an unexpected cameo appearance in one of Avengers: Endgame's funniest scenes, but will they have a role to play in Love and Thunder? "Who knows?" was all the filmmaker would say, clearly unwilling to give away even the most minor of details about Marvel's first..."fourquel"? 

The Script May Already Be Complete


When Hemsworth and Thomspon were asked for details on the story and where we find the God of Thunder after everything he went through in Avengers: Endgame, neither of them could say.

That's not just a case of them being sworn to secrecy, either, because as Waititi puts it, "They haven't read the script." Does that imply the screenplay is already finished? It's certainly a possibility, and with Hemsworth wanting to take the rest of 2019 off, that late 2021 release date makes a lot of sense.

Valkyrie Is The MCU's First Openly Gay Superhero


Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige has said that an openly gay superhero is coming to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and we now know who that is. During the panel, Thompson was asked what Valkyrie will be doing as the new King of Asgard, and, well, she wants to find herself a Queen!

"I think, first of all as new King, she needs to find her Queen. That would be her first order of business. She has some ideas." Captain Marvel is one very popular suggestion, of course, and it will be interesting to find out who Marvel and Waititi plucks from the comic books for her to start dating. 

As for what the future holds in store for New Asgard, she reiterated that it's the people who make it, and said for Valkyrie, "The cool thing is to create refuge for any person who needs it."

The New Thor


The biggest bombshell dropped at the panel came when Waititi announced which comic book run Love and Thunder will be based on. "When we were shooting Ragnarok, I was reading one storyline by Jason Aaron called 'The Mighty Thor.' For those of you who know that storyline it's incredible and full of love and emotion and thunder. It introduces, for the first time, a female Thor."

The director then called Portman out to the stage as she gets set to make her MCU return after a six year absence (the last time we saw Jane Foster was in Thor: The Dark World). 

Jane Foster Lifts The Hammer


Waititi presented the actress with Mjolnir, to which she responded, "Feels pretty good. I always had a little hammer envy."

We still don't know how Mjolnir returns or what leads to Jane taking on the Thor mantle, but this is definitely a game-changer for the MCU and could bring Hemsworth's tenure as the character to a close. The question is, will Portman stick around for future Marvel films?

Well, things have certainly changed since 2013, and assuming she can continue playing a strong, female superhero, it's safe to assume that we could see her make the leap to The Avengers.

Continue reading below to check out the
logos for Marvel Studios' entire Phase 4 slate!


During the panel, Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige confirmed that every movie released up until now is part of "The Infinity Saga." Here, we see the brand new logo for those first three phases. 

This is a fairly simple logo but one which may match the tone. Kevin Feige said it will be 100% Jack Kirby-inspired so it's a little surprising that there's not more evidence of that in this title.

Sadly, we'll never get to see Iron Man battle the real Mandarin but he will be the lead villain of this movie. In case the title didn't make it clear, that logo emphasises those ten (magic?) rings too.

The Doctor Strange logo has received something of an overhaul but it's interesting to see how the subtitle is even bigger. Scarlet Witch will appear in the sequel so the red may be a homage to her.

Just like Thor: Ragnarok had a very unique logo, so too does Thor: Love and Thunder. That's a title which could have a number of meanings, particularly now we know Valkyrie is indeed gay. 

Honestly, what else did you expect? This is to the point and exactly what you would expect from a gritty movie featuring the fan-favourite Avenger. It's good to see her logo front and centre too.

The biggest surprise at Comic-Con was, of course, the fact that Blade is returning to the big screen. This logo perfectly emcompasses the fact that the Vampire Hunter operates both night and day. 

This may be titled The Falcon and The Winter Soldier but the presence of Captain America's shield should tell you all you need to know; Sam Wilson is going to take on that persona on Disney+!

This is still a pretty weird title but it's easy to see the 50s inspiration here. It's been said on a number of occasions that the show will have a retro aesthetic as we head into the MCU's suburbs.

This title treatment is very different and it's hard to say what, if anything, it tells us about the series. What we do know, though, is that it will revolve around the God of Mischief from 2012. 

This is simple but awesome and if you look closely, you may notice that we get what could be our first look at the show's animation style. Is that the Red Skull wearing Captain America's suit?

The logo for Hawkeye is obviously inspired by Matt Fraction's run and that makes sense, especially as the comic book series revolved around Clint Barton training and working with Kate Bishop. 

And here it is, Marvel's Phase 4 slate. However, this probably isn't the entire slate because these movies and TV shows are only spread out over two years and that would be a very short Phase!
THOR: Jaimie Alexander Has Pitched A Sif/Beta Ray Bill Disney+ Series; Reveals LOVE AND THUNDER Deleted Scenes

THOR: Jaimie Alexander Has Pitched A Sif/Beta Ray Bill Disney+ Series; Reveals LOVE AND THUNDER Deleted Scenes

THOR: LOVE AND THUNDER Star Natalie Portman Open To Mighty Thor Return But Is Waiting For Marvel Studios' Call
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THOR: LOVE AND THUNDER Star Natalie Portman Open To Mighty Thor Return But Is Waiting For Marvel Studios' Call

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Spidey91 - 10/4/2019, 4:14 AM
So, just how big you guys think the money truck they put in front of her house was?
LongMayHeReign - 10/4/2019, 5:27 AM
@Spidey91 - Honestly, not that big. She probably saw the opportunity for a much more substantial role in the most popular franchise in history than she previously had and it was a no brainer.

Also they probably told her of the possibilities of future appearances and her taking over the franchise as the lead.
Spock0Clock - 10/4/2019, 5:40 AM
@Spidey91 - Do we know for a fact this isn't on her original contract? Her past comments always came across as "I'm done as far as I know", but if Marvel called her back she might still be on the hook.

In any case, I think Ragnarok really changed the landscape. Thor was always the most dysfunctional and lackluster of the Phase 1 solo franchises, but now it feels fresh and interesting. Plus Marvel has changed a lot in the last six years. And being asked to come back as a hero (rather than a love interest) and possibly a meaty role where she's fighting cancer has got to be pretty attractive for her.

But I do hope they're giving her some cash, too. And the potential for more appearances, because there is a lot of potential there.
Doomsday8888 - 10/4/2019, 5:02 AM
The way i see it, there's nothing worse than wasting a character/storyline's potential.
Dunno why they're in such a rush when it comes to Thor, but it is what it is i guess...
Spock0Clock - 10/4/2019, 5:33 AM
@Doomsday8888 - Waititi was apparently reading the Aaron run in 2015/2016 during the filming of Ragnarok, so the ideas have been rattling around his head for three or four years before actually getting started on production. Feige, too, has certainly been aware of this possibility (I know I have, and have been writing comments to that effect going back probably to 2017).

The way movies work is that once production starts, it's gotta go pretty fast (there are resources that need to be allocated and accounted for and entire teams of schedulers whose jobs are keeping it all on track). Just because we (and apparently Portman) weren't fully in the loop about these plans until this year doesn't mean it's rushed.
Doomsday8888 - 10/4/2019, 6:03 AM
No, that's...that's not exactly what i meant.

I'm talking about Thor's different storyarcs.

I loved Ragnarok, and after i was done watching it, my mind went to picture all different kinds of scenarios where one could take Thor.
One without a hammer, lost an eye, lost Asgard, but he still managed to save his people, most of em at least, and...He was a King!
I thought they were going to build Asgardia or New Asgard either on Earth or somewhere else in the universe.

Heh. NOPE.
Thanos happened.
That purple ass mofo changed everything.
Killed all those Asgardians, killed Loki, Heimdall, no rainbow bridge, Thor had to Rocky Balboa his way to Thanos, got a new badass Hammer, got a new sexy and stinky ass eye, went aaaaaall BRING ME THANOOOOOOOOS on him!!!!

And you know, i was like...aigh...aight, this shit is not what i had in mind, but it's still hot af.

Then i thought a new trilogy with that kinda Thor, someone searching his place in the universe, a King...of nothing.
The last son of Asgard (heh), was something really cool to explore.
But then f*cking Endgame happened, and after those 5 years...we got a fat f*ck Thor.

Now...i get the point of all that...depressing storyarc, and hey, it's not like he wasn't a total badass in the third act, with that Viking look with dreadlocks and all.
Matter of fact, we learned that there ARE still some Asgardians, that they kinda DID build a New Asgard...on Earth, and at the end of the day...Thor kinda left everything to...i guess find his place in the universe, but the way they handled all that?
Not a big fan.
First of all, 90% of all that shit happens off-screen.
But when it comes to the rest...they straight out killed the potential of all those different storylines.

I mean, eventually, you could've ALWAYS get right here, with Thor, a new eye, hammer, even Jane as the Mighty Thor, but c'mon, slow down ffs!!!

This is like setting up the stage for All Star Superman, then changing the scenario to have something similar to Kingdom Come, just to end up with TDKR Superman.

All different, but awesome storylines, but none of them were properly...handled.

I hate that, and i'm experiencing something similar with the Superman comics...UGH!
Spock0Clock - 10/4/2019, 6:33 AM
@Doomsday8888 - Oh, I see what you mean. Yeah, it does suck that movies don't seem to have the capability of translating 50 years of story into characters that will only exist on screen for ~10 hours, but it's kind of the nature of the beast.

It's why I tend to like TV more than movies. There is often time to explore and breathe and journey down every weird dead end.
Doomsday8888 - 10/4/2019, 6:49 AM
Don't get me wrong, it's not like you have to squeeze in every single story and if done well, i CAN accept something happenin' off-screen, but what they did with Thor was very interesting on one hand...but it still kinda left a bad taste in my mouth. :/
It's like they are constantly going zig zag with him, changing the status quo, in a span of...what? 2 years?
They did basically next to nothing with him in 10 years, 2 Thor movies, 2 Avengers movies and now that shit's ACTUALLY getting interesting with him, they....they don't want to stick with one storyline, they want to tell all kinds of stories and rather quickly, dunno why, really...

With everything we've seen, i doubt that a movie with Jane as Thor was necessary.

I'm gonna keep an open mind, man...but yeah, feels like a waste of damn good potential if you ask me...
Doomsday8888 - 10/4/2019, 6:52 AM
Yeah but we didn't know that back then.
I mean, unless i missed something, i though they were all gone.
It's in Endgame that we learn that some of them survived.

Not like they did something interesting with them anyway...
Doomsday8888 - 10/4/2019, 7:00 AM
Sure, i guess...
But seeing how they treated the warriors three and their deaths, it's not like they give too much importance to these Asgardians. :P

I knew that Sif was alive (if not snapped) and Thor could've made lots of lil Asgardian babies with her.:3
Spock0Clock - 10/4/2019, 7:23 AM
@Doomsday8888 - Yeah, Thor was mishandled for four movies, but even a character like Captain America or Iron Man which did get rigorous and effective characterization whizzed by way too fast.

The MCU is great (and I hope its continuity sticks around for another 20 years), but I'm also hoping that some other medium will become the default mechanism for big scale long form shared continuity storytelling.

You could do it best with some kind of animation, but they tend not to get the kind of profit to let them deliver the necessary spectacle. You could do it with video games, but the nature of AAA game development is such that each entry is sort of its own entity and having a 10+ year storytelling cycle means early entries become massively outdated.

Maybe streaming will solve that, and we'll get the proper medium for it, but maybe not. Whatever the "next MCU" is, though, I suspect it will address these shortcomings.
Doomsday8888 - 10/4/2019, 7:48 AM
Realistically speaking, all wishful thinking aside and considering everything, how long do you think they will keep this same continuity?
In other words, how long do you think they'll keep going forward, without their big guns like Tony, Steve etc?
Not to mention that...i guess they will eventually lose other actors in the upcoming years, right?
Sure the X-people alone can keep the boat afloat for many many years, but even as a long time X-fan, i'd hate to see the MCU as a synonymous for X-Men, you know what i mean?
Spock0Clock - 10/4/2019, 10:25 AM
@Doomsday8888 - I think it depends. If Feige stays in charge and they stick with doing movies and TV in the very traditional way that they've been doing it, I think optimistically, they'll probably look for some big anniversary to do a blow-out finale. (Maybe the 25th.) Get everybody back and just do one big self-congratulatory parade.

But, if Feige moves on (for whatever reason) or they start getting experimental with it, it can go a lot of different ways. There's some chance improved technology means they can start recreating actors flawlessly for relatively cheap, in which case, maybe we start getting a sort of "timeless" continuity. Like James Bond, but without true recasts because they will be using CG creations of these actors in their prime (and then slowly altering them in appearance and characterization to conform to the stories as they go).

That assumes traditional linear media continues to be the premier entertainment, but something more interactive may begin to overtake it. If it does, I think the MCU as we understand it will largely fail to adapt and get sidelined by history (assuming it lasts long enough anyway).

I tend to think this whole endeavor won't be around forever. Something will push it out of the big leagues, (maybe even another iteration of superheroes or even Marvel). It will be sad to see it limp along at the end, but it might if it stops being particularly popular. But worrying about problems for a franchise like this 10 years out is probably unnecessary. You look at your Star Treks and such and they always have booms and busts.
MyCoolYoung - 10/4/2019, 6:50 AM
I really think Natalie is going to crush it and I'm excited to see how this all plays out. It's one of my most anticipated MCU movies
JustAChillFan - 10/4/2019, 7:47 AM
She is a great actress and usually is more locked in when she has more to work with. She was bad in the two Thor movies because she was given nothing to do and she wasn't invested in her performance. I hope she is more locked in now that she has far more to do because she is a fantastic actress.
MarkV - 10/4/2019, 8:19 PM
I remain skeptical. I'm often wrong about these properties, so I will continue to make bad predictions I'm sure. But Natalie Portman was the worse aspect about Thor. This seems like a train wreck. The director is one of the best so likely I'm off base. But I'm not convinced.
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