Chris Hemsworth Says I Became A Parody Of Myself In Taika Waititi's THOR: LOVE AND THUNDER

Chris Hemsworth Says "I Became A Parody Of Myself" In Taika Waititi's THOR: LOVE AND THUNDER

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Doomsday8888 - 1/10/2020, 2:05 AM
I hope this is not...

Otherwise, long face... will i have.
mastakilla39 - 1/10/2020, 5:45 AM
@Doomsday8888 - I only doubt it because his appearance has been teased for the past 2 thor films and he has never showed up.

But even with this film I'm not sure if Taika can make a serious film (I have not seen JoJo Rabbit yet). I'm not sure if Taika will give a serious take on Jane Foster dying of breast cancer and Beta Ray Bill who's protecting his race from extinction.
Reeds2Much - 1/10/2020, 8:00 AM
@Doomsday8888 -
JonC - 1/10/2020, 8:31 AM
@Doomsday8888 -

Studio- "The role has huge body transformation but... Beta Ray will be quite a challenge..."

Bale - "Challenge accepted!"
dracula - 1/10/2020, 2:07 AM
Doubt it, we already are going to have 2 Thors with Thor and Jane, plus Thor is using his weapon
mastakilla39 - 1/10/2020, 5:56 AM
@dracula - This could be Hemsworths final film, Thor could hand over Storm Breaker to Beta. IW & Endgame kinda retconned it for fan service, but Thor's supposed to be using Odin Force mode, not the hammers.

But I feel like there's going to be too many characters similar to thor. We are going to have Thor, Jane-Thor, Beta-Thor, probably Loki-thor, and Valkyrie (whose personality and power is similar to Thor too).
MrCamw1 - 1/10/2020, 2:16 AM
Wheres the new info? Bill's been rumored the past few days with the Bale rumor announcement.
tripttwe - 1/10/2020, 2:17 AM
Bale as Adam Warlock.
Origame - 1/10/2020, 6:38 AM
@tripttwe - then he'd be talking about a role in guardians 3
Orphix - 1/10/2020, 2:19 AM
I was thinking Bale would be cast as a villain - although not sure which one.

I wonder if his cast will be a Matt Damon type thing.
Whaley87 - 1/10/2020, 4:27 AM
@Orphix - I don't think there were trades reporting Matt Damon's cameo/role more than a year and a half before the film's release though.
Whaley87 - 1/10/2020, 4:29 AM
@Whaley87 - Whereas Cate Blanchett on the other hand, December 10th 2015 -
thewanderer - 1/10/2020, 4:49 AM
@Orphix - I'm no Thor expert, but doesn't Beta Ray Bill start off briefly as a villain, before turning good once deemed worthy?
Mando - 1/10/2020, 2:19 AM
If this news about beta ray Bill is to be true...Imagine three thor in one movie ..Thor odinson jane foster and beta ray Bill in all that epic ness

this news pleases me greatly
DemonTweeks - 1/10/2020, 6:39 AM
@ClappinCheeks - lets get one more and make it "four Thors for Thor 4"
Mando - 1/10/2020, 6:41 AM
@DemonTweeks - wicked
PicolasCage - 1/10/2020, 6:58 AM
@DemonTweeks - put Throg in there, he’d be more of a sensation than Baby Groot and Baby Yoda combined
Dredd97 - 1/10/2020, 3:59 PM
@PicolasCage - And have Throg played by Kelsey Grammer
tripttwe - 1/10/2020, 5:53 PM
@PicolasCage - Multiverse connection?
Spock0Clock - 1/10/2020, 2:33 AM
Okay, I'm watching baseless Marvel speculation videos and Bob Chipman just threw out a real left-fielder... Adam Sandler as the Thing. ...And [frick], it scrambled my brain.

Uncut gems will get Sandler all the cache he needs from movie snobs to do some silly Marvel mocap, but... [frick]... I think I kind of love it.

Sandler has the capacity to straddle the main roles of Ben. Cartoonish kid-friendly mascot (check), emotional depths of existential loneliness (check), and a distinctive working class vibe and voice that would come through the CG (check).

Some fancasts don't let you walk away.
Kumkani - 1/10/2020, 2:34 AM
@Spock0Clock - Holy shit...
WakandanQueen - 1/10/2020, 2:35 AM
@Spock0Clock - I'm sold
Se4M4NSt4ine - 1/10/2020, 3:13 AM
Repian - 1/10/2020, 3:17 AM
@Spock0Clock - Adam Sandler can be Black Talon in a comedy like Deadpool. Surely he would like the idea of ​​being a chicken man. xD

Reeds2Much - 1/10/2020, 8:03 AM
@Repian - He said peep.
MisterTriffid - 1/10/2020, 2:50 AM
A three way Thor slugfest would be awesome!!! Now if they can just cast Killing Eve's Jodie Comer as the Enchantress I will die a happy man.
FinnishDude - 1/10/2020, 2:50 AM
I don't want to see Waititi's take on Bill.
GodHercules20 - 1/10/2020, 2:55 AM
Is Minotaur a tough villain for Thor to fight?
Spock0Clock - 1/10/2020, 3:08 AM
@GodHercules20 - I wouldn't say it was too tough for her.
Reeds2Much - 1/10/2020, 8:29 AM
@GodHercules20 - A wise man once said:
Se4M4NSt4ine - 1/10/2020, 3:09 AM
You don’t have an expressive actor like Bale in your movie and make him simply a voice for a character, granted yes an argument could be made for Cooper and Rocket, but come on... it’s Christian [frick]ing amateur Bale we’re talking about.
thewanderer - 1/10/2020, 4:51 AM
@Se4M4NSt4ine - he did full on voice and motion capture for Mowgli. There's even videos out there about how deeply he got into the role.
Se4M4NSt4ine - 1/11/2020, 11:52 PM
@thewanderer - yeah I know that, but this isn’t some Netflix Jungle Book remake.
thewanderer - 1/12/2020, 3:48 AM
@Se4M4NSt4ine - when Bale signed on it wasn’t a Netflix movie.

Besides that doesn’t help your case. If your argument is that Bale will only do love action, why would he then choose to do MoCap for a little ol’ Netflix movie?
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