Nikki Fink's Deadline Hollywood is making the predictions...
"Paramount is gonna call me screaming any moment. But rival studios are telling me they expect Transformers 2: Revenge Of The Fallen to open with a high of $175M for its 5-day opening from Wednesday, June 24 to Sunday, June 28. Because the sequel came onto tracking HUGE today. Paramount will try to lower expectations. But here's what can't be argued: Spider-Man 2 opened on Wednesday, June 30, 2004, and did $152 million for its first 5 days. So Transformers 2 feels like at least it should be in the $160+M range."
I find it interesting that the other movie used as a comparison is a comic book property. This movie should make more money then a home equity loan makes banks. Sound off below and let us know if you think Transformers ROTF will rake in the dough as the Heavy Hitter of the summer.