TRANSFORMERS: THE LAST KNIGHT Reviews Are In - What Are The Critics Saying?
"Clusterflick," "Pointless," and "Zero Fun" are just some of the words used to describe Transformers: The Last Knight in these reviews as the fifth instalment of the franchise hits theaters today.
The Transformers movies have never been met with particularly kind reviews from critics but they are successful commercially and that's why a FIFTH instalment of the franchise is heading into theaters today. Unfortunately, it doesn't sound as if Michael Bay has learned any lessons from the past as the overstuffed movie clearly has a lot of issues and isn't an improvement on what's come before.
Perhaps that shouldn't come as a surprise, but the sad thing here is that it doesn't even sound like fans of these characters will find much to enjoy. It does, however, sound like Bay is setting up at least two more movies here so this is one series Paramount Pictures isn't giving up on any time soon! After all, there's a very good chance that this release will end up being a smash at the global box office.
Will you still be checking out Transformers: The Last Knight or have the reviews put you off from watching the movie? As always, feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section down below.

So what to make of Transformers: The Last Knight? Fans of the franchise will likely cheer over its final 40 minutes, which are one long action sequence featuring a barrage of battle bots. But people looking for some bang for their buck would be hard-pressed to do better, as Bay offers more bangs, bells, whistles and bonkers moments than any filmmaker working today. Story-wise, the movie is a mess. There are too many characters to keep track of, much less care about, so many of the big emotional moments lack resonance. Nonetheless, there’s some genuinely wild and fun stuff to be found in this clusterflick. If nothing else, see it for the WTF.
SOURCE: Comic Book Resources
Once it calms down a little after the humans-vs.-Transformers battle that opens the film, it is blessed to have Anthony Hopkins back to light this edition up, adding dignity, credibility, wit and his regal presence to make this all tolerable.
SOURCE: Deadline
Bay’s genuine determination to give you a good time still doesn’t result in fun. Overlong, overstuffed and soulless, for fans who grew up with Optimus and Co, The Last Knight will sting like a bee. [1*]
SOURCE: Empire Online
Monster metal, mass destruction, Anthony Hopkins saying “dude.” This is your brain on Michael Bay—a cortex scramble so amped on pyro and noise and brawling cyborgs it can only process what’s happening on screen in onomatopoeia: Clang! Pew-pew! Kablooey! (Which, to be fair, does cover about 80 percent of the script.) [C+]
SOURCE: Entertainment Weekly
And so the ageless, endless, pointless struggle between good and evil in the Transformer community recommences, and the final explosive showdown seems to be competing with Marvel movies for spectacle. But Marvel brings wit and fun. As far as those factors go, the Transformers franchise is in very short supply. [1*]
SOURCE: Guardian
The power of Transformers has always been in the visuals and the “global event” it creates through the most scorching months of the year and like those before it, The Last Knight will be a global phenomenon once more. Everything that fans want is here, but with a sixth and indeed seventh entry already planned, as well as the countless spin-off, it will send many of them home exceedingly happy. But like the Pirates of the Caribbean and X-Men franchises, isn’t it time now to give the robots a few years rest before pouring more on us? [2*]
The good news about the latest Transformers movie is that — spoiler alert! — the world gets saved at the conclusion. The bad news is that it leaves the opportunity for more Transformers movies. Anyone capable of explaining the near-incomprehensible storyline deserves a prize of some sort. Suffice it to say that the world is very much in peril; there are lots of large-scale battles involving robots good and bad; and Mark Wahlberg, who returns after making his first appearance in 2014’s Transformers: Age of Extinction, hasn’t forgone his rigorous exercise routine.
SOURCE: The Hollywood Reporter
Michael Bay has now been making Transformers films for more than ten years. In that time, the series has moved on very little and The Last Knight is the loudest and most explosively dull instalment yet. A recycled plot told through an overly on-the-nose script, read by a confusing parade of characters, and muddled action scenesdoes nothing to justify its epic length. [4/10]
The final act is a non-stop, special-effects bludgeoning of the senses that is zero fun. And the movie introduces the most annoying Transformer ever, Sir Edmund’s robot bodyguard Cogman (voiced by Jim Carter, aka Downton Abbey’s lovably crusty Carson). Worst of all? That Last Knight title is a misnomer: Bay has warned that this is his franchise finale, Wahlberg is tapping out, but the climax clearly sets up a sixth Transformers. Thanks for nothing, Prime. [1*]
The fifth time may not quite be the charm, but the latest entry in Michael Bay's crunched-metal robot-war mega-series is badder, and therefore better. Sort of.
SOURCE: Variety
okhvk;OFIavomitousdischargeofplotpointsbeuuauuq3c2i;C HIfihiehfeshliketheresachosenonehereandanotherchosenoneJK ljjkfaejjeexkandmultiplesacredobjectsmlecjaje;lfja;eaejl;a33itm jafcandjesusatonepointhteyevenhavemarkwahlbergutterarthurcclarkes famousquoteabouthowanysufficientlyadvancedtechnologywillbe indistinguishablefrommagicohgodstopcnhfhplerafffkalkqh jsgfffrkitsalloverloadandoverkillandchaoszcsmwmezzeajcjeaa pflikeyourshoppingbagburstandsplatteredrobotsalloverthefloorlchdqh ;3dbutwelostthiswaralongtimeagokrcifhahaeifiajekjj,l ekjfwhatdoyoudowhenthesignalbecomesthenoisezclkhwa4 friaghskfbandyoucannolongertellthedifference.
SOURCE: Village Voice*
*Yes, this is actually an excerpt from their review!
Without apology, Transformers: The Last Knight is a gut-busting cinematic entrée that transcends satisfaction into levels of gross overindulgence. Robot aliens are polished down to the slightest chrome grate, but fault lies in execution. Michael Bay is directing four different movies, none of which NEED to play together. This leads to slight reconciliations (Bumblebee and Optimus Prime have their own “Martha!” moment), underdeveloped inclusions (Isabela Moner as a fill-in child figure) and bad, ramblin’ story work. Casual racist stereotypes? Clunky story mechanics? Anthony Hopkins saying “dude?” Bring a pillow and some Advil – this is going to be one long, bumpy ride filled with “Are we there yet?” prayers. [2*]
SOURCE: We Got This Covered
For non-fans, there’s no explaining how this series got to a fifth installment, but if you’re one of those audiences that has eagerly forked over your cash four times before, Paramount and Hasbro thank you, and they’ve served up another hasenpfeffer of loud, disjointed confusion for you in “Transformers: The Last Knight.”
SOURCE: The Wrap