SCREEN RANT have gotten their hands on some
Walking Dead panel highlights from C2E2 that reveal some interesting details about the shows second season.
Actor Jon Berthnal talks about how we will see Shane's true colors in season 2:
Bernthal: “Shane screwed up pretty big at the end of the season. We’re gonna see a guy who is really, really lonely. It’s a different kind of loneliness. He’s with the people he loves and he can’t be with them the way he wants to. You will see the worst of him and the best of him in season two.”
Laurie Holden also talked about how Andrea will evolve into the "lone wolf/warrior" from the comics when the second season rolls around
Holden: “The only reason Andrea left the CDC is because she didn’t want Dale’s blood on her hands. She has lost everything and has no love in her life and there will be a lot of resentment towards Dale in season two. Andrea will get stronger and find her feet. In the graphic novel she emerges as a warrior, so I’m excited for that. She may be a bit of a lone wolf in season two, just trying to find her feet.”
Bernthal also talked about how each character will have an effect on each other:
Bernthal: “In this season, you’re going to see that these people are a lot more dangerous to each other than the zombies are.”
The two also explained why there should be no worries with season 2
Holden: “Everyone was like, oh the writers are being replaced, oh no. It’s not going to mean anything, It’s all Frank. He is one of those rare artists that cares about humanity and passion.”
Bernthal: “Frank’s a bad ass. Period. When I read this pilot, it was just way better than anything else that was out there. [Bernthal went on to accidentally describe him with a number of sexual innuendos, so he gave up and finished with] Frank’s the best!”