Arrow writer Marc Guggenheim has taken to his twitter to reveal the title for Arrow's 2nd episode of it's fourth season named "The Candidate". This is one of the many steps Arrow has taken to become more "Green Arrow" for it's fourth season. Including, a new costume, the "Green Arrow" name, re-naming Starling City, Star City and more ! Season 4 is also set to feature Damian Dahrk and Anarky as villians. As well as Mr. Terrific as a new hero. The beggining of the fourth season will also set up Legends Of Tommorow by bringing back Sara Lance as the White Canary. Season 4 is sounding pretty great, so let's hope that they can get back to the greatness of Season 2, and not do another Season 3.
In the comics, Oliver becomes Mayor in the "
One Year Later" storyline that took place after
Infinite Crisis and after Tommy Merlyn (The Dark Archer) had destroyed his city, simular to the end of the first season of Arrow. In this storyline Deathstroke is hired to kill Mayor Queen. Though doubtful, who wouldn't love to see that happen on Arrow ?