The second season of Arrow just wrapped in an explosive season finale that puts some superhero movies to shame. If you aren't watching Arrow or you tried the first few and then quit these ten reason might just convince you to take a look. Or if you already watch Arrow and just like reading about how awesome it is this article is for you.
#5. Its not the CW Teen Drama you think it is.
The CW gets a bad rap for having show like Gossip Girls and 90210 and every other show on the CW is automatcally compared to those. Sure the CW has had its fair share of teen drama's but Arrow manages to separate itself from those and become its own beast. Does it have drama? Sure! Every show has drama, but Arrow uses it to further the over all story in a way that makes sense, when two people get together it is either justified or it is completely unjustified and the show will explore the aspects of why it is or isn't, it won't just leave it as a hanging plot threat or do it because the fans want it to be done. The drama is also balanced out by some of the best action sequences ever put on the small screen which gets me into my next point.
#4. Raw hand to hand action scenes.
Every episode of Arrow has one or more action scenes that put huge budget movies to shame, it's not the out of focus shakey cam you get from other tv shows. It's raw, bare bone, fast paced, realistic, and mixed in with practical and special effects that the showrunners and stunt coordinators have down to an art. By the end of every action sequence you will be wishing you had training like Oliver Queen.....And Abs like Oliver Queen...Gotta have the abs...
#3. Abs
I seriously know people who only watch Arrow to see Stephen Amell's rocken body...I don't really know how else to describe them other than with a picture....but when you see his abs they will make you go t"Damn.....I should go strand myself on an island for 5 years"
#2. The Characters
In my opinion every TV show needs a character that you can connect with, a character that you watch and go "That is my guy (or girl)", the character that you relate to, that you can watch the show through there eyes. Arrow has a character for everyone I personally relate to Roy Harper, you might relate to Oliver, Felecity, Diggle or even Slade (but I hope you don't relate to a psychotic mass murder). Everyone has a distinct personallity in the show whether its the voice of reason, the awkward character, the o
bsessive one, the hot headed one, the narrsasitc one, whatever your personality type is Arrow has them.
#1. The Story
The story is a complex mystery with twist and turns that uses an even mix of drama, action, comedy, and abs of course. It starts out simple a billionaire is stranded on an island for 5 years, he returns a weapon who will use the list of names his father left him to take down those who poison his city, but to do it he must wear a hood and create a secret indentiy to protect the ones he loves. Unlike Arrow's predessor 'Smallville' it was very quick to introduce other DC comicbook characters like Deadshot, Huntress, Deathstroke, Amanda Waller and the Flash himself and these characters are not just used once and thrown away. Besides all the amazing characters that Arrow has introduced it has opened some interesting plot threads that are still hanging round just waiting to be expanded upon, like H.I.V.E, the League of Assassins, The Suicide Squad, Malcolm Merlyn, Olivers Son, Ivo are all prime to be expanded upon and will without a doubt be done justice when they are.
In conclusion Arrow has just finished its second season and already has potential to be one of the greatest show ever, to go up along side the greats like Star Trek, Buffy The Vampire Slayer, The X-Files, Supernatural, Battle Star Galactica and many more. The writers have shown that they have some balls and will kill off a character and if they want resurrect that character the next episode, they have a plan for everything they do and if a character comes off as annoying then there is a good chance there is a reason for that. I highly recomend you give Arrow a shot, you cannot miss with this show, it really hits the target, it absolutely hits the Arrow on the head.