The DC/vertigo comic book TV series follows the life of San Francisco-based Christopher Chance (Mark Valley), a unique private contractor, bodyguard and security expert hired to protect his clients. Rather than taking on the target's identity himself (as in the comic book version), he protects his clients by completely integrating himself into their lives, to become a "human target". Chance is accompanied by his business partner Winston (Chi McBride) and hired gun Guerrero (Jackie Earle Haley). Former client Ilsa Pucci (Indira Varma) becomes Chance's benefactor, while experienced thief Ames (Janet Montgomery) joins the team to seek redemption. Chance puts himself on the line to find the truth behind the mission. Even his own business partner Winston doesn't know what drove him towards this life.
Fox's description of the special Christmas episode:
"When a murder attempt is made on a seemingly innocuous family, the team travels to their version of hell during the holiday season: suburbia. Chance and Guerrero go undercover at a boring corporate office, Winston joins a neighborhood book club and Ames chaperones a high-school party as they try to figure out which family member is being targeted and why."
On Fox tonight and stars: Mark Valley as Christopher Chance, Chi McBride as Detective Laverne Winston, Jackie Earle Haley as Guerrero, Indira Varma as Ilsa Pucci and Janet Montgomery as Ames.
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Merry Christmas!