LEGENDS OF TOMORROW Showrunner Confirms SCRUBS Star Zach Braff Was Eyed To Voice Booster Gold's Skeets

LEGENDS OF TOMORROW Showrunner Confirms SCRUBS Star Zach Braff Was Eyed To Voice Booster Gold's Skeets

LEGENDS OF TOMORROW Also Canceled At The CW; Series Ends On Massive Cliffhanger
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LEGENDS OF TOMORROW Also Canceled At The CW; Series Ends On Massive Cliffhanger

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Nightmare - 3/15/2017, 5:47 PM
JonTargaryen94 - 3/15/2017, 5:58 PM
'fellowship of the spear'...

Possible LoTR reference?
Yaf - 3/15/2017, 6:06 PM
@JonTargaryen94 - Could be, John Tolkien was a WW1 soldier.
JonTargaryen94 - 3/15/2017, 6:32 PM
@Yaf - WOW, I did not know that!!
JonTargaryen94 - 3/15/2017, 6:01 PM

Maisie Richardson Sellers is one of the most beautiful women, I have ever laid eyes upon!!

BawbScharf - 3/15/2017, 6:05 PM
@JonTargaryen94 - I was thinking that while watching last night's episode. And seeing that she stands out ON A CW where everyone (...except maybe Victor Garber) has to look ungodly gorgeous, that is saying a damn lot.
JonTargaryen94 - 3/15/2017, 6:32 PM
@BawbScharf - That opening scene in 1965... she gets better looking each episode!
ConnorHawkeye - 3/15/2017, 6:02 PM
Arrow is really good tonight
storyteller - 3/15/2017, 6:06 PM
Seriously CW, Firestorm doesn't need to be lit. We can accept that his head aint on fire all the time. Or give him some headgear.
NinnesMBC - 3/15/2017, 6:09 PM
Last night's episode was pretty good. I've noticed that Ray has had some pretty cool moments in this 2nd half and walking on the moon was one of them. And his frenemy alliance with Eobard was interesting to see.

So was a punch to the gut when Nate saw his grandfather sacrifice himself.

Captain Cold's return will attract a lot of attention next week.
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