As the Marvel Cinematic Universe's Scarlet Witch, Elizabeth Olsen has become a beloved figure among comic book fans (she's also earned the title of "mother" among her biggest devotees...don't ask!).
This version of the character debuted in 2015's Avengers: Age of Ultron thanks to a complicated rights loophole which saw Marvel Studios also allowed to use the mutant Wanda Maximoff and her brother Pietro/Quicksilver due to their history with the team. In the years that have followed, Olsen has become a key part of this shared world.
That was evident from the Scarlet Witch's role in movies like Captain America: Civil War and Avengers: Infinity War; later, she took centre stage in WandaVision and Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. Controversially, the latter left the hero's fate very much up in the air and Wanda hasn't been seen since.
2024 marks a big year for Olsen outside the MCU as she's got His Three Daughters and The Assessment on the way. That's likely why the actor has taken centre stage in this month's Harper's Bazaar Taiwan and, courtesy of photographer Yu Tsai, we have a first look at the stunning photos inside the issue.
Shared on his Instagram @yutsai88 account to more than 500,000 followers, we see Olsen looking as radiant as ever as she no doubt prepares herself for another MCU return. Avengers: Doomsday, Avengers: Secret Wars, and Vision are just three upcoming projects we anticipate seeing Wanda in. Then, there's the rumoured Scarlet Witch movie, of course.
We'd imagine Olsen has been asked about her future as the character on this recent press tour and now await an update from her. The last came in September 2023 when the MCU vet said:
"Specifically in the last four years, my output has been Marvel. I don’t’s not that I don’t want to be associated as just this character. But I really feel like I need to be building other parts back up for balance. I so much want to do films right now. And I hope some of them come together in the way I feel like they can. But yeah, that’s something that I need. I just need other characters in my life. There’s no longevity in one character."
"I think it’s been almost 10 years of playing her. And I’ve loved it. And I think the reason why I am not calling Kevin Feige every day with ideas is because I’m really proud of what we were able to do. I think 'WandaVision' was a really surprising opportunity. If someone were to tell me that I’m fired from Marvel movies, I will feel proud of what we made. And I really am just trying to figure out how to load up other films and characters so it becomes less about the Marvel of it all."
We'd love to share the images here (especially as they've been posted on social media) but, unfortunately, copyright trolls are a major issue and we don't want to do anything to risk this site's future.
However, don't worry, as you can view them by heading to Tsai's Instagram account with a single click HERE...they're worth it!