With just hours to go before What If...? arrives on Disney+, Marvel Studios' first animated series has been officially Certified Fresh on Rotten Tomatoes. With a total of 33 critics weighing in on those first three episodes, the show is sitting pretty with a solid 88% score (meaning we won't have to ask "What If...this was Marvel's first show to receive a dreaded 'Rotten' rating?").
"What If...? may not add much to the larger MCU narrative," reads the Critics Consensus, "but surprising takes on beloved characters and some of the best action sequences in the entire franchise make for engaging viewing."
In our review, we concluded by saying, "An instant animated classic, What If...? delivers world after world of endless possibilities you need to explore, and if what we see from these first three chapters is any indication, Marvel Studios has delivered a mind-bending MCU masterpiece."
More critics will obviously weigh in over the coming weeks, but this is a good start for the nine-episode series. After their respective seasons concluded, WandaVision has a 91% score, The Falcon and The Winter Soldier has 90%, and Loki is the highest-rated at 92%. It will be a couple of months before we learn whether What If...? joins those three live-action shows in the 90s!
The premiere will follow Captain Carter, and we'll have much more on the episode for you tomorrow.