Babylon Berlin is a period crime drama set in 1929 Berlin, Germany exploring the story of Vice Detective, Gereon Rath. It follows Rath through his escapades in pre-WWII Berlin where he is initially set to task to break up a Russian pornography ring, according to The Hollywood Reporter.
Netflix picked up the series last year, announcing their intent to bring it to the US in the near future. The day has finally arrived, and viewers can expect an exciting crime noir story set amidst a beautifully recreated 1929 Berlin that not only tells the story of the city's underworld at that time, but also the changing social and political themes within the country as they unfold.
If a new tv series isn't enough (it isn't), Titan Comics is releasing a graphic novel adapted from Babylon Berlin as well, authored and illustrated by Arne Jysch set for release this February. Mr. Jysch was kind enough to answer some questions for us regarding the upcoming release of his graphic novel, so keep your eyes open for that interview coming soon.
It has got to be a great time for fans of Volker Kutscher and lovers of noir fiction in general. Will you be streaming Babylon Berlin on Netflix tomorrow? Let us know in the comments!