How Long Will STRANGER THINGS Last? The Duffer Brothers Weigh In
Netflix struck gold with the sci-fi horror series Stranger Things so logically, they'd want the show to continue on until audiences get tired of it, right? Or is there already a planned ending?
It's probably safe to say that not even The Duffer brothers (Matt and Ross), expected the runaway success and pop culture obsession with their sci-fi Netflix drama, Stranger Things. With season 2 set to drop on October 27, many fans are wondering just how long the series will last?
With Netflix cutting a bevy of shows and looking to tighten its fiscal budget after reports of a $20 billion dollar deficit led to a slight dip in its stock price, it would probably be in the company's best interest to keep the show going as long as it remains this popular. However, that's not what Matt and Ross currently have planned. In fact, they know exactly when they want the show to end.
"We’re thinking it will be a four-season thing and then out," said Ross to as his brother added, "We just have to keep adjusting the story. Though I don’t know if we can justify something bad happening to them once a year." Ross continued, "They’re going to have to get the f*%k out of this town!"
Whether they feel the same two years from now as a potential fourth season looks to air on Netflix remains to be seen. Especially with the rising frequency of popular shows having their final run of episodes split and spread across an additional season.