THE BOOK OF BOBA FETT Official Concept Art For "Stranger In A Strange Land" Released

THE BOOK OF BOBA FETT Official Concept Art For "Stranger In A Strange Land" Released THE BOOK OF BOBA FETT Official Concept Art For "Stranger In A Strange Land" Released

Following the season premiere of The Book of Boba Fett on Disney+ last week, Lucasfilm has officially released some of the concept art spotlighted during the end credits of "Stranger in a Strange Land."

By MarkCassidy - Jan 02, 2022 12:01 PM EST
Filed Under: Book of Boba Fett

Chapter 1 of The Book of Boba Fett is now streaming on Disney+, and just like they did with The Mandalorian, Lucasfilm has officially released some of the concept art that was highlighted during the end credits of the episode.

Christian Alzmann's artwork for "Stranger in a Strange Land" spotlights the legendary bounty hunter (Temuera Morrison) as he prepares to don his iconic Mandalorian armor, that incredible parkour-style chase across the rooftops, Fett and Fennec Shand (Ming-Na Wen) surrounded by their shield-wielding assailants, and finally, Fett being dragged through the deserts of Tatooine by his Bantha-riding Tusken Raider captors.

The first episode was split between post-Return of the Jedi flashbacks and Fett adapting to his life as Tatooine's new crime lord, and received something of a mixed response from those hoping to get a better idea of what to expect from this new live-action Star Wars series.Some set-up was inevitable, though, and this Friday's installment is sure to give us a bit more to go on.

What did you guys think of Chapter 1 of The Book of Boba Fett? Let us know in the usual place.

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GhostDog - 1/2/2022, 12:25 PM
Really hope this gets better. First episode was rough.
thelastson18 - 1/2/2022, 12:29 PM
@BlackBeltJones - I agree. With these Disney plus shows, it seems the first couple are all set up with no real meat until episode 3 or 4. This premiere was pretty forgettable though. Screamed Boba Fett fan fiction more than anything.
GhostDog - 1/2/2022, 4:10 PM
@thelastson18 - hugely forgettable and it felt very cheap surprisingly. A lot of the acting was so stiff too.
dracula - 1/2/2022, 12:30 PM
need to watch but heard episode 1's reaction was pretty mixed
dracula - 1/2/2022, 12:31 PM
Right now rewatching Star Wars Rebels good time
ModHaterSLADE - 1/2/2022, 12:41 PM
I like the dynamic between Fennec and Fett,but outside of that the premiere was pretty meh imo.
regularmovieguy - 1/2/2022, 12:42 PM
Haven’t watched Boba Fett yet 🤷🏼‍♂️
MarvelousMarty - 1/2/2022, 12:56 PM
I mostly liked it. Thought the parlour was boring and out of place, never been a fan of Agent May as she's Agent May in everything she does and the Clash of the Titans monster didn't work. Liked a lot but wanted to be blown away like I was with The Mandalorian.
HeavyMetal4Life - 1/2/2022, 1:18 PM
People are hard to please on here. It was a good first episode. Was it great? No. But it was good.
WackyBantha - 1/2/2022, 6:31 PM
I wonder how long he was in the Sarlaac? When he escapes, is Death Star II still in existence? Or was it destroyed while he was being digested?
DeadClunge - 1/2/2022, 6:54 PM
I enjoyed the episode 🤷🏿‍♂️
dragon316 - 1/2/2022, 6:56 PM
I have yet to see it I will someday
AntiDragon613 - 1/3/2022, 10:09 AM
@dragon316 - thank you for your meaningful and insightful contribution to this conversation. It is truly an honour to watch your mind at work.
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