OBI-WAN KENOBI Stars Ewan McGregor And Hayden Christensen Defend "Phenomenal" REVENGE OF THE SITH

OBI-WAN KENOBI Stars Ewan McGregor And Hayden Christensen Defend "Phenomenal" REVENGE OF THE SITH OBI-WAN KENOBI Stars Ewan McGregor And Hayden Christensen Defend "Phenomenal" REVENGE OF THE SITH

Obi-Wan Kenobi is fast approaching, and stars Ewan McGregor and Hayden Christensen have now spoken out in defence of 2005's Revenge of the Sith while discussing the challenges of making the prequels...

By JoshWilding - May 13, 2022 05:05 AM EST
Filed Under: Obi-Wan Kenobi

Ewan McGregor and Hayden Christensen are currently doing the rounds to promote the upcoming debut of Obi-Wan Kenobi, and both actors shared their love for Revenge of the Sith during an interview in Berlin. McGregor talked more about the 2005 movie than his co-star, acknowledging that while critics didn't like it, he's pleased to see how it's been embraced by those who were kids at the time.

"What we didn’t hear at the time was people your age, your generation. We meet those people now that really love our films, but it’s taken us fifteen years for us to hear that. But it’s so nice, it’s really nice. It changed my outlook, my relationship with Star Wars it’s different because of that."

"We put our heart and soul into them, and they were difficult to make," he continued. "There was so much green screen and blue screen, because George was pushing into this new realm that he had designed. He was responsible for ILM and he wanted to max out that technology, but that meant for us that we were very much on green screens and blue screens, and it was hard work.  And to do that, and be passionate about it, and for the films to be not well received, it was really tough."

After McGregor went on to say that he thinks Episode III "is a really good movie," Christensen chimed in and said, "It’s a phenomenal film. Non-stop action."

When one of the attendees made a joke about Kenobi having the high ground (a reference to that climactic moment in Obi-Wan and Anakin Skywalker's lightsaber battle), McGregor responded with a laugh, "If I had a dollar for every time someone has said 'I have the high ground' to me..."

Take a look at their comments in full below and stay tuned for more on Obi-Wan Kenobi before its May 27 premiere. We'll be at the global press conference next week, so should have lots to share!

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bobevanz - 5/13/2022, 6:12 AM
ROTS gets so much unnecessary hate. Episode one is miles better than two, yet people always shit on it. Say what you want about one, but two is almost unwatchable until the third act (save for Jango). My ranking is 5,3,4,1,6,2. Sequel trilogy isn't Canon lmao
SpaceParanoids - 5/13/2022, 6:50 AM
@bobevanz - I have a different ranking

Return of the Jedi
Phantom Menace
ElricReturns - 5/13/2022, 7:13 AM
@bobevanz - I find The Phantom Menace to be the worst and borderline unwatchable. Jar Jar is at his worst (not the actors fault), Anakin is a chore to watch (not the kids fault), Obi-Wan has basically no personality at this point (not Ewans fault), Padme is a boring character (idk who's fault), the entire getting parts and pod racing section is a bore, and the film is only saved by a phenomenal score, the Natural charm of Neeson and Darth Maul and his dual saber and flippy flips.

I'm not sure why Attack of the Clones gets hated on, to me it finally got the ball rolling on Anakins downfall (even if Hayden was kinda whiney he was still miles better than the kid), it introduced Kamino and Jango Fett and the clones which was honestly the most interesting original idea in all of the prequels, it benched Jar Jar, had Obi-Wan take on a mentor role and develop a personality, I liked the chase through the neon gritty planet in the beginning, I liked the Kamino stuff and Obi-Wans mission, I liked the 3rd act, and I [frick]ing lost my shit the first time seeing Yoda unleash his full power against Dooku. I found Episode 2 really enjoyable.

Episode 3 is obviously the best of the trilogy.
boiling - 5/15/2022, 12:24 PM
@SpaceParanoids - exactly my ranking 👐
SpaceParanoids - 5/15/2022, 12:56 PM
@boiling - Great minds think alike
TheManWithoutFear - 5/13/2022, 6:18 AM
I always liked ep3. The best of the prequels by a long way
MotherGooseUPus - 5/13/2022, 8:17 AM
@TheManWithoutFear - Completely agreed. As i get older i can appreciate more what that movie did to setup the originals
SpaceParanoids - 5/13/2022, 6:47 AM
ROTS was not well received because it had a LOT of problems between tone, Anakin becoming a homocidal maniac, the overall
Story, the unconvincing sudden switch to Vader, etc.

I’m sure most people go into movies to work hard and with their best intentions but it doesn’t always work out.

GhostDog - 5/13/2022, 6:56 AM
Loved it then and love it now
Twenty23Three - 5/13/2022, 7:21 AM
Was always good.
IronMan616 - 5/13/2022, 7:40 AM
Revenge of the Sith has always been great.
bkmeijer1 - 5/13/2022, 8:02 AM
The overreliance on CGI is one of the reasons the prequels are not that great (the other being the dialogue), but I still like them very much.

I might be biased in liking them more than most though, because the prequels are the Star Wars movies I grew up with and as a kid thought the originals looked ''old''. Over time I've come to appreciate them just as much though (and right now would even call VI my favorite after III).
Fares - 5/13/2022, 8:29 AM
kg8817 - 5/13/2022, 8:29 AM
As a long time Star Wars fan who was 12 when Phantom Menace came out, even then I had problems with it. Same with Attack of the Clones, where I was more excited about Spider-Man then, which came out 3 weeks before AOTC.

Revenge of the Sith though? NEVER had a problem with. Thought it was fantastic. The only cringe parts are Anakin’s dialogue to Padme (no it’s because I’m so in love with you), Palpatine’s ridiculous faces as he’s fighting Mace and the other Jedi, and how Padme’s death was handled (literally George only needed to put in a scene of Palpatine with his head back concentrating and smiling as she died in agony interspersed with Vader being in surgery and in agony)

Everything else though is honestly fantastic. Anakin’s turn is done well and I’ll defend it endlessly (it doesn’t need to be defended to anyone who has lost a parent).

It’s also miles better than the sequel trilogy.
MrDandy - 5/13/2022, 9:32 AM
Revenge of the Sith suffers a lot of problems as the rest of the prequels but it has been helped immensely by the release of The Clone Wars. I don’t think it is “phenomenal” but it’s a pretty solid movie that is fast paced, has lots of dramatic moments, and ties up the era nicely.
THEDARKKNIGHT1939 - 5/13/2022, 10:31 AM
The first movie I saw twice in theaters. It felt like it was the only prequel story George really wanted to tell and the previous two were just filler. It holds its own alongside the OT.
UXASIS - 5/13/2022, 5:17 PM
The only SW movie I really enjoyed was Rogue One and Revenge of the Sith.

Not that I didn't like the Empire, I just hadn't seen it for awhile, so I don't remember it, besides the father twist.
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