THE ACOLYTE Showrunner Addresses "Lesbian Witches" Claims And Clarifies "Gayest STAR WARS" Comments

THE ACOLYTE Showrunner Addresses "Lesbian Witches" Claims And Clarifies "Gayest STAR WARS" Comments THE ACOLYTE Showrunner Addresses "Lesbian Witches" Claims And Clarifies "Gayest STAR WARS" Comments

In the midst of continued fan backlash, The Acolyte showrunner Leslye Headland has addressed her and Amandla Stenberg's controversial comments and whether those really were lesbian witches. Check it out!

By JoshWilding - Jun 21, 2024 02:06 PM EST
Filed Under: Star Wars
Source: THR (via

Leslye Headland first started working on The Acolyte in 2019 and, with the first four episodes of the series now on Disney+...well, it probably hasn't gone as the showrunner hoped.

While taking charge of her own Star Wars project remains a dream come true for Headland, unhappy fans have turned it into a nightmare with a large influx of negative reviews (which some have argued could be a sign of review-bombing). Then, there are the nitpicks about minor creative decisions which are being turned into very big deals. 

Despite that, critic reviews and viewership numbers suggest The Acolyte is a success. 

Its supposed LGBTQ+ themes have been an issue for some, as has the fact Headland is gay. The show's lead, Amandla Stenberg, is nonbinary and gay, while Yord Fandar actor Charlie Barnett is also gay. Finally, Rebecca Henderson, who plays Jedi Master Vernestra Rwoh, is married to Headland. 

Shortly before The Acolyte launched, comments from Headland and Stenberg about this being the "gayest" Star Wars quickly went viral and drew criticisms from some. 

Talking to The Hollywood Reporter (via, Headland said, "I was surprised by the question. Amandla and I just burst out laughing because that’s our knee-jerk reaction to being asked that, but to be honest, I don’t know what the term 'gay' means in that sense. I don’t believe that I’ve created queer, with a capital Q, content."

"Honestly, I feel sad that people would think that if something were gay, that that would be bad," Headland added while addressing the backlash. "It makes me feel sad that a bunch of people on the internet would somehow dismantle what I consider to be the most important piece of art that I’ve ever made."

Another big talking point was the introduction of Mother Aniseya (Jodie Turner-Smith) and Mother Koril (Margarita Levieva) in The Acolyte's third episode, the leaders of a coven who have been dubbed "lesbian witches." That's not an assessment Headland necessarily agrees with. 

"They’re in a matriarchal society. As a gay woman, I knew it would read that their sexuality is queer, but there also aren’t any men in their community," she explained. "So a closeness between the two of them would be natural. It seemed plot-driven. I would say it’s really reductive to call them lesbians. I think it means you’re not really paying attention to this story." 

"I’m proud of being a gay woman who’s accomplished this feat, and certainly, if my content is called queer, I don’t want to disown whatever queerness is in the show," Headland noted, making it clear she doesn't want to diminish how those who do feel represented view those scenes. "I would be proud to create something that inspired queer people."

The first four episodes of The Acolyte are now streaming on Disney+.

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Batmangina - 6/21/2024, 2:42 PM
Gay Star Wars is AWESOME
HappyMan1 - 6/21/2024, 3:28 PM
@Batmangina - Star Wars is for KIDS!!!! This isn't Rebel Moon. This isn't Game of Thrones.

Star Wars is for kids.

Leave homosexuality and anything to do with alternative ways of having sex out of kids media. Simple! What's not to understand about that? I don't know what's the obsession with you American perverts trying to indoctrinate kids into your lifestyle.

And then you try to psyop everyone pretending it's all for a virtuous cause when in reality you're just a bunch of perverted freaks
clintthahamster - 6/21/2024, 3:49 PM
@HappyMan1 - But kids watching hetero couples make out is A-OK?
clintthahamster - 6/21/2024, 3:50 PM
@natebest @twobyfour - Is threatening to beat gay people to death a strike?
NateBest - 6/21/2024, 3:54 PM
@clintthahamster - Yeah, I just saw that... The only saving grace is that it's somewhat vague and not directed at a specific user. I think it's also directed at *anyone* that pushes sex onto children (not just gay people).

That being said, you can consider that a warning @HappyMan1. The next one will be a strike, or account removed, for inciting violence (regardless of who agrees or disagrees with you).
SuperiorHeckler - 6/21/2024, 4:03 PM
@Batmangina - I keep saying; No white guys and Girl-Boss Lesbian Witches is what STAR WARS was always meant to be! 🤓👍🏻
Batmangina - 6/21/2024, 4:24 PM
@SuperiorHeckler - <-- THIS GUY GETS IT
MG0019 - 6/21/2024, 4:25 PM
@clintthahamster - There was never anyone “making out” in Star Wars. Heck, Padme & Anakin was the “hottest” things got, and even that was milktoast.

Because it’s a kid’s story.

There’s nothing wrong with being gay, or any kind of sexuality. But as OP said, why does every American feel the need to tell everyone how they achieve orgasm? Or how they jizz informs their entire dang personality? It’s not that important; and people don’t care. They’re just tired of all the virtue signaling and not genuine people.

Acolyte doesn’t appeal to me at all; so I don’t watch it. Simple as that. I don’t “review bomb” or hate gays or hate Star Wars, or hate anyone. I think the people making the show wanted exactly this narrative, and I’m tired of it.
Odekahn - 6/21/2024, 4:44 PM
@clintthahamster - No, it’s not. I don’t think either has a place in content for kids.
HappyMan1 - 6/21/2024, 4:50 PM
@NateBest - My statement was never directed at Batmangina, as I'm sure his original comment was made in jest. I mean, his name is "Batmangina", for God sakes. No, I wasn't talking to him.

The comment I made was directed at ANYONE who intentionally puts kids in sexual situations. Doesn't matter where they come from or what their ideology is. Leave the children alone.
NateBest - 6/21/2024, 4:58 PM
@HappyMan1 - That's how I read it. The "beaten to death" is where there's an issue. If you had responded as you did here "leave the kids alone", I wouldn't have blinked an eye.

I think sharing a warning so that you were aware you were getting close to crossing the line, rather than disabling your account, was appropriate. Just a reminder to not get carried away.
BassMan - 6/21/2024, 4:59 PM
@HappyMan1 - wow what a terrible perspective to have. I pity you. And indoctrinating children? I hope you don’t take children to church then lol.
HappyMan1 - 6/21/2024, 5:10 PM
@BassMan - You're equating teaching children foundational values that have quite literally built our functional society with indoctrinating them solely into a mindset focused on sexual pleasure?

Are you okay in the head?
HappyMan1 - 6/21/2024, 5:10 PM
@NateBest - You make a fair point.

Duly noted
Slotherin - 6/21/2024, 5:30 PM
@HappyMan1 - queer people are just a bunch of perverted freaks?

Hmm... Okay then...

You realize queerness isn't all just sex, right?
Slotherin - 6/21/2024, 5:31 PM
@HappyMan1 - depicting queer relations or characters isn't putting kids in sexual situations...

That's borderline equating LGBTQ with pedophilia and that sh#t is so old and tiring.
BassMan - 6/21/2024, 5:34 PM
@HappyMan1 - guess you’re voluntarily forgetting about the global scandal involving the church. And taking children to any religious institution at an age where they can’t truly understand what they are experiencing is, very much so, indoctrination. Sexual orientation is very much something you are born with. And let me tell you, any kind of sex is usually pleasure based unless you are a brainwashed prude. Enjoy the haterade
Itwasme - 6/21/2024, 5:36 PM
@HappyMan1 - "foundational values" - says the guy who just talked about beating people to death.

Couldn't make this up.
Origame - 6/21/2024, 6:03 PM
@Slotherin - you do realize pride parades actively encourage kids to come when they come out wearing drag and fetish gear, right?

And "it's not just about sex" well it's still about sex. In fact, it's mostly about sex and that's the most important part. So maybe we shouldn't be teaching this to children with no context of what sex is. You're gonna get kids thinking they're gay because they find girls gross and just wanna hang out with their best buddy.
McMurdo - 6/21/2024, 6:36 PM
@BassMan - not always. My first cousin liked boys until she was 23. Now she likes women. Only women. She doesn't get aroused by the thought of men. She wasn't abused or anything thankfully, but her sexual orientation changed with time. But thats not to say that many people obviously like one sex from puberty onwards without any change. It's just not a set in stone thing is my point.
Vigor - 6/21/2024, 6:56 PM
@HappyMan1 - and you've been indoctrinated by the right
BassMan - 6/21/2024, 7:27 PM
@McMurdo - Totally agree, people change, grow, and understand things differently as they get older. I’m not saying it’s impossible to open up to new sexual orientations, but it’s also possible that in an environment where you never thought to ever think like that you discover something about yourself that you never knew was there. When I was in high school, you’d be made fun of or ostracized if you gave a hint of it being gay. More so for males, but not explicitly. Seeing younger people embrace what they feel now I think is a sign of open mindedness from the society that surrounds them. Pushing anything on a developing mind isn’t right, regarding how they feel and what they like. Obviously not truly bad behavior(abuse, manipulation, animal cruelty etc), but personal things such as sexual orientation should be discovered by the individual.
clintthahamster - 6/21/2024, 7:42 PM
@NateBest - I suppose I would consider calling LGBTQ+ folks and allies "a bunch of perverted freaks . . . trying to indoctrinate kids into [their] lifestyle" a violation of the community guidelines against Harassment, Bullying, and Hate speech. But what do I know. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
clintthahamster - 6/21/2024, 7:55 PM
@MG0019 - The two "lesbians" in The Acolyte didn't even kiss. Their brief moment of interpersonal intimacy (a person touching another's face while reassuring them) was no more graphic than the classic "I love you," "I know" exchange in Empire.
clintthahamster - 6/21/2024, 7:57 PM
@Odekahn - It's very fortunate then that no one–literally no one–has made out, or even kissed, anyone else in this show. Luke's kiss with Leah in Empire was steamier than anything in The Acolyte so far.
Rastarapha - 6/21/2024, 8:43 PM
@HappyMan1 - stfu
HappyMan1 - 6/21/2024, 9:23 PM
@Itwasme - 1. hey, not a christian. never said i was.

However, I'd be disingenuous not to acknowledge Christianity's impact on society's moral framework. But here's a question for you: Do you honestly believe our moral virtues were built on the foundation of atheism? If're wrong.

2. Many of you people opposing my comment are deliberately taking me out of context (like I knew you would). You're trying to frame this as an LGBTQ issue when I never mentioned them ONCE.

And I anticipated you would do that…because, of course, you're all just a bunch of phonies. This is precisely what I meant when I said you try to psyop people by virtue signaling. Here, your virtual signaling for the LGBTQ community. But here's another question: What does being LGBTQ have to do with the inclusion of children into kinks, fetishes, and sexual relationships?

You've illustrated my point perfectly that you're just a bunch of rotten perverts hiding behind the LGBTQ community engaging in false compassion when in reality your true motive is to indoctrinate children into adopting your sexual lifestyle. You are scum.

And I would really like to say a little something more to people like you, but I would surely get banned
HappyMan1 - 6/21/2024, 9:25 PM
@Rastarapha - make me, Braveheart
HappyMan1 - 6/21/2024, 9:35 PM
@Vigor - Brother, i am neither RIGHT nor LEFT. See, that's what's wrong with you people. You're playing "teams".


But if something is right, it's right. I don't care who's the one saying it.

Man, you Americans cannot just get over your tribalistic political allegiances. It's not politics for me.

Jeez...politics, politics, politics. I don't give a fk. LEAVE CHILDREN ALONE! WHAT'S COMPLICATED IN THAT?! You people have issues
HappyMan1 - 6/21/2024, 9:49 PM
@clintthahamster - You only say that because you personally don't like my opinion.

"Oh, no! Another human being with autonomy and their own beliefs about preserving childhood innocence said something I don't like, ban them for bullying and hate speech!"

Hey...SHUT UP! clown
clintthahamster - 6/21/2024, 10:21 PM
@HappyMan1 - I have LGBTQ friends and family whose safety is put at risk by rhetoric like that. I'm also not wild about the implication that i don't care about child safety. But hey, you're clearly welcome to share such abhorrent thoughts here on this website.
Vigor - 6/21/2024, 10:35 PM
@HappyMan1 - you're so obsessed with children. Should we put you on a list ? 🤨
HappyMan1 - 6/21/2024, 10:36 PM
@Vigor - Your assertion that my views are "abhorrent" simply because you adopt a flimsy moral high ground based on emotionality doesn't make you right.

Basically, simply relying on emotional appeals to justify your beliefs doesn't validate their correctness.
clintthahamster - 6/21/2024, 10:37 PM
@HappyMan1 - "simply relying on emotional appeals to justify your beliefs doesn't validate their correctness."

Facts do, tho.
HappyMan1 - 6/21/2024, 10:47 PM
@clintthahamster - i was talking to YOU
HappyMan1 - 6/21/2024, 10:48 PM
@Vigor - I regret calling you "brother". That was my way of being friendly while also disagreeing with you.

Now I see that you're a fkn weirdo. And undeserving of respect., people like you really feel embolden over this internet shit, huh?

User Comment Image
Patient2670 - 6/21/2024, 10:53 PM
@HappyMan1 - It's interesting thwy you use the word autonomy in reference to yourself, while proselytizing on what's wrong with the opinions of others.
HappyMan1 - 6/21/2024, 11:09 PM
@Patient2670 - When it comes to safeguarding children from sexual influences, there's little room for debate. And if you think there is, you're objectively deranged. Some things in this world are indeed debatable. This, however, is not.

But also, that wasn't even the original argument. The commenter was trying to get me canceled (BANNED) for having an opinion on safeguarding kids by pretending it's an LGBTQ argument.

But see how I'm not trying to ban anyone? Even though I harshly disagree with a few of the people here, I'm not calling for them to be banned from this site. You people are weak minded. And possessing autonomy doesn't mean your perverted views of the world has to be respected.

Patient2670 - 6/21/2024, 11:22 PM
@HappyMan1 - I never said anything about getting someone banned. I'm all for safeguarding children. I'm a father, myself. What I won't do is lock my kids in a box to keep them from discovering that there are people of all kinds on this planet, and they're absolutely allowed to have their own identities and beliefs. What literally everybody on this thread seems to be getting on you about, is the idea that you seem to misguidedly feel that anybody or anything relating to the LGBTQ community is intentionally designed to come for your children. That and apparently the fact that you apparently said something about beating someone to death. And I don't need you to agree with my views of the world. Your opinion holds absolutely zero sway over them. And you do have to respect the fact that I'm entitled to them.
Itwasme - 6/21/2024, 11:26 PM
@HappyMan1 - you're a hoot.
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